
Fallacious Arguments In the Declaration of Independence Essay

Decent Essays

Fallacious Arguments in the Declaration of Independence      The Declaration of Independence is among the most profoundly interpreted and fiercely discussed documents in modern history. Most likely because of its rhetorical style and numerous fallacious arguments that are found. The colonists’ use of persuasion to influence by using repetition to achieve their means. The Declaration of Independence is what 56 colonists saw as a logical course of action. What you must ask yourself is: What was considered logical in 1776?      The rhetorical style uses persuasive ideals in the use of language. For example, in the first sentence of the second paragraph, the parallel structure and …show more content…

     The primarily fallacious argument is that of general rule, assuming that something is true in general in every possible case. for example, the first sentence in the second paragraph that evokes a partial truth that all men are created equal. When in fact the writers mean that only white land owners were considered equal because they didn’t consider black men to be humans much less women to equal as well. So saying “We hold these truths...” is ironic because it is in fact not true in their minds that all men are created equal.      The second fallacious argument, as the Ad Hominem. Which is that of attacking of the person instead of the his argument. This is because the list of grievances in the second part of the document. The redundancy of “He has--” with only judgment from the colonist point of view because of course they are not aware of the the Kings point of view because they are not the King. Therefore, the Ad Hominem is the correct argument in this case due to the attack towards King, not his argument.       The affects of the the arguments have both negative and positive outcomes depending on how you perceive them. There is the response of freedom to a “free” nation, and that is what we as Americans celebrate every Forth of July, or there is the ironic way that all Americans are now seen as equal to any other person. Either way you look at

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