In the Shakespearean tragedy Othello, the eventual downfall of the main protagonist is from his lack of wisdom and flawed knowledge. However, although being vitally important to the play, these two factors were not driving reason towards his eventual death; they were just catalysts to a separate set of components perpetuated by the antagonist. Through other characters who seem just as easily manipulated due to their ignorance (up until the very end), Iago used every facet of their weaknesses to achieve his goals of revenge and monetary gain. Thus, as a result, with Othello's wisdom lied primarily on the battlefield rather in Venetian and social customs, this bred an open door for Iago to nefariously take advantage of by injecting false knowledge …show more content…
Iago plants his seeds of doubt to Othello and other characters with reason across the stage, and tends to their growth by taking advantage of the situations presented. He meticulously sowed the seeds of doubt into Othello’s mind and narrowly reaped the full crop at the end of the play. Armed with a zealous attitude to further his plans, he perpetuated false knowledge, such as in Act IV where Iago informs the audience of his actual intentions after telling Othello to hide – in reality he jokes with Cassio about the prostitute Bianca, causing Cassio to laugh as he tells the story of Bianca’s pursuit of him. He hopes that Othello will be driven mad, thinking that Cassio is joking with Iago about Desdemona. In reality, he has sown his seeds of false knowledge into the midst of the lies. Othello has trouble linking his wife’s delicacy, class, beauty, and allure with her accused adulterous actions, and for a very good reason. This, in a …show more content…
What says this? In the early beginning of the play, he reveals to the audience what Iago would take as his greatest weakness. "From year to year, the battles, sieges, fortunes, that I have passed. I ran it through, even from my boyish days, to th' very moment that he bade me tell it, wherein I spoke of most disastrous chances, of moving accidents by flood and field, of hair-breadth ’scapes i' th' imminent deadly breach, of being taken by the insolent foe and sold to slavery, of my redemption thence and portance in my traveler’s history." (Oth. I.iii.132-143) he says: "....about my life and all the battles I’ve fought. I told him everything, from my boyhood up until the time when I was talking to him. I told him about unfortunate disasters, hair-raising adventures on sea and on land, and near-catastrophes and dangerous adventures I’ve been through. I told him how I was captured and sold as a slave, how I bought my freedom, and how I wandered through caves and deserts...." He's essentially been scarred and traumatized by these various events, pointing to how is worldview might have been changed and hints of an underlying hidden mental instability. Much like how in the modern world people with troubled and violent pasts often get diagnosed with PTSD, perhaps Othello was possibly mentally unstable enough for
Othello’s love for Desdemona was so deep he could not bear the thought of another being with her; “If she be false, O! Then heaven mocks itself. I’ll not believe’t.” Iago uses the characters of Cassio and the obsessive Roderigo as his weapons in his cunning plan. Iago drives the idea into Othello’s mind that Desdemona has been unfaithful, inciting him into a state of jealousy. “Excellent wretch! Perdition catch my soul, but I do love thee; and when I love thee not, chaos is come again.” Othello growing insecurities about his wife’s faithfulness only adds to his psychological suffering which in turn acts as a catalyst towards the suffering of other characters involved in the play.Iago tells these lies with the intention of driving Othello insane as well as establish his dominance and influence the situations of those characters close to Othello. Evidence of this comes in one of Iago’s soliloquies from act two, scene one; “That Cassio loves her, I do well Believe’t: That she loves him, ‘tis apt and of great credit.” This section shows that he is trying to convince himself that his own manipulative lies are true and is trying to reassure his motives by justifying his own actions. By convincing Othello
Iago is one of the most misunderstood villains in Shakespeare literature. We side with Othello from the start because his name is on the cover of our paperback, we read Othello when learning about heroes, so we expect Iago to be a villain, a ruthless manipulator. We don’t know why, he doesn’t state it plainly or in simple English, so we assume that he’s evil, that he’s just a disgruntled sociopath out to exact his exaggerated revenge on good and noble Othello. Iago’s misunderstood reputation is a result of not truly examining his character, and answering the “why” factor behind his actions. After all, everyone is innocent until proven guilty. His goal in the play was not just to destroy Othello for the fun of it. His objective,
He fears the exposure of his actual character and wants to execute his plan by keeping other individuals believing that he is an honest and a trustworthy man. Firstly, Iago undermines Emilia not to say another word in regards to the handkerchief that he utilizes as a major aspect of the arrangement to devastate Othello. He advises Emilia to “Be wise and get you home.” (Act 5.2.221). Emilia disagrees with what Iago says and soon after, Iago draws his sword. This shows Iago really thinks about his personality and notoriety, his trepidation of presentation is fierce to the point that it drives him to execute his own particular wife. Also, there is not a single line written in the play, which uncovers Iago presenting his reality to someone else. In spite of the fact that everybody makes sense of Iago's two-sided personality towards the end of the play, despite everything he doesn't have the quality to uncover his actual two- sided character or translate why he has done such offensive deeds. When Othello demands Iago for a reasoning behind his actions, he responds back saying, “Demand me nothing; what you know, you know. / From this time forth I never will speak word” (Act 5.2.300-301). Iago's instability of character is powerful to the point that is prohibits him to talk up and give a sensible reaction to Othello regarding why he has done such malevolence activities. Identity, as well as reputation, is what a man is acknowledged for, a wide range of wrong decisions will destroy this part of Iago
Othello trusts Iago and now Iago is trying to take his wife from him for someone else. Furthermore, “He takes her by the palm...sir in.” (pg. 71). Iago watches Cassio and Emilia because he thinks they had an affair he watches them carefully so he can figure out how to convince Othello that Desdemona and Cassio are having an affair. Another example involves the plan to help Othello kill Desdemona. “Do it not with poison. Strangle her in her bed, even the bed she hath contaminated” (pg. 185). Othello believes that Iago is most honest, thus he believed killing his wife Desdemona was the right thing to do. Iago brainwashed Othello into believing the wrong thing was the right thing. The characterization of Iago is created by the use of dramatic irony. The audience knew how devious Iago is, but the characters fell for his mischievous acts.
This next part of Iago’s character plays an equally important role in the play. An article says that a “... superb ability of Iago is that he has an acute eye for his victim's weaknesses and exploits them mercilessly.” (“Villainous Role of Iago in Othello”). Iago is able to use the characters weaknesses against them for his own selfish reasons. While the audience is aware of Iago’s plan, the other characters are oblivious to his evil
Othello may be seen as a tragic hero throughout William Shakespeare’s famous play, Othello. From the get go Iago masters manipulating Othello, he continues to do so until he suffers his major downfall. Iago is not remorseful for it at all. In fact, he’s doing it for revenge of the
Iago told Othello that he would discuss Desdemona with Cassio, and that he would talk about the affair. Iago does not do this, and instead he talks about Bianca with Cassio, and Cassio laughs at things Iago says. Othello sees Cassio laughing and just assumes he is laughing at Desdemona, which in return upsets him very much. Iago used several tactics to set up Othello for deception in this case.
He had the weapon of knowledge. Since IAgo seemed to answer to Othello, nobody thought he was a threat, however the reader, who could see the big picture, could recognize what IAgo was capable of. Iago used his weapon of knowledge to manipulate those around him into trusting him and subconsciously destroying themselves. Another weapon Iago possessed was motive. In act 1, scene 1, Iago expresses his disapproval of cassio being chosen for the promotion over himself. IAgo begins to list Cassio's faults: “That never set a squadron in the field, Nor the division of a battle knows More than a spinster; unless the bookish theoric, Wherein the toged consuls can propose As masterly as he: mere prattle, without practise, Is all his soldiership. But he, sir, had the election: And I, whom his eyes had seen the proof”. Iago seems to get angrier in each line, giving reason to sabotage his surrounding personnel. In act 1, scene 3, Iago explains how he is to carry out his destruction: “To get his place and to plume up my will In double knavery -- How, how Let’s see:-- After some time, to abuse Othello's ear That he is too familiar with his wife. He hath a person and a smooth dispose TO be suspected, framed to make women false. The Moor is of free and open nature, That thinks men honest that but seem to be so, And will as tenderly be led by the nose As asses are.” Not only does Iago seem to get increasingly bitter, but the audience can
By the middle of the play Othello’s mood and demeanor seem to shift from being peaceful and patient to very anxious, paranoid, and gullible. For example when Othello is talking to Iago and Iago suggests that maybe his wife is not being faithful to him, it becomes Othello’s obsession to get down to the bottom of it and catch her. “I have been talking with your suitor here, a man that languishes in your displeasure / Who is’t you mean / Why, your lieutenant, Cassio. Good my lord” (III.iii.41-43). In this dialog between Othello and Iago, with just two sentences Iago causes Othello to lose trust in his wife and believe she is being unfaithful to him which grows stronger and stronger each scene of the play. Because Iago is extremely cunning and manipulative, he is able to control almost anyone he chooses and he is in control of Othello’s emotions because he knows the things Othello fears. Iago is pretending to be Othello’s friend but secretively is going behind his back and bringing him down. Iago convinces Othello that Cassio is having an affair with Desdemona. “I humbly do beseech
Othello is an easy target in this drama, because Iago already knows that he is a very insecure person. With that stated, it will be easy for Iago to use Othello’s jealousy to trick him into thinking that Desdemona is an unfaithful wife. Iago will manipulate the way Othello sees things in order to convince him that what he sees is innocent acts between Desdemona and Casillo. Iago’s starts to plant the idea in Othello’s head of an affair after Othello sees Casillo rush leaving Desdemona in a manner that looked as though he is guilty (1223). Alone with Othello, Iago begins to make Othello feel threatened by Casillo and Desdemona’s apparent relationship by bringing up the fact that Casillo served as Desdemona’s and Othello’s go-between during the time of their courtship. The conversation ends with Iago asking Othello to watch carefully of Desdemona and Casillo, and Iago exits giving Othello time to question the accusation of Iago (1225-1228).
The topic that I chose to research about was Leonardo DaVinci and his works. I was an art major and I like learning about art history. From the first article that I found, it talked about DaVinci didn't really have help of those around him and how he was more a 'solo' act I guess you could say. He was said to be ahead of his time and that because of that he wasn't influenced by other people's work ("Who").
In William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Othello, Iago demonstrates a mastery of manipulation over people who had previously trusted and confided in him. His sudden turn from Othello’s loyal ensign to rage-filled villain seems indicative of a man who can no longer accept his position in life. Iago’s plotting of Othello’s demise starts as idle talk of a disgruntled 28 year-old career military man passed over for promotion. Iago believes that such a promotion may never come after Othello rejects his candidacy and makes it clear that he did not believe him suitable. He sees Othello is only concerned with personal and political gain with his choice of Cassio as lieutenant. When Iago teams with love-scorned and desperate Roderigo, he begins
Tragedy is an intrinsically human concept; tragic heroes are damned by what they themselves do. Othello is not so much felled by the actions of Iago, but by a quality all people possess-- human frailty. Accordingly, Othello is not a victim of consequences, but an active participant in his downfall. He is not merely a vehicle for the machinations of Iago; he had free agency. Othello's deficiencies are: an insecure grasp of Venetian social values; lack of critical intelligence, self-knowledge, and faith in his wife; and finally, insecurity-- these are the qualities that lead to his own downfall.
Othello is the character with whom most of Iago's methods have success. His weakness as a jealous lover is apparent early on, but only after Iago’s has planted the seeds of doubt within his mind. Such is Othello’s trust for Iago that he uses the misnomer of describing Iago as ‘honest Iago’ and irony considering the action held within the play. The trust is obvious and implicit and thoroughly entrenched within the language. Othello surmises on the aforementioned doubts during the last act of the play when he says;
Iago plants ideas in Othello’s head, uses the innocent actions of others as his proof; and Othello, who is not practiced in worldly matters, believes his the misnomer of the “honest Iago”, and eventually is consumed by the lie.