
Family And Addiction

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Limon 1
Drugs are a huge problem in society today. In 2012, it was reported that over 23.1 million Americans had some sort of alcohol or drug abuse. What I hope to discover is the role family plays in a drug or alcohol addiction. According to all of my resources, there are multiple themes that are reoccurring such as: traumatic childhoods, poverty and problematic relationships. Using the library database, I was able to find five resources that answered my question: How does family play a role in drug or alcohol addiction? The results were very mixed, family can either be the source of your addiction or the reason why you choose to quit. In the end our family and our financial situations have the greatest impact on our addictive …show more content…

(2011). Addiction and sociality: Perspectives from methamphetamine users in suburban USA. Addiction Research & Theory, 19(4), 289-301. This article dealt with a series of interviews conducted on adults from 18 to 30 years old in the Atlanta area. The adults were asked if they had used drugs in the last 30 day to make them as accurate as possible. The results showed that family, friends, and co-workers have the greatest influence on someone. Most of the people interviewed claimed that they were “indirectly” exposed the drug by family members during their childhood. According to this, family is especially crucial during childhood and has long term consequences for negligence. The article had many strong points and multiple examples, those examples had direct quotes that made it …show more content…

(2011). Family functioning in families with alcohol and other drug addiction. Social Policy Journal of New Zealand, 135-151. Like all of the sources the journal is focused on interviews, 12 of them ranging from early 20’s to late 50’s, where the interviewees are all drug addicts in Rehabilitation centers. The biggest factors that attributed to their addiction was their childhood which consisted of traumatic events and “destructive parenting”. There two revolved around their own parent’s addiction which go to show what great parents they were. The author did a great job using the interviews and she is also a well-known Sociologist which adds

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