Article 1: Family and Social Environmental Factors Associated with Aggression Among Chinese Adolescents (Chunxia Dou, Zhen Wei, Ke Jin, He Wang, Xiulan Wang, Ziwen Pen; American Psychological Association: School Psychology Quarterly, 2014)
1) The authors based their research on the assumption that familial and social environments have an impact on aggression. However, the actual, and possibly definite, risks pertaining to these environments were still unknown. The authors didn’t really have a hypothesis but they were trying to look for potential family-related and social environmental factors that may play a role in aggression, specifically for Chinese adolescents. Also, they wanted to know if there were any relationships between the factors have an indirect or direct impact on aggression.
2) The researchers already knew that certain personal and social factors played roles in relation to aggression. Also, they knew that aggression is seen more in males than in females, as well as being more prominent in older adolescents. Specifically for Chinese adolescents, it was already known that there was high educational pressure that contributed to stress and eventually could lead to aggression. This brings culture and race into consideration for this study since the focus was Chinese adolescents. Also, they researchers didn’t know much about the impact of the possible relationships between the factors that could lead to aggressive behavior, which is part of what
To start off, as most of us have already know, social and cultural norms are one of the factor that influence in shaping one’s behavior, and one of them include the use of violence. The cultural norm, such one that encourage the use of violence as normal method of solving problem within families would be a risk factor of having the child likely to use violence once he or she grow up. According to Esposito, a psychotherapist, "Boys exposed to domestic violence may channel their feelings through aggressive acts such as fighting,
Aggression is a natural part of human behavior, and can even be adaptive in certain situations. However, when aggression manifests itself in violent behaviors, it becomes problematic. Patterns of aggression change throughout childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood, and these changes usually differ between males and females (Loeber, 1997). Physical aggression is typically greatest early in life and decreases during adolescence, whereas more serious violence tends to increase with age, particularly during adolescence (Loeber, 1997). Despite the changes that occur in aggressive tendencies throughout childhood and adolescence, aggression is seen as a very stable trait, almost as stable as
Four years now researcher in the fields of psychology sociology, genetics, and the juvenile justice system have contemplated the reason why some youth turn to delinquency and violence. To investigate the reasons, for some adolescents you would have to research on a case to case basis could fall into one category of multiple categories stemming, why they act the way they do and what cause these reactions. Some researchers may want to find reasons that is caused in the genetic line, it is the youth’s social atmosphere concerning in the youth has the right friends or any friends at all, or they could even to lead to arguments in the environment in which the child is raised.
During our lifetime every one of us feels anger and aggression occasionally, some more than others, maybe as a child in the play ground or later as an adult when somebody cuts you up when you are driving along. But what causes anger and aggression and why do we all suffer from it? Well there are lots of different theories to what causes aggression and where aggressive behaviour comes from. So throughout this essay I will examine the different concepts and theories from different psychologist and develop and show an understanding of Aggression
The nature versus nurture debate is an ongoing debate among social scientists relating to whether ones personality/personal characteristics are the result of his/her inherited genetic traits or the result of environmental factors such as upbringing, social status, financial stability, and more. One of the topics that are discussed among psychologists is the study of violent behavior among people as a whole, and in particular, individuals. Social scientists try to explain why people commit acts of violence through explanation of either side of the nature or nurture schools of thought. However, the overwhelming amount of research done into the relation of violent behavior and the nature versus nurture debate indicated that nurture is the primary explanation to explaining violent behavior because violent traits are learned from adults, someone’s social upbringing is a major factor to why some people are more violent than others, and finally influences from news media, movies, and video games enhance the chance for someone to exhibit violent behavior. In conclusion, violent behavior is a complex issue without a clear explanation that is overwhelmingly supported by the nurture side of the debate.
Children with aggression in the united states has played a big part in the world today.It has caused a great number of kids to grow up with bad habits and wrong doings. Growing up young with aggression can turn into a pattern that have been created over a long time period (Lehman1).Its first start off with simple aggressive act, then it leads to bigger problems.Also the aggression in a child can rub off his or her peers. Which also can lead to a larger group of kids growing up with the wrong set of mind. The youth is the future and knowing that most children are growing up with aggression is a very scary sight of the others. With more children growing up with aggression will cause a higher death rate and the jail count going up. Children shows different types of aggression in many ways mentally,physically,and socially.
The first problem with their research is they took a sample of forty five undergraduate male students from the University of North Dakota with a average age of twenty one participated in the laboratory portion of a larger study from which the current data was derived out of these participants Caucasians were thirty eight of the forty five, one who identified as a native American, one who identified as a middle eastern, one who identified as a African American, one who identified as a Asian, one who identified as a Hispanic and two who identified as mix ethnicity these demographics even in North Dakota are extremely ethnically biased having a portion of the participants Caucasian being 84% shows an lack of diversity their study shows with a small sample size and a high percentage of Caucasians only shows the aggression of North Dakota undergraduate males who are around the age of twenty one and attend the University
Physical assault and aggression is the second leading cause of death among 14 to 17 year olds, next to vehicular accidents (Loeber). But why are humans so aggressive in the first place? There are two sides of the debate: Nature, and Nurture. Some say that it’s human nature, genetics that cause most behaviors, while others say that we act as we learned during childhood. This argument applies to aggression as well. Aggression is mainly caused by things during childhood and adolescence where people learn from various sources about aggression, although, human psychology plays a slight factor.
Lifestyles also play an important part in youth violence. Growing up in a divorced family as well as the way your parents raised you are major aspects that effect youth today. When children go through a divorce they experience tremendous pain and go through a lot of changes in their life.(chapter 9 impact of divorce) They experience behavioral problems, and less academic achievements. Adolescents in this stage can also experience aggression toward their parents as well as their friends and other family members due to the divorce. Every parent had there own parenting styles of raising their kids, however, some ways can lead to corrupt behavior. There are the authoritative parents whose children tend to be moody, aggressive, and have poor communication skills. Then there are the permissive and authoritative parents who are generally caring and sensitive towards their children.(chapter 9 parenting styles) Studies have shown that if you grow up in a family that shows aggression towards one another, then it is more likely that you as a young adult will be aggressive as well. However in recent studies,
For males and females, there is substantial evidence for environmental factors effecting aggressive behavior, particularly factors in the home, such as parental attitudes, parental discipline, role models and television violence.
B. Thesis: Teenagers are affected by bad parenting for a lifetime from their unpredictable and chaotic actions which can later cause them to develop aggressive behavior.
The topic in the article “Physical Discipline and Child Behavior Problems: A study of Ethnic Group Differences” by Jodi Polaha, Robert E. Larzelere, Steven K. Sharpio and Gregory S. Petit is researching the relation between parental discipline and how it relates to the child’s behavior expression problems within different ethnic groups. They’re addressing how physical discipline in different ethnic groups can affect children’s way of expressing themselves in distinct ways. Previous research shows when a parent’s discipline is abusive then it often results in aggressive behavior from the child (Cicchetti, Lynch, Shonk, & Manly, 1992; Dodge, Bates & Pettit, 1990; Strassberg, Dodge, & Pettit, 1994). Although, if the discipline is not abusive then the child is less likely to be aggressive (Gershoff, 2002; Strassberg, Dodge, Bates, & Pettit, 1992). In another study it was found that different ethnic groups react differently to discipline between African American children and European American children (Baumrind,1972; Lamborn, Dornbusch, & Steinberg,1996). Five years after the study was conducted it had been reported that European American children got into more fights than the African American children (Gunnoe & Mariner, 1997). Even though the study’s have factual results, there have been researchers who disagree with their findings because of the bias circumstances such as having distinct ethnicities and parenting methods (Deater-Deckard, Dodge,
Statistics indicate many aggressors at some point or another have witnessed acts of violence. During childhood, these observed behaviors can have a major impact and influence on adolescent and adult attitudes, perception of self and others. "Children become more susceptible and prone to negative and dangerous behaviors which can
S. Lee, J. Manganello, J. Rice, C. Taylor (2010) preformed a study to understand childhood aggression. The journal article of Mothers’ Spanking of 3-Year-Old Children and Subsequent Risk of Children’s Aggressive Behavior starts by saying that they are not the first to perform this research and many of studies have displayed connection between corporal punishment with children and child aggression. They are testing their research with new controlling factors, which have not been controlled together before. (Lee et al., 2010) The main goal of the article is to determine the association between the use of corporal punishment against 3-year-old children and recognize later aggressive behavior among those children.
Aggression is indeed the dark of human nature. Aggression can have the angry feeling or aggressive thoughts and can be intentional rather than accidental. (Bushman, 2017). A person who has aggressive behavior can cause physical or emotional harm to others which can range from verbal or physical abuse. Aggression behavior can be category as social and psychological risk factors. (What Is Aggressive Behavior?, 2017). The reason why aggression behavior can fall under social risk factors because of the physical health, mental stages, poor family and friend relationships, work or school environment, poverty, stress or frustration, socioeconomic factors and life experiences of a person.