
Family Constellation Theory

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I have chosen “typical family constellation” because of the generation that I was raised in and because of my home life and those who were also in the same group. In the era I was born it we were called “generation X”, societies “middle child” even though I was the oldest of three. My generation was a group of individuals being raised by parents who believed in keeping what go on inside of the home in the home and would be irate if something was leaked. There were also those of us who were raised by both parents, grandparents who both were in the home and single parents with older siblings(male) who took on the as the absent father in some cases directly or indirectly. What this means is if the oldest child was a male he was pushed into the dominate role of seeing after the younger children if the parent was out or working. There were also those who had both parents that were working and wore a key around their necks to gain entrance to their homes. (Family Constellations, 2015).
Family constellation fits this because of the given …show more content…

(Hellinger Institute of Northern Carolina, Mark Wolynn, 2014). For me what this means is that in our family dynamics and environment the elders were always right, we were to be seen and not heard, our feelings were not valid, so we acted out our emotions sexually, physically by fighting or graffiti as well as dancing. Keeping family secrets was the worse in our family not just my home environment but the family as a whole, no one addressed the pink elephant in the room. Seeing my aunt with a black eye the night after she and my uncle were married left me with an negative view of relationships especially

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