
Family Dentistry

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Dear Dr. Kimberly Nguyen and Family Dentistry associates; I am the niece of one of your patients, Lois Wolfe, who is 85 years old. Today she, and my family that was with her, had a concerning experience at your office that makes one question the professionalism of your office. First, we had previously talked with you about removing all of my Aunt's top teeth, this is what we had scheduled when we came in today, June 1st, at 9:00 this morning. After two of her teeth were extracted, she was informed that her remaining top teeth were in good condition and did not require extraction. This is contradictory to what we were told at a previous appointment. She now needs to get partial dentures instead of a full upper set, which is not what she wanted …show more content…

The assistant did not ask my mom to wash her hands or wear gloves; which I am sure I don’t have to remind you is a health violation. The most concerning part was when she did not have my mother wear any form of protection! The assistant took two x-rays while my mom was holding the piece in my aunt’s mouth, all without any protection. My mother is recovering from cancer and having her so openly exposed to radiation is frightening. This was a very unsafe and unsanitary situation. I was very appalled when I heard what had happened at your office today. This should not have happened; it was unprofessional and unsafe. I was going to call your office, but being as upset as I am, I decided to send this email instead. What occurred today at your place of business was unacceptable as it endangered the health of my recovering mother and caused inconvenience to my elderly aunt. It is my hope that this will not happen again to my family or any other family that chooses to use your dental services. My question to you and your associates is: What corrective action are you going to take not only for my aunt’s case, but also to prevent any future hazardous events for other patients? No patient should have an experience where methods are used that are dangerous and bring concern the family of the

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