In my current role, I oversee one hundred forty to one hundred sixty patients. I have made it a practice to make a clinical coordination note any time I speak to patients, families, or if I need to return a message about a patient that I need to follow up. I plan to continue this practice as a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) therefore I would go to the patient’s medical record to see if I had made any notes on this patient’s chart. I would also review my other patient charts to make sure this has not happened before. If there was no documentation was noted in the patient's chart, I would take my concerns about Stephanie to the physician of the practice. Stephanie as a medical assistant is an unlicensed person who performs primary administrative,
For this assignment, I had the opportunity to interview Samantha Hage De Reyes, family nurse practitioner, currently working at the University of California, Riverside (UCR) Health Center in Riverside, CA. Family nurse practitioners are described as health professionals with analytic skills for evaluating and providing evidence-based, patient-centered care across settings, and advanced knowledge of the health care delivery system (Hamric, Hanson, Tracy & O’Grady, 2014). My objective was to ask a series of questions pertaining to the role of a family nurse practitioner, challenges concerning this nursing role, opinions regarding the future of family nurse practitioners, and more. This interview was conducted over the phone, and it was a valuable opportunity to learn more about what it means to be a family nurse practitioner and to start thinking about what I want to achieve in my own
I would like to become a DNP Family Nurse Practitioner. The requirements I will need for this degree will be RN licensure, followed by a BSN program, then a Nurse Practitioner doctorate program in family medicine. The road that will take me to this goal will be graduating Columbia Basin College with an ADN, take and pass the NCLEX, followed by one year of clinical experience. I will then apply to an online BSN program, preferably CBC, but I could apply to WGU, or WSU. An online BSN program may take one year to eighteen months to complete. The next step would be to apply to Washington State University’s Post-Baccalaureate DNP – Family Nurse Practitioner Program. WSU Tri-Cities offers online live video conferencing, that are archived, and
While reflecting back on the previous weeks, I have to say that this was the foundational class for the FNP students. Before this class, I used to think how I am going to fulfill the role of a Nurse Practitioner (NP). This class helped me to better understand my role and gave me the confidence that I can fulfill the role of an NP. Today, when I look at myself, I know I am in the stage of advanced beginner in Patricia Benner’s Novice to expert theory. The case studies in the discussion threads really put me in the real world of practical nursing as an NP fulfilling the role of a provider. Thorough the case studies, I have learned how to make a best differential diagnosis based on the patients presenting symptoms. The interaction and sharing
The remaining LPNs worked in community care facilities for elderly patients or in home health care services.
My educational goal is to be accepted to an accredited family nurse practitioner program that is recognized locally and nationally. I am looking to advance my clinical skill and knowledge to the level of advanced practice. I want to be on the forefront as healthcare continues to revolutionize.
There are disparities in healthcare between different races, ages, genders, etc., and these issues need to be addressed. The Nurse Practitioner Healthcare Foundation (NPHF) has a diversity code. They emphasize the importance of cultural competency and the value of diversity. Cultural competency is viewed as a core element for the fulfillment of the healthcare needs of people around the world. “In fact, diversity is the lens through which we must view people's healthcare needs. The Nurse Practitioner Healthcare Foundation (NPHF) celebrates, respects, and values the inherent worth of every individual, and is committed to promoting the inclusion of every single person in the healthcare system” (NPHF, 2015). Allowing APRNs to practice to the full
This paper will discuss and provide information about the role of a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) in a physician’s clinic within a rural area. Due to the increased demand for primary care providers, it is important to discuss the FNP role within the healthcare system. The Association of American Medical Colleges estimates a shortage of 46,000 primary care physicians by the year 2025 (AAMC, 2015). The increased provider shortage and gaps within the rural areas provide a promising future for FNPs with the ability to provide primary care for the underserved. In America’s ever changing healthcare industry, FNPs are working in rural clinics across the nation in order for patients to have access to high-quality, cost-effective care.
This week has started with a bang! I learned last Friday that my preceptor does not want to finish precepting me because she felt I was not competent enough. I do not know why she would choose to abandon a student rather than choose to attempt to teach them. I do not expect to be fully competent at being a nurse practitioner or completing a comprehensive assessment at this point. We have not even completed going through all of the body systems. Perhaps the problem was that most of her clients were children between the ages of 2 months to 15 years and this is the last section that we study in this course, so I was not able to answer all of her questions that she would constantly blurt out, such as what is the blood pressure range for a 3-year-old
1. The nurse is asked to implement a new, complex, and invasive procedure and is concerned that this may violate the state’s nurse practice act.
I have always wanted to be a nurse: I do not think there is any task that is as satisfying as treating a patient physically, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually. I first pursued my LPN, and immediately I knew I had chosen the right career path. Every day, no matter how tired and weary I felt at the end of the day, I was invigorated by the sense that I had made a positive change in the lives of my patients. To build upon my capabilities to help others, I then pursued my RN. I am currently in an RN-BSN program and hope to begin a graduate program subsequently to become a family nurse practitioner.
As a Registered Nurse in a family practice clinic, there are many patients within different age ranges that come into the office to be seen. Since the patients’ ages range from birth to older adult caring for them can be different physically and mentally. These patients are at differently developmental levels and knowing how to address each level is important.
For my Clinical experience, I was referred to one of community clinics run by nurse practitioners - yes, NPs- in Suffolk County in Long Island by my coworker. It is called “Nightingale Preventative Care.” I am working in the ER and at first, I thought this clinic would be a type of urgent care office which is a similar setting to the ER. I was totally wrong. For the past two weeks, this place has surprised me many ways and I learned about what the community clinic is alike to its neighbors. Patients can be seen by NPs by the appointment. However, it is located inside of K-mart and has many walk-in patients as well. Many patients who come to visit for their check-up have no medical insurance. Every Wednesday, a representative from Fidelis Care insurance company comes and provides information about Medicaid and Medicare service the company has. I really like to sit down with patients and assess about their medical histories and family histories which I cannot do often in the ER. I had a patient who was Hepatitis A Ab, Total positive Abnormal first day I work at the clinic. He didn’t understand what the test result meant and neither did I. I printed out an article from National Library of Medicine and went over with him. Patient’s education in the ER rarely happens from nurses. I felt great to listen what patients tried to lose their weight or quit smoking. I like to continue on developing skills on patient’s education and preventative care measure for patients.
CHIEF COMPLAINT: This is a post op note from a procedure performed July 21, 2015 by David Lin, MD.
As a family nurse practitioner (FNP) I expect to work in the same organization that I am working now. I am a case manager nurse, and as a FNP I expect to put my knowledge into practice at Simply Healthcare Plans (HMO health plan) located in Miami-Florida. SHP offers an appropriate and accessible range of preventive, primary care, and specialty services to meet the needs of its Medicaid/Medicare enrollees, and maintains a sufficient number, mix and geographic distribution of providers. It is a prepaid, comprehensive system of health care deliver. Patients with heart failure are heavy users of the health care system and therefore require close clinical management and encouragement to manage and identify their symptoms. The FNP is in an ideal
The aim of this study is to provide a detailed account of the nursing care for a patient who is experiencing a breakdown in health. One aspect of their care will be discussed in relation to the nursing process. The model used to provide an individualised programme of care will be discussed and critically analysed.