
Family Podcast Essay

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The Family podcast had plenty of guests speaking throughout the episode, helping to play with the listeners emotions. A podcast following a true story is often mistaken for one that is made up, mainly because there is no evidence used to prove it is true. Generally a podcast that has many guest speakers, and set up more like a documentary is more persuasive and realistic. In The Family there are many guest speakers, from locals, to the parents and the sibling. A family friend in the podcast shared what she thought happened, “Bad things happen to little boys sometimes, and we figured that’s what happened.” (The family 03:12-03:21) What does she mean, bad things happen to little boys sometimes? She makes it sound like there is more to it than that, however she does not say anything else. …show more content…

However a few words that really created emotion in this podcast was from Murray, Adrian’s father. The host says to Murray “So how did that make you feel going back there?” Murray replies “Oh that didn’t bother me. Not for this case anyway. Just another day.” A few seconds later, Murray adds, “You might as well turn that off now, I’m done.” (The family 19:36-20:00) They had just travelled back to where Adrian was last seen. Murray appears to have said too much by adding “Not for this case anyway.”, before quickly adding that the host may as well stop recording, because he is not going to say anything else. These words bring confusion, as well as suspense to the podcast. Not for this case? What other cases are there? Murrays words bring a lot of mystery, leaving the audience wanting more. These emotions listeners feel show how attached to the podcast series they are, and help make the podcast more realistic and

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