The Family podcast had plenty of guests speaking throughout the episode, helping to play with the listeners emotions. A podcast following a true story is often mistaken for one that is made up, mainly because there is no evidence used to prove it is true. Generally a podcast that has many guest speakers, and set up more like a documentary is more persuasive and realistic. In The Family there are many guest speakers, from locals, to the parents and the sibling. A family friend in the podcast shared what she thought happened, “Bad things happen to little boys sometimes, and we figured that’s what happened.” (The family 03:12-03:21) What does she mean, bad things happen to little boys sometimes? She makes it sound like there is more to it than that, however she does not say anything else. …show more content…
However a few words that really created emotion in this podcast was from Murray, Adrian’s father. The host says to Murray “So how did that make you feel going back there?” Murray replies “Oh that didn’t bother me. Not for this case anyway. Just another day.” A few seconds later, Murray adds, “You might as well turn that off now, I’m done.” (The family 19:36-20:00) They had just travelled back to where Adrian was last seen. Murray appears to have said too much by adding “Not for this case anyway.”, before quickly adding that the host may as well stop recording, because he is not going to say anything else. These words bring confusion, as well as suspense to the podcast. Not for this case? What other cases are there? Murrays words bring a lot of mystery, leaving the audience wanting more. These emotions listeners feel show how attached to the podcast series they are, and help make the podcast more realistic and
so i asked alex if i could adopt him, if he would be my grandson.” McCandless, uncomfortable with the request, dodged the question: “we'll talk about it when i get back from alaska, ron.” On March 14, Franz left McCandless on the shoulder of interstate
We don’t see much of Jay, rather, we hear quite a lot. What we are hearing from Jay
The criminal justice system is meant to protect the innocent, and punish those who are guilty of a crime. However, no system is perfect, and as a result, sometimes the innocent become victims of the system that was meant to protect them. How exactly do these innocent people become victims of the system? Sometimes the person gets framed, and the crime scene is staged to point a finger at them. Sometimes, there is no strong physical evidence against them, yet circumstantial evidence is used by the crown to put them away. This happened to a 17 year old boy named Adnan Syed in Baltimore, Maryland, who was imprisoned for life, for the alleged murder of his ex-girlfriend Hae Lee. Throughout the Serial podcast, Sarah Koenig is able to critically analyze information which proves Adnan’s innocence. Firstly, Asia’s letters gave Adnan an alibi for the time of the murder. Secondly, Adnan’s innocence can be demonstrated through the lack of any strong evidence and the prosecution’s use of circumstantial evidence which can be disproved. Thirdly, Jay’s constantly changing testimony is not credible evidence of Adnan’s guilt, making him innocent.
Edgar Allen Poe is an American short story writer,poet and literary critic.His famous short stories are based on not only horrific events,but also on psychological distortations as in "The Cask of Amontillado".In his literary critic on short story writing style,he says a short story should turn around a central event and all the other things must have use for that main point.In this short story,his main point is the result of obsession of revenge with impunity and all the other actions serve for the protagonist's punishment against provoking.Poe uses the elements of symbolism generously and for this purpose,he benefits from mythology.He uses Dionysos,the god of wine,to define Montresor's inner self.He uses the feast for Dionysos,the time
As the story quotes, " 'Mother, what are you doing?' he asked. 'Do not worry, my son,' she answered gently. 'I am just marking the was so you will not get lost returning to the village.' " This quote generally means that the mother and son are very close and they both share a very detailed relationship. The feelings the story bring to the characters is showing how much the characters love and care for each other. But some others characters show different emotions like the young lord, he was very mean and treated most people with no respect. An example would be when the story quotes, " 'Fools!' the lord cried angrily. 'What good is your wisdom if you cannot help me now?' ". This quote shows how the young lord did not have confidence in his wise
My thoughts after listening to The American Life podcast was, as bad as it sounds I didn’t even really know that there were still all black and all white schools. I didn’t know that kids were still separated in that way. I think it’s sad that still after so many years people can’t all come together as one, they have to separate themselves based on skin color. Which is just wrong. The part where they talked about students that we behind. They were correct. If you’re someone who is already way behind where you should be and you are then given bad resources and unskilled teachers you are either going to stay where you are, or get worse. If you are on a classroom with a bunch of kids who are advanced, you are more likely to catch up. The kids that
Antonio was born a healthy, full term baby with normal developmental milestones. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2014), within the first two months, most children are able to smile at others, briefly calm themselves down by bringing their hands to mouth and sucking on their hand, look at parents, coo, turn their heads toward sound, and pay attention to faces. Antonio easily met all of these qualifications. He was able to suck on his fingers, pacifier, or anything else near his mouth, would smile at his mother, Hilda, and turn his head when he heard her voice. He was also capable of laughing and cooing. Within 18 months, most children are able to walk alone and drink from a cup (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014). In this case study, Antonio was able to walk on his own and drink from a cup by 14 months. Antonio was capable of doing what most children could do by a certain age, meeting requirements socially, emotionally, cognitively, in language, communication, movement, and physical development by age 4.
As early as 1950, television families have depicted not only the way we live today, but also the way we ought to live (Tueth, 2003). Hence, television has continued to present comedies about family life that ranges from the didactic model of domestic conventionalist and gradually to non-conventionalist ways of life. By conventionalist, I mean the depiction of the “nuclear” family that consists of clear roles, responsibilities, and gentle lines of authority that flow from the wise dad and understanding mom to the obedient children (Kutalas, 2005). Examples of these types of shows between 1947 to 1990 that constructed more than 60% of family sitcoms included: The Cleavers, The Cosby Show, Father Knows Best, Family Ties, and Growing Pains
In Shakespeare’s, The Tragedy of Macbeth, the main character Macbeth is an evil and selfish person who is only out for himself no matter who he hurts.
While my grandfather, Frank Smith, and my great-grandmother, Jeannette Smith, were alive they resided in my home. I never met my grandmother, Georgie Smith, as she passed away when my mother was seven.
I had the opportunity to interview a family very close to me whom I have been blessed to know since I was three years old. The mother Heidi, who is 59, remarried at the age of 31 to Paul, who is 57, and they have been married for 28 years now. Heidi had her first son Markie, who is now 38, with her previous husband who is no longer in the picture. Paul and Heidi have a son named Travis who is 26 and a daughter named Tina who is 24. Paul used to work as a carpenter but retired when he was 52. He then began working at a grocery store and eventually retired from there as well. Heidi also worked at a grocery and just recently retired. Paul loved what he did as a carpenter and still continues to build things for the family such as cabinets and furniture.
The history of family therapy began around 1960, when Gregory Bateson coined the term, “system thinking.” This type of therapy was a daring departure, both technically and philosophically, from traditional and individual treatment during the 1960s. Gregory Bateson was inspired. He felt that the unit known, as “the family” needed to be celebrated and that is exactly what he did” (Family Therapy, 2010, Para 1) Along with Gregory Bateson, are a list of several others who contributed to the evolution of Marriage and family counseling. This list includes the founder of social work, Mary Richmond, Mr. W. James, who researched the organic expression of social systems intervention and Mr. J. Dewey. Each of these
She fears for the lives of her children and worries that harm will come to them. This also represents an aspect of the parent-child relationship. No matter how old children get, their parents still worry about the things they do and the choices they
Parent and Community involvement does not occur overnight. I feel that schools must make parent and community involvement a priority, valuing and accepting each other’s differences. Schools, families and communities must work together to support all students in a learning environment to ensure every student is a successful learner. Positive family and school involvement fosters a partnership among my school encouraging students to reach their highest potential academically and in life. Parent and community involvement does not mean stay-at-home mothers coming to school to help as needed, or a businessman stopping by to see events occurring on campus. The role of school, family and community involvement is a partnership incorporating goal-oriented activities for all grade levels linked to academic success and student growth.
Everything was about to change, we wouldn’t order take-out on Sundays, it was a big deal, I was losing my best friend, the only father figure I have ever had so far. I watched him taking all of his stuff out of the apartment, I was getting more and more mad. Wasn’t our beautiful relationship enough to make him stay? I even blame myself I thought I had done something wrong, maybe wearing his clothes and leaving them all messy, I apologize and swear not to do it again, but it didn’t matter the decision was already made.