Family therapy is a form of psychotherapy employed to assist members of a family in improving communication systems, conflict resolution, and to help the family to deal with certain problems that manifest in the behavior of members. In most cases, deviance in a family member is an indication of underlying family dysfunctions. This paper looks the counselling procedure that can be applied to help the Kline family solve their problems. It answers certain questions including those of the expected challenges during therapy and ways of dealing with the challenges.
1. What are your initial reactions after reading the intake interview? What are the themes that interest you the most in this case? Why?
From the intake interview, I can
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The counselor will ask questions to clarify and summarize the family’s concerns. I will answer any questions and address any concerns raised by the family about the therapy process. I will also assist in laying down parental authority and a sense of impartiality among the children. This will reinstate equilibrium in the family and motivate all members to participate in the therapy.
Each family member will be taught on the importance of listening to the issues raised other members of the family. This will lay down the foundation for the future sessions. I will also coach the members of the Kline household on how to provide suitable feedback on issues raised by other family members. The session shall also entail a discussion of the expectations of each family member. It is a good point to begin instructing the family on the necessary required in order for those changes to be achieved.
3. George does not seem very open to looking at his role in contributing to the problems within his family. If you were to see him as your client, how would you go about establishing a relationship with him?
Resistance of certain clients to group therapy is among the many challenges that therapists commonly face. George seeks to detach himself from the problem and sees his role in the family as that of a saint. Being the apparent head of the family
emotional strain upon George that he could not accept. Celia was his lover…yet he could not
Discuss the family dynamics, if applicable, in this case study. If applicable, what recommendations would you have for the family? Discuss your rationale.
Undoubtedly with many untimely deaths, such as automobile accidents, survivors are often left with survivors’ guilt and have to find ways to coupe death, as George did in the story. The tragic accident that killed George’s wife and her parents left him in disarray, but he persevered by holding on to the memories of his wife, helping others and by staying busy throughout story. George did not feel sorry for his self or succumb to moping around and lying in bed all day, as many do when coping with death. For instance, George spends his days helping and interviewing the Zamora and Thout families, he brings them food, offers advice and ultimately shows compassion for both families. Additionally, he keeps close relationships with his friends
Throughout the novel, George showed qualities of leadership, interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, sense of fraternity, sense of respect for others, and sense of human dignity. These character traits of empathy to keep himself and Lennie alive. Lennie had a mental disability that everyone overlooked, he was very tall and broad, and did not realize his actions or strength. George felt guilt over Curley’s wife death and was unsure if the law would find
George and Lennie have been good friends for so long that george sacrifices his job for Lennie. Sacrifice helps to build trust and construct loyalty between
I never get no peace.” He then explains to Lennie how he doesn’t want him to leave because he knows he would be unable to survive on his own. This conversation is showing the reader that even if George gets tired of taking care of Lennie he’s symapthetic to his disability and holds himself responsibly to care for him. As the story advances George conveys a sense of loyalty again when he warns Lennie of Curly and his wife.
Whatever the family did to avoid things from deteriorating would then be the focus and a source for compliments and perhaps for an experiment. I would also ask the family how they would now rate themselves on progress towards a solution. If the rating is higher than the previous session, I will compliment this progress and help them figure out how they will maintain the improvement. If it is lower, we work towards other
The basic concepts of this type of therapy are boundaries, subsystems, complementary and alignments which are easily applied and grasped. The most important aspect the therapist must keep in perspective is that every family is made up of structure and that these structures are seen only when the members of the family interact. If the therapist does not consider the entire structure of the family and intervene in only one of the many subsystems are most likely not to attain a lasting change.
The family is made up of five people: Claudia, the IP; Carolyn, mother; Laura, the sister; Don, the brother; and David, the father. The family is coming into therapy because there have been mounting concerns about Claudia and her behavior—acting out, staying out late, some fairly typical teenage stuff. For the purpose of this paper, I will be starting at the beginning where the family is first coming into therapy. I will first school that I will apply is Structural Family Therapy and the second school is Bowen Family Therapy.
George’s family base is strong and sturdy, and during his time of need they all pulled to help
Friendship is a characteristic in which one will remain loyal to the other companion. George remains with Lennie after his actions cause catastrophe. Lennie’s size stirs conflict between what he touches. The mental disability to come in contact with soft objects results into the consequence of death for the victim or exile for Lennie. “”Even when his misguided actions lead to the commission of crime, however, Lennie is treated with great compassion by George whose views represent those of the novelist” (Beachman 3024). The faith in which George has for Lennie keeps the two companions together. After Lennie causes devastation to other people, George has the duty to flee the country without getting caught. Therefore, George achieves Aunt Clara job for keeping George safe with
From the first scene of Wonder (2017) it is evident that the family observed, or the Pullmans, had a genuine intent to support the system while playing specific roles. In internal family systems therapy (IFS), each of these parts is valuable, has good intentions, and wants to play a positive role in the system (Kayij-Wint, 2017). Schwartz (2013) defined the IFS view of the mind as, “...a dynamic system comprising many sub-minds, called parts known as exiles, managers, and firefighters” (p. 807). For this reason the authors will analyze the family through the lens of IFS focusing on the maladaptive symptoms that disrupt the Self, and the parts each individual embodied due to
In this story, it fascinated me when it made reference about the therapist needing to be transferable to the mother or father role in the family regardless of the therapist’s sex. In this case the clients are the traditional mother and father with two male co-therapists. Whitaker was seen taking on the maternal role when addressing Carolyn’s childhood and current issues with her mother while Napier observed the conversation. This was a great part of the book which portrayed isomorphism. This idea of being able to stay neutral as well as to identify with the role of mother or father adds another layer of complexity to help guide the context of the situation.
Family is something that plays a tremendous role in our life. Even though the structure of families has changed over the years, it is important to acknowledge that there many families out there whether they are traditional families, nuclear family, stepfamilies or others which tend to have different types of problems in their families. Therefore, many families attempt to go to family therapy in order for them to obtain help in solving the different types of issues they might have at home. As stated in the book Family Therapy by Michael P. Nichols (2013), “The power of family therapy derives from bringing parents and children together to transform their interaction… What keeps people stuck in their inability to see their own participation in the problems that plague them. With eyes fixed firmly on what recalcitrant others are doing, it’s hard for most people to see the patterns that bind them together. The family therapist’s job is to give them a wake-up call” (2013).
I hand George to my wife, who in an attempt to subdue the cacophony, tries to entertain him by making funny faces. I proceed to open the window, but after a while, things don’t seem to get any better. The air is not any cooler. George’s crying gets louder, and soon he is bawling.