I still remember the event happened in China few years ago, the woman, who had a baby just eight days, was battered by her husband and his mother, and the baby was taken away from her without permission. Her mother-in-law asked her obey her rule that the wife’s family members couldn’t come to visit her. Based on the Chinese culture, if a woman marries with a man, she would have to follow the rule which was set by her mother-in-law. But in this news, the rule was ridiculous. If she hadn’t followed this rule, she would have been hit by her husband and his mother. Her husband often dragged her down by her hair, grabbed her by the throat, and banged her head off walls. Maybe someone will ask why she didn’t call police or divorce with her husband. …show more content…
For all American, almost 75% people know one or more persons who were or are suffering family violence. Thereinto, about 30% American said that one or more women, who are their friends, were battered by her or their husband in past year. Why family violence happen? Why family violence becomes more and more common? And why have women become main victims? The study on family violence found that the higher pressure people have, the higher incidence rate of family violence the country have. Such as the cost of life is increasing, the risk of unemployment is much higher and unfair treatment or discrimination happen in workplace are all the elements could cause pressure. Everyone knows that men have higher self-esteem than women, so when they suffered some things that hurt their self-respect, they always want to find somewhere to regain their self-respect. At this time, women, who are weaker one in a family, and will be the first choice when they lost their status in workplaces. Generally, men release their pressure and vent their anger by abusing or beating women. Therefore, family violence happens. In other situations, if a wife is much better than her husband, for instance, she has a higher status and salary in her work, it will cause an inferiority complex. Due to this kind of feeling, husbands will flaunt his superiority when they are at home. They will conceal their inferiority complex and find balance by hurting their wives. The last factor of family violence is caused by physiological elements, such as drinking and taking drugs. After men drink alcohol or take drugs, they can’t control their behaviors. Some research shows that a person who likes drinking usually lives at the bottom of society. This group of people always think the society is unfair and they can find the real life they want to have after drinking. So, the values of this group of people are distorted. Compared to drinking alcohol, drugstores are more horrible. They will lose their mind
The concept of domestic violence is a topic that is not easily defined. In the National Conference of State Legislature emphasizes that domestic violence is defined under the California code S3206 as: “domestic abuse means intentionally or recklessly to cause bodily injury; in reasonable apprehension of imminent serious bodily injury to that or another.” Victims of domestic violence can be anyone regardless of gender, age, race or economic background. Also, domestic violence does not only involve a couple who is married as it happens to cohabitants, partners who are dating and children. Experts as cited by Tina De Benedictis, Ph.D., Jaelline Jaffe, Ph. D and Jeanne Segal, Ph.D. – understanding the cause of domestic violence may be difficult
Before reading the first two parts of "Til Death Do Us Part" I knew that domestic violence was a growing issue in the United states, but it was a surprise to find out that the state that we live in for more than fifteen has been place in the top ten nationally in the rate of women murder by men (Pardue, Smith, Hawes, & Hauff, 2014). The first part gave the statics on how many victims were turned away in 2012-2013 from shelters around South Carolina which was a total of 380. The reason why this was done because there was no rom they said (Pardue et al., 2014). Since this information was taken there should have a increase in the number of shelters in South Carolina, but there is only 18 domestic violence shelters. There is about 36,000 incidents of domestic abuse in our state. That number is shocking, many people wouldn 't have thought that there were that many incident. The national statistics on domestic violence given by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence states:
It has been recorded that approximately “2,000,000 injuries, and 1,300 deaths are caused each year as a result of domestic violence” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). This harm to and loss of life is due to the negligence of all Americans, in regards to the monitoring and managing of domestic violence in the United States. In order to combat the blatant disregard for domestic violence victims, Americans must support, aid, and assist those who fall victim to this crime, as well as educate those who are oblivious to the matter at hand. These actions will be essential in the eradication of domestic violence, as well as the preservation of the health and overall safety of all American people.
Domestic Violence is a large social issue in the world today. Domestic violence isn’t just abuse between spouses but it also can include sibling abuse, elder abuse and child abuse. This is a very important social issue because it has affected such a large number of individuals. The purpose of this research is to dig into the history of domestic violence and to discover the different types of domestic violence and was to prevent it.
Knowledge of domestic violence is becoming prevalent in the United States and around the world. Family violence, teen dating violence and intimate partner violence are being talked about openly more; they are also becoming known as abuse and not something that is just “ok” or “just how a person is”. Beliefs and laws are changing toward nonviolence as discussed in this report.
Domestic Violence has always been an issue circulating women living in the United States. Alas, not many women realize the harm they are living because they are blinded by fear their partner creates for them to live by each and every day. Historically, many relationships and marriages have gone through many years of Domestic abuse, but yet have not recognized the signs of an abusive relationship. A 2014 survey ordained by the National Violence Against Women found that 25% of all women have been physically forced to have intimacy with their partner at some point during their relationship (Simmons, Catherine. A., et al. 2011). The changes within domestic abuse begin to occur with threats and verbal abuse, which later run the risk of involving
Violence is a common issue not only in The United States, but all around the world. There are many forms of violence such as domestic violence, sexual assault and rape, and murders. About every twenty seconds a person becomes the victim of domestic abuse ( Domestic Violence n.d.). One and six women are victims of sexual assault or rape ( Thinking of Ways to Help?, n.d.). This is an issue typically not addressed or prevented. There are ways people can be taught to help prevent domestic violence, sexual assault, and even possibly murder from a family member.
What is domestic violence? According to research “Domestic violence is the willful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual assault, and/or other abusive behavior as part of a systematic pattern of power and control perpetrated by one intimate partner against another” (NCADV.ORG, 2015). In this essay there will be comparisons made with other countries and also be explained how they relate to America. Let’s start with America, which has four major parts of domestic violence. Physical violence is probably the most common offense in the United States. Most of the victims of serious physical violence usually don’t report it or participate in surveys out of fear for retaliation. Intimate partner violence covers all major parts of domestic
Interesting post! I find your post interesting because I did not consider general system theory as a catch all so to speak in terms domestic violence, which basically says family violence is the result of a broken system, hence fix the system and the family will fall into place. I agree if families keep closed boundaries violence will have a less hurtful impact on a child’s adulthood. We can only display behaviour that we have been exposed to culturally and socially. If an individual is raised in a positive home he/she will not be persuaded by the negative influences on the street. Social learning is a prominent model to use when discussing domestic violence and life’s upbringings
Domestic abuse in the United States is a large-scale and complex social and health problem. The home is the most violent setting in America today (Lay, 1994). Sadly enough, the majority of people who are murdered are not likely killed by a stranger during a hold-up or similar crime but are killed by someone they know. Not surprisingly, the Center for Disease Control and prevention has identified interpersonal violence as a major public health problem (Velson-Friedrich, 1994). Current estimates suggest that three to four million women are the victims of physical abuse by their intimate partners (Harris & Cook, 1994). According to the FBI, some form of domestic violence occurs in half of the homes in the United States at least once a
Lindsey also states that women who are low income and those who are unemployed tend to be the ones more affected by domestic violence (307). Furthermore, Muro and Mein state that Hispanic women tend to experience domestic violence in a high rate; culture plays a big part in violence against women. Lindsey explains that women from African American descents are more exposed to domestic violence than white women. Furthermore, Lindsey declares that wife battering is not taken as a serious situation because it is believed to be part of a marriage life (307). She also explains that domestic violence is not only physical, but also sexual and emotional abuse (307). According to Lindsey, back in history, the “rule of thumb” allowed men to “bit his wife if she answer back to him” (p 307). Furthermore, Lindsey declares that many women are being rape by their partners, but they do not report it because there is no way to prove it (307). She also states that domestic abuse is the main cause of injury in women in the United States (307). In addition, “one-third of all women who are murdered die in the hands of husbands and boyfriends” (307). As we can see, Domestic violence does not discriminate against culture or social status. Women from different ethnic groups experience domestic violence. For example, Few relate a case of a 43 year old Black woman who was beaten by her husband until her head was swollen. Few explains that this woman was afraid to die because she was unrecognizable by the beating her husband has done to her. She called the police, and was another woman who was able to escape from her abusive husband, but she end with some mental and physical
In today’s society, it is very common to find domestic abuse in households, but not much is being done to stop it. After researching the various causes of domestic violence, one can conclude that there are many reasons that may have triggered the abuser’s sudden need to have the upper hand. Unemployment, drug or alcohol abuse, extreme jealously, or feeling inferior to their partner’s education level or occupational status are just a few factors which may lead to one’s violent outrage. Also, in most cases an intergenerational cycle of domestic violence can be the main cause of the abuser’s
Domestic violence against women is prevalent in almost all the societies in the world. It is an issue which was not even recognised as a crime 40 years ago and is still not recognized as a crime by many societies. Women suffer from violence, including physical, sexual, emotional, and psychological violence by strangers and their partners all over the world (Kaya, 2010). Even though it is a worldwide occurrence, there are some women who face more intense and frequent violence depending on their culture, country, religion,
There has been an increase interest in family violence but little research has been obtained on the subject. Some social studies have found that about one out of five deaths by murder in the U.S involved a family member. This social problem has been identified all across the world and not just in the U.S. Florida in 1978, the murder rate was 10.6 per 100,000 population. Of these murders 19.3 percent of them was the murder of one family member by another. Not only had that but 12.75 percent of all murders accounted for one spouse killing another. A study “Patterns of Criminal Homicide” looked at 588 homicides in Philadelphia to observe criminal family violence. Half of these murders involved one spouse killing another.
The name of the article I chose is named Family Violence Heath Consequences Among Married Women by Olufemi Kalesanwo and Emmanuel Adenuga. This research article studies exactly the description of the title, the health consequences of family violence among married women. The specific population that was used for this study was married women in Ogun State. Ogun State is located in south-western Nigeria with a population of 3,728, 098 (Kalesanwo & Adenuga). A descriptive research design was used in order to collect the data. The exact instrument for this study was a self-structured questionnaire. In order to confirm the validity of the instrument, experts in Test and Measurement in the Faculty of Education, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago Iwoye were consulted and they offered suggestions based on their rational logical analysis of the content of the instrument (Kalesanwo & Adenuga). The authors who conducted the research proposed five different research hypotheses. These five include: family violence will not significantly have health consequences on married women in Ogun state, physical deformity will not significantly be a health consequence of family violence among Ogun State married women, premature delivery will not significantly be a health consequence of family violence on married women in Ogun State, permanent injuries would not significantly be health consequences of family violence among Ogun State married women, and family type will not significantly influence