Family: The Foundation of a Strong Society
“We the people of the Unites States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity" (The Preamble to the American Constitution). Of the five principles that are stated in the Preamble, one is fundamentally unique and that is to promote the general Welfare. The responsibility to promote the common good rests not just with the government, but with all citizens. Our Founding Fathers established all the rights in the Constitution not for the individual 's gain, but for the common good. Marriage is important because it affirms what
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However, marriage is justified by the many social and economic benefits for children, adults and society and is therefore a foundation of a strong society. American automobile executive, Lee Iacocca, sums it up, “The only rock I know that stays steady, the only institution I know that works is the family.”
Works Cited
"Abortion Statistics." The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2012. . Who 's having abortions (marital status)? 64.4% of all abortions are performed on never-married women; Married women account for 18.4% of all abortions and divorced women obtain 9.4%.
Carlson, Marcia J., and Mary E. Corcoran. "Family Structure and Children 's Behavioral and Cognitive Outcomes." Journal of Marriage and Family 63.3 (2001): 779-92. Print. For example studies have shown that fathers that are involved in their child’s life produce children who have better emotional health, do better academically, and attain higher job status as adults.
Henshaw, S. K. "Unintended Pregnancy in the United States." Family Planning Perspectives 30.1 (1998): 24-29. Web. Most women getting abortions (83%) are unmarried; 67% have never married, and 16% are separated, divorced, or widowed. Married women are significantly less likely than unmarried women to resolve unintended pregnancies through abortion.
Hojat, Mohammadreza. "Satisfaction With Early Relationships With Parents and Psychosocial Attributes in
If you were to look up the definition of abortion online, your results would be something along the lines of “the deliberate termination of pregnancy.” It is estimated that one in three women will have an abortion by the time they reach the age of 45. Some of these women will end up having multiple abortions. Over half of all abortions are due to unintended pregnancies and abortion being used as a form of birth control. 88.6% of abortions are done in the first trimester, 10.2% in the second trimester, and 1.1% in the third trimester. In 2011, the state of California was the number one state in total abortions, having reached 181,730 abortions in a year. Abortion has been a part of our culture and is a very controversial topic because of its history, procedures, and questionable moral values.
According to the website there are approximately 126,000 abortions conducted each day throughout the world. This website includes the abortion statistics of the world and breaks the data down to the demographics of the United States. It also discusses the decisions to have an abortion and the use of contraceptives in the United States. This was an informative website and included detailed statistics conducted by the Alan Guttmacher Institute. According to the website in 2000, gon average there were roughly 135 million employed and 6 million unemployed people in the labor force in the United States.h (p. 3) The websites definition of
this year(Number of Abortions). Assuming the abortion rate remains constant for the rest of this year, there will be approximately 1,093,000 abortions this year, which is about 73% of the 1980s level: a 3-6% spike, similar to the spike in 1990. Since nearly a third of daughters of single mothers have teenage pregnancies, as compared to just 1 out of 20 from dual parent households, preventing children in those types of situations from being born prevents unwanted grandchildren from ever being conceive, further decreasing the abortion rate(Wilcox).
Different sources give different numbers. While the Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports 664,435 abortions in 2013, a report by the Guttmacher Institute states that in 2013, abortion rates fell below 1 million for the first time since the mid-1990’s. This conflicts with CDC’s numbers that shows the abortion rate has been below 1 million every year since 1998. Who do you believe? The figures are obviously skewed depending on which side of the issue is supported. One thing they all agree on however, is that the number of abortions in America are declining making it seem like people are becoming more pro-life and not wishing to give up their
24 percent of women having abortions are unmarried teenagers. Pregnancy can be a scary and extremely stressful time in a women?s life. To force a woman who is not ready for a child to go through with the birth is not the answer. Stress is not good for the fetus at all, and could lead to complications in the pregnancy, or even a miscarriage. People also seem to forget about a women?s mental health in these situations. A woman could be haunted for her lifetime of giving birth to an unborn child.
Abortion should not be performed because of the parents’ irresponsibility. According, half of all United States pregnancies are unintended. Four out of ten of unintended pregnancies end in abortion. Approximately 1.21 million abortions happen each year in the United States, so that is about 3,000 abortions each day. About one million teenagers become pregnant each year. This led to an increase in teen abortion. 78% of the teen pregnancy are unintended and 35% choose to have abortion then care for the child It is common
Approximately one million teenagers get pregnant every year. (Biro) Thirty five percent of them choose to abort because of how young they are and they plan on attending college. There has been a total of fifty million abortions between 1973 and 2011. (Biro) Again many women have obstacles in the way that would prevent them from being able to care for a child.
“Marriage and Love”, a short essay by Emma Goldman, gives a wonderful argument regarding love and marriage, in fact, she nails it. Marriage does not equal love or has anything nothing to do with it. Not only that, but the marriage could also easily kill whatever relationship was there prior to the declaration. Marriage is simply a social construct, one that imposes control by religion, tradition, and social opinion (Goldman 304). However, if marriage is such the ball and chain that we all joke about, then why do people get married?
(1993), every year the number of woman who chooses abortion is about 1.5 million in United States. Almost half of American women get unplanned pregnancy, and 54% of these end in abortion (Finer LB & Zolna MR, 2011). Nearly one fifth of pregnancies end in abortion (Jones RK &
Marriage can be defined as a legal union of people coming together, combing their resources, and committing to their partner(s). It functions more than just a union of two people and may have a much broader significance than the relationship between husband and wife. Marriage brings families together and expands families by having children. It also provides information of the growth of families from one generation to the next (Dettwyler, 2011).
For as long as human families have existed, the core family group of a father, mother, and the children has been the ideal composition in what could be considered a balanced and fulfilling functional family. There had been many studies of the effects of having certain members of these groups on the family household present and absent. While there are many hypothesis of the effects of the children in the family in household with a missing parent, most of them are indeed negative and there had been studies that these can vary in many different aspects of a child’s upbringing. These effects will be discussed and functionality of the household family itself will be discussed to look at the issues
Between the years of 1990-2012 there have been 11,224,193 abortions in the United States alone” said Tiffany Baker, a CNN reporter. The abortion rate for 2013 was 12.5 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years, and the abortion
Abortions have become popular to the industry. About 43% of American women will have one or occasionally more than one abortions during their lifetime. Women's centers and hospitals perform more than a million abortions per year. Most abortions are done on women under the age of 25. Majority of abortions are done for teenagers. Abortions are obviously in great demand.
If we talk about Christianity point of view Holy bible lays down “Wives submit yourself into your own husbands as unto the Lord.”
Marriage matters. If marriage did not matter, would it even be considered when growing up? The common child at some point thinks about getting married and having children. Our society has gone through monumental shifts throughout its history. A theme that has not changed however, marriage, has survived through it all due to its importance. Our children and our health are two of the most important aspects of life. Marriage will help in both of those categories. Children have better relationships with their parents because of marriage. Watching their parents, they grow up having better relationships themselves. Increased success in school has been noted. Families are more financially stable,