
Famine, Affluence, and Morality Essay

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“Famine, Affluence, and Morality”

In “Famine, Affluence, and Morality,” Peter Singer is trying to argue that “the way people in relatively affluent countries react to a situation… cannot be justified; indeed,… our moral conceptual scheme needs to be altered and with it, the way of life that has come to be taken for granted in our society”(Singer 230). Peter Singer provides striking examples to show the reader how realistic his arguments are. In this paper, I will briefly give a summary of Peter Singer’s argument and the assumptions that follow, adding personal opinions for or against Peter’s statements. I hope that within this paper, I am able to be clearly show you my thoughts in regards to Singer. Peter Singer organizes his …show more content…

I like how Singer further clarifies his assumption, making it easier for me to understand what seems like a specific instruction “manual” of what we presume to be doing. Although we might sometimes wish that we could ignore certain things in our life, it would be nearly impossible for an individual, or government, to certify being unaware of the happenings to which I have been discussing. With Singer’s second assumption, it could seem at first that it attempts to make the reader feel guilty. But if we choose to look closer, we can see its “flaws.” Singer gives us two suggestions that make his assumption even more complex to deal with; he gives us the flaws. His first argument says, “The principle takes no account of proximity or distance” (231). He is trying to imply that an excuse claiming that the sufferers are too far away to be able to help is an unacceptable excuse. Our world has become so much more technologically advanced in so many different ways, it has made possible to communication with the other side of the planet. Singer refers to it as a “global village,” it then reminds me how connected we can be to other areas of the world, therefore making me question why people can’t use that “global village” to help others out. Why do so many people leave new technology unrecognized, ignoring the chance to save someone? I often find myself getting caught up

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