
Famingham Downtown Renaissance Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Framingham Downtown Renaissance Analysis and Questions
Framingham Downtown Renaissance’s main objective is to connect the small businesses of downtown Framingham and make it an energetic area in order to promote community and economic stimulus. As a non-profit it is doing a great job of marketing itself as well as building a network (its own website) to promote downtown Framingham mom and pop stores. It is going to be involved with a program to disperse grant money for “helping women, minorities, veterans, immigrants and people with disabilities start or expand their businesses.” In addition to the money the program may be teaching potential/ current entrepreneurs more on how to run a business. Unfortunately the article wasn’t explicit on what exactly FDR brought to the table. But it was the first in the list of groups that are affiliated with the project. Therefore it’s safe to say that Framingham Downtown Renaissance is an important contributor. …show more content…

They are helping however they can. All in all, it is a non-profit business that is all for common ground and success for all Framingham residence.
1) Is the business run more traditionally (vertical) or more as a team (horizontal)?
2) How do you brainstorm and market for events?
3) Shuttle system/ transportation plan for FSU to downtown Framingham?
4) If volunteers want to move up in the ranks/a permanent position would they get the necessary training from FDR or partner of FDR or outside the organization completely?
5) What business aid do you do yourself and what do you

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