
Fantastic Four Essay

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Over the course of the past few years, Marvel’s first family has suffered one devastating defeat after another. In the pages of the once prominent comic book, the Fantastic Four have endured seemingly endless roster shake-ups, reboots, and uninspiring shifts in creative direction – ultimately leading to a recent, full-blown canceling of the Fantastic Four books. Essentially, they’re a mess, and their parents (Marvel) have washed their hands of them completely (and we’ll get into the understandable reasoning behind it shortly). And, if you, true believer, were hoping a new film development would right the Fantastic Four’s sunken ship, you may as well learn to love salt water – because the days of darkness look to continue for the foreseeable …show more content…

Jordan), and Reed’s best friend, Ben (Jamie Bell), unceremoniously trek to the alternate dimension – at which point they are subjected to an unidentified energy that gives each of them individual superpowers. And, as a result, after fleeing from his teammates, Reed vows to find a cure for his altered friends – leading to a deadly confrontation with the villainous, and thought-to-be lost, Dr. Doom. Back in 2005, Fantastic Four hit the big screen with a solid wave of momentum – but was stumped in its tracks by a less than thrilling response from fans and critics, alike. Regardless, the film, which starred Jessica Alba and Chris Evans, performed well enough at the box office to garner a sequel. Two years later, Rise of the Silver Surfer cruised into cinemas – though panned and swept under the rug faster than Batman and Robin. It’s been 8 years since the last time we saw the Fantastic Four, and in that span, the 20th Century Fox brain trust obviously hasn’t learned one single iota about how to handle this franchise. In fact, their true intent was the completely bury the franchise, then they’ve successfully accomplished their mission – because Fantastic Four is easily the worst superhero movie in this modern age of superhero cinema (and here I didn’t think it could get any worse than Teenage Mutant Ninja

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