Far From You While reading this book, the reader gets taught a handful of lessons to look back and reflect on. These lessons can be applied to his or her life just like they were applied to Sophie's. After Sophie lost her best friend and secret lover, Mina, due to a murder. Sophie had to learn how to cope with the grief. While she learns to cope with losing her best friend, and being crippled due to a car accident that happened with Mina and her brother Trev months before. She also has to focus on steering clear of drugs. Drugs have became her best friend ever since the car accident, she used them to take off the edge and also help with the pain. Before Mina was murdered, the murderer knocked Sophie out and planted drugs on her because they knew she was clean. When the cops found the girls, they thought that they went to brookers point to score on drugs. The real reason they were really out at the point was that Mina thought she was getting information on a story she was writing. Little did they know only one would walk out alive. …show more content…
Sophie had to learn how to overcome losing her best friend, becoming crippled after a car accident, a drug addiction and also losing her significant other. When Mina tells Sophie's parents that she never quit using, she chose to be sent to her aunt's house instead of a mental ward. She thought this was the best idea because it will get her away from the place that triggers the drug use. The only way she could get better was admitting that she had a problem, and that's what she did. Sophie tells her aunt “you're right, I'm a drug addict. I have a problem”(76). After Sophie admitted this she could finally get help. She also went to yoga every day to become stronger and take back control over her crippled leg and messed up back. When she got help with these it helped her move forward. Lastly, she could finally move forward from Mina’s death after she caught who killed
For her, everyday acts seem much more enjoyable when on drugs. She goes out of their way to experience something new and exciting. She is a creative writer and uses drugs as a way to get back to her child-like imaginative state. Suddenly, with the drugs back in her life, she seems to have much more insight and a wilder imagination. "And the afternoon was absinthe yellow and almond, burnt orange and chrysanthemum. And in the abstract sky, a litany of kites"(93). She longs to feel this way all of the time, but she knows the consequences. She sees doing drugs like going to a carnival. It is an escape from the boring life she is leading now. Even though she has a daughter, she still feels like there is something she is missing out on. The idea of motherhood takes backseat to her lust for drugs.
and I was trying to forgive myself for that. She loved me and that was no fantasy.” (p.232) Toni found the answers she had longed for, supposing it was not exactly what she was looking for because her parents are dead, but she at best finds out the truth of her past. Now a weight is fundamentally lifted off her shoulders after being aware of what happened.
This reflects to Angelou’s quote as Sarah uses her experience to be better. To begin, after losing her mother she realizes that she is the only hope in saving her brother, which makes her more determined to get her brother. Sarah is alone as her mother is not protecting her anymore, as the author proposes, “that woman had little by little disappeared. She has become gaunt, and pale, and never smiled or laughed…. The girl felt like her mother was already dead” (66). Sarah feels that her mother is no longer in existence, she is physically there but mentally she is not, therefore Sarah is the only hope to save his brother. From this event, Sarah gains determination to save her brother for her mother, to get a chance to bring back the happy times she once had. In addition, Sarah also promises her brother that she will come back for him. According to the plot, Sarah says to her brother, “I'll come back for you later. I promise” (9). This promise drives Sarah to go back for her brother, as she it her determined not to brake it. In addition, the way she is treated by the police makes her determined to stand up to them and not show fear. This is proven when the author
Alice runs away again, this time on her own. She struggles to survive, and only cares about drugs. After a few weeks, she breaks down and calls her parents. She goes back home with them. Again, she swears off of drugs. The kids she used to hang around are pressuring her to do drugs again, and even start bullying her. This time, however, Alice stays off of drugs. She deals with the bullying. She meets and falls for a nice guy and she’s closer with her family. Things start to look up when she’s drugged. Her family believes her, but she is sent to an insane asylum. It’s very difficult, but she gets through it and is let out.
They continue on looking for drugs, food and a place to hang out and Telly and Casper decide to go to Paul's apartment where a bunch of adolescents are they're talking about sex and smoking different substances. Casper then begins to inhale nitrous oxide out of a balloon, but during this scene it is interjected to a group of girls. Two of the girls whose names are Ruby and Jenny are talking about their sexual experiences they have had. Ruby and Jenny talk about recently getting tested for STD because Ruby wanted to go and Jenny just got tested to keep Ruby company. The girls go on to talk about all their sexual experiences where Ruby has had multiple sexual encounters, many of them unprotected and Jenny has only had sex once with Telly.
Sarah had and might have some intellectual setbacks. She is below her peers intellectually and has had some learning deficiencies with articulation, mathematics, and chemistry. At the age of 12 her father died and that was when she had taken a turn for the worse. Argued and fought, had gotten a boyfriend who made her feel bad about her weight and lowered her self-esteem. Mother had found diet pills in Sarah’s room, but Sarah lied about them. During Sarah’s interview she was asked if there was anything she would change about herself and she said that if she could change anything it would be her appearance. She
It then jumps backwards from the AA meeting to follow Noah and Sophie on their journey before they met. The song goes, “You’re like second nature, baby, you’re just like breathin.” The first flashback of Sophie is of her drinking alcohol from a mug and later pouring more alcohol into a plastic water bottle before work. These lyrics fit this situation because drinking and hiding her addiction was second nature to Sophie. In Noah’s first flashback it is learned that he is a part of Dan and Shay’s band, but he is letting his addiction get in the way of his passion.
Natasha has been feeling like Hayley and Jenny don’t want to be friends anymore, so she goes back to Becca. Together, Natasha and Becca try to find out how she got in the river. Later on, everyone was at play practice. Tasha wasn’t feeling good so she sat out. Becca’s best friend Hannah stepped in her place. When Tasha went to go move the overhead light, it came crashing down over Hannah. It killed her. Both the police and the girls had decided that Hayley and Jenny had led Tasha into the river and did something to the light for it to fall. The two girls were sent to prison and counseling for murder and attempted murder. After that, everything was going fine until Becca started to get a little suspicious. She asked the police if she could look over all the evidence again. She then came to the conclusion that Natasha had done all of it. She had thrown herself into the river and framed Hayley and Jenny, and she loosened the light so that it would fall. The police did not believe her. One night, Becca and Tasha went out into the woods. Becca was going to try and get her to confess. Natasha did end up confessing, but then she
Once this girl started with the drugs, she could not stop. As soon as she tried the first drug, it lead to all of the other drugs and things that she did. Her first time doing the drug was an accident, and she did not know, but she made the wrong choice in continuing to do them. She said it gave her a feeling of belonging and love that she had never felt before. If her parents or her close friends had paid more attention to her, then some of the events that happened would not have happened. Her heavy drug use lead to her runaway from home to the streets, involvement in crime, her prostitution, and her visit to the insane asylum. She found a "best friend" (Chris) - one that would give her drugs - and they decided to runaway and leave their family and friends to start their own shop in San Francisco. They thought they could not handle their parents telling them what is right and what is wrong, but that is what they needed to hear. They were naive in thinking they could live their lives alone without any rules or any authority.
Alice’s drug addiction drives her along with her family insane. She has to fight a
Research the secret society known as the freemasons. In three well-developed paragraphs, discuss three functions of freemasonry in Edgar A. Poe’s “The Cask of the Amontillado.” Cite specific examples from the text. Length: 350-500 words.
In episode 28, Sophie happily munches on a slice of pizza. Her enjoyment of the pizza comes to an end when Paul remarks that he is happy to see her eating with gusto. This quickly ends her enjoyment of the pizza and she becomes very closed off to him. Sophie goes on to tell a story of how the word reminds her of a girlfriend of her father’s, an Italian model who also admired the gusto with which Sophie ate. Sophie’s self-consciousness and obsession with her weight and her overall physical appearance are revealed in this moment and it becomes clear that Sophie’s difficulty lies in the way that she has constructed her sense of herself in relation to the cultural belief about beauty and perfection that she has received from her father and his model girlfriends. Later in the same episode, Paul pulls down one of Sophie’s father’s books of photographs. His approach is to use narrative therapy to help Sophie narrate her
Cassandra has this feeling that Tiffany doesn’t know how serious and devastating it is to use heroin while she is pregnant. So she decides to
During the mid 1800s socialist movements bagmen to arise in order to combat the system of capitalism that occurred at the time. These movements hoped to cause the economy to organize in a manner where production was left to the community (Sherman & Hunt, p. 94). The socialist movement spread rapidly due to the inequalities, as a result of capitalist structure, that persisted within England during this era. Despite the socialist movements, capitalism persisted with capitalist enterprises being replaced by corporations that grew to be giants. With this occurrence, the incomes of individuals grew to be more unequal. This resulted in many people advocating for the more equal income-distributed, socialist movement. In the following years, during
The college campuses in the United States have the majority of the population that uses drugs among society (Wadley& Carlier, 2014). The ages of these students range from “18 to 24” that are the most likely candidates to use marijuana and are more susceptible to use and find themselves addicted while they are in college (College Drug Abuse, 2015). There is conflict on college campuses between the state and federal government laws because the college is ran by the state by falls under federal laws when marijuana is involved. The students may experience long term effects of the use of marijuana in their lifetime that they don’t factor into their health because they are not able to understand the risks involve with use. There are many aspects of marijuana that effect college campuses and the students need to find alternatives to stay on the straight and narrow path to become successful drug free adult.