
Farewell To Arms War

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Imagine a time that had no point, no further meaning to life beside sex and alcohol.In A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway, the main character Lt Henry is an ambulance driver for the Italian army. While he’s in the war, he is blown up, loses his love, and loses his child. Ernest Hemingway shows the reader that life is nothing but a game. To begin, The Book Farewell to Arms shows that life is a game through the war. The Italians are fighting the Austrians and the Italians are losing and can’t do anything about it. Lt. Henry asks the other soldiers, ”And the ones who would not make war? Can they stop it?”(71). This a good quote because there is no point to this war because they don’t know why they are fighting and can’t do anything to …show more content…

There was a couple that's made up of Catherine Barkley and Frederic Henry who started dating on the front of the war. Lt. Henry states “ I wish we had some place we could go”(31). Henry and Catherine were having sex in a slim alley way. Their relationship started mostly about sex. Which its like a game of life cause it started as henry wanted to have sex and he got it. Then there were Henry and Rinaldi who were best friends on the front Rinaldi was a doctor on the front. Lt. Henry said “I’m not drunk, Rinin, really”(40).So, Lt. Henry and Rinaldi becoming closer friends but it's does not matter because they will most likely never see one another again.They are good friends but this shows that life is nothing more than a game. There is one more friendly relationship, of Catherine Barkley and Helen Ferguson. Ferguson is worried that Catherine and Lt. Henry wouldn't last even know they have a baby on the way. But Catherine assured Ferguson that “We’ll be married Fergy”(248). There not going to have time to get married with Catherine dying and all. Them not being able to get married but them being in love shows how life is a game and the characters are being

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