
Fascinating Hero (King Arthur Intriguing Characteristics)

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Fascinating Hero
(King Arthur Intriguing Characteristics)

The legend of King Arthur is one that is known worldwide. It is steeped in chivalry and romance. To most people it is just that. A romantic story of a king and his exploits involving magic, magicians in an age where good conquered evil. Some would argue that Arthur was not real, but in fact imaginary and a made up character to just be an inspiration to others. King Arthur had very many heroic personal characteristics. He was brave, loyal and most importantly he was always willing to do what was best for him people, and his country. Intriguing can be defined as arousing one’s curiosity or interest; fascinating. That is a perfect way to explain King Arthur in one word. King Arthur is intriguing because he was always an outstanding fighter, brave, and loyal to his country and people.
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Not only was King Arthur loyal to his people, but his vassals returned the loyalty to their lord. “In this, Arthur proves himself to be an exceptionally great feudal lord. Feudalism, a system in which a lord protects the men who swears loyalty to him (his vassals), in exchange for these vassals’ agreement to go to battle for that lord,” stated by Richard Cavendish in King Arthur and The Grail. For someone wanting to go to battle for you, you have to be an extraordinary person; they’re going to go risk their life essentially for you and the kingdom. “For vassals to have confidence in their lord, they have to know that he’ll keep his word. Lucky for his knights, Arthur is really good at keeping his word, perhaps more than any other character in the story,” explained Elisabeth Brew in The Return of King Arthur. With him keeping his word, it shows that he is honest and loyal to this people. Clearly, King Arthur show loyalty to his people by always keeping his words and making it easy for his knights to also stay

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