For starters as to the development of humanity, fascism does not stands for peace or even believe in peace. It therefore, it discards all sacramoneous efforts that lead to peace, and views such actions as cowardice. War alone is the only thing that ignites people to the indignities of life, it is much better than the pale shadow of self-sacrifice for peace. War unites all people; peace does not unite the people, it weakens them. Everything else that favors peace pales against the indoctrinate of fascism. For it is, war that makes people move and gives them courage to face their fears and fight the good fight. Repeatedly we have fallen and failed due to trying to be peaceful, and just to our causes when truthfully the individual person just
With the 2017 New York Jets season down to four games remaining to play despite everything, they have a shot to make the playoffs. It is for the sake of Jets quarterback, Josh McCown who has astoundingly been this teams most valuable player. Without the 38-year old’s phenomenal play. The early season "tanking” assumptions could have been this team’s outcome.
Ambitious leaders took advantage of the economic fall and fought politically with rivals to rise to power, and showcasing the growth in economy and military power after betraying the people and ridding of unwanted elements.
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini are two of the most well-known leaders of the totalitarian movement which began in the 20th century. The early 1900’s was a very brutal time in history, as it commenced the beginning of the first world war. As young men, they both served as soldiers in World War One. Their involvement in the war both left them with violent views of socialism and communism. In the summer of 1919, the Treaty of Versailles was signed, marking the end of the war. The treaty forced Germany to accept sole responsibility for the war, resulting in global German humiliation. The consequences left Germany liable for harsh reparations and the reassignment of boundaries. Hitler's
Following World War I and the Great Depression, many European countries began to turn to fascism to combat loss of influence over their people, among other problems. However, even though big players like Benito Mussolini of Italy and Adolf Hitler of Germany turned to fascism to lead their nations, some European countries stayed democratic. Why would some countries make the change to fascism while others stayed with their original form of government? Because fascism was pledged to be the most effective form of government, it would seem counterproductive for countries to still use another method to govern. There is no doubt that there is a trend between countries that resorted to fascism and those that stayed with democracy- and it all leads
Q6. Fascism began to rise after the fallout of World War I, this new militant political movement attracted many people who had felt angry or frustrated with the war. As you can imagine, during this time millions of people were unhappy with the turnout of World War I, many countries were on the edge of their breaking points. Countries were trying to return to the previous normal they obtained before the world had fallen into a deadly and pointless war. People were full of spitefulness and anger and they wanted answers; henceforth, the popular idea of fascism was created. Fascism was a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism and militarism, the movement also relied heavily on the loyalty to the state and their one strong
Pacifism covers an array of views and there are many subcategories of pacifism, some of which I will cover, but the main definition of the word pacifism is the opposition to war and/or violence. Perhaps the most famous use of the word pacifism is found in the “Sermon on the Mount”, where Jesus claims the “peacemakers” are blessed. In this passage, the Greek word eirenopoios is translated into Latin as pacifici, which means those who work for peace. One common and simple argument for pacifism among religious groups or god fearing people is the argument that god’s revealed words says, through the bible, “Thou shalt not kill.”
Benito Mussolini outlines several essential characteristics of his preferred political ideology, Fascism, in what has become known as the Doctrine of Fascism. In this paper, Mussolini outlines his vision of the ideology, and explains the major issues that Fascism will address once it becomes the leading political system in Italy. Mussolini’s major points as outlined in the Doctrine included an extreme emphasis on nationalism, organization and modernization of the state, persistent focus on religion, life as a struggle, and the notion that individuals exist only for the improvement of society as a whole. Wolfgang Schieder, after reviewing the Doctrine of Fascism, explains Mussolini’s success based on it and
Generalissimo Francisco Franco came into power after his victory in the Civil war in 1939 and ruled over Spain till his death in 1975. In this 40-year period Spain was massive changed that causes much debate as to the political nature of Franco’s regime whether it is fascist or something different, Francoism. To understand if Franco’s regime was fascist, fascism must first be defined. There are many working definitions of a fascist regime, Stanley Payne’s states that the dictator must alien his regime to the idea of anti-isms, them being aintiliberalism, antidemocratic, anticonservatism, anticommunism and antidemocratic. Payne states these are fundamental in the description of a fascist regime. Another useful definition is Robert Griffin, stating that a fascist regime will use symbolism, violence to pursue its political aims, with the importance aimed at expansionism. Finally Griffin also states the need of the dictator to implement an authoritarian and totalitarian government. All these help to create a fascist regime and more importantly a truly fascist dictator. There is little doubt Franco holds to some of these definitions yet in later year the idea of Francosim becomes more viable however to understand if Franco was a truly fascist dictator we must look to the similarities and differences and determine by examining Franco’s rise politically his general style of government and finally his foreign policies it will determined whether Franco was a truly fascist dictator.
There are moments in our history where the citizens of the world stand up and for their beliefs, their honor, and themselves. They come together to reform the existing government that is holding them back from achieving their desired lifestyle. When this occurs, most likely, war is inevitable to follow. When war comes to a country, death and destruction is destined. Leaders and rules change, but the pride of its citizens prevails and becomes
In the novel The Sun Also Rises we read about two characters that seem to depend on each other. Ernest Hemingway writes this story ingeniously to show how these two characters are intertwined with one another. One character can't get away from the other because of the friendship they share. We have to look at the lives of Jake Barnes and Brett Ashley from both points of view to understand how they are complicated.
When the word “fascism” is mentioned people usually associate the word with German Nazis’. There is more to fascism than just German Nazis.’ Fascism is an interesting topic that should be further examined and explained so it is no longer simply associated with German Nazis’. This essay will explain what fascism is (definition), how fascism groups are run, the ideology of fascism, and some past examples of how fascist governments operated.
Fascist movements set out to create a new type of total culture in which values; politics, art, social norms and economic activity are all part of a single organic community. In this way fascism is directly opposed to consevatism. The fascist movements in Italy and Germany also represented attempts to create revolutionary new modern states. Even though fascist movements try to bring about revolutionary change, they emphasis the revival of a mythical ethnic, racial or national past. They revise conventional history to create a vision of an idealised past. The mythical histories claim that former greatness has been destroyed by such developments as the mixing of races, the rise of powerful buisness groups and a loss of a shared sense of the nation. A fascist movement always asserts that the nation faces a profound crisis. The fascists present the national crisis as resolvable only through a radical political transformation. They claim the nation has entered a dangerous age of mediocrity, weakness and decline. They are convinced that through their timely action they can save the nation from itself. Fascists promise that with their help the national crisis will end and a new age will begin that restores the people to a sense of belonging, purpose and greatness. They believe that the end result of a fascist revolution will be the emergence of a new man and woman. This
As the administrative assistant in my organization a lot of the associate turn to me as a resource and at one point in my new position I believed that some believed I was in a monitorial rule. To illustrate, Kyle a customer service associate, tends to request through me to either leave early or to assist in revival for a break. I remember letting him know one day when he needed to go home early because his anxiety was acting up. I let him know that I would ask the manager on shift if he could leave early because not only was he leave four hours before his shift but I would have to find someone to come in for him. It was already bad that I had so much on my plate as it was I was tired of hearing him wanting to go home all the time. Regardless,
The state of Mussolini’s Fascist Italy and Hitler’s Nazi Germany, can be highly comparable in their policies and ideologies. Fascism is a political ideology, in which the country is to be racially and culturally pure. Mussolini said himself that “Fascism desires the state to be strong and organic and to always be prepared for conflict”. Fascism includes things such as nationalism, hostility to democracy, racism, the love of symbols such as uniforms, parades and army discipline. It is a totalitarian philosophy which worships the state and nation. Fascism is an extreme right-wing that celebrates the nation or race as a pure community which exceeds all other loyalties and expectations (Downing, 2001). Most of the time it celebrates masculinity and male supremacy, rarely it will promote female solidarity (De Grand, 1995). Fascist aims are to prepare for conflict and violence and to prepare and educate the youth. Both were able to gain support from military associations,
In World War 2 over 65 million people lost their lives. The emotional toll on the families of the lost soldiers soon followed. Throughout World War 2 we gained many allies, but because of all the destruction that the was caused, for example, peoples homes and all their precious materials being stolen or destroyed, we lost a vast majority of those them. The taking of so many lives and destroying of countries can cause a lot of hate on the nations that inflicted this destruction. This can cause young kids to grow up hating other nations and that is when conflict can start. The lives that are lost during wartime are undeniably one of the biggest causes of death. One thing that every country has in common is the death toll that they face in war. Conflict arises no matter what the cause. The way to grow as a world is to control these conflicts with verbal communication instead of using war as an option.