Fascism is a difficult Ideology to define as it has common elements such as powerful leaders and strong elements of Nationalism. To understand the rise of Fascism in Germany it is essential to understand the impact of the First World War on every aspect of German economic, social and political life. The Weimar republic faced significant challenges not the least that it was associated with defeat and the Treaty of Versailles which was exploited by Hitler in his use of propaganda. The chaotic conditions, the weakness of its opponents and the collusion of elites terrified of communism all played a role in the rise of Fascism.
The historian Kevin Passmore has pointed out that arriving at a definition of fascism is difficult largely due to “the contradictory nature of fascism” and the fact that fascists “disagreed amongst themselves about the very essence of their movement.” (Passmore, 2002, pg30) He explains that ideological perspective affects definition and that these perspectives must be considered by those seeking a comprehensive definition (Passmore, 2002, pg23). To Passmore “Fascism is a set of ideologies and practices that seeks to place the nation, defined in exclusive biological, cultural and/or historical terms above all sources of loyalty and to create a mobilized national community” (Passmore, 2002, pg31). He explains that while fascist nationalism is reactionary due to its hatred of socialism and feminism it is also a movement of the radical right because of its
In the years after the chaotic “war to end all wars”, fascism rose in Europe as a cause of economic and political stress. Fascism is a form of government led by a dictator who had complete control over the country. At the time, it was intriguing, since governments seemed to collapse as a result of opposing ideals. In Germany, the Weimar system was ineffective due to the different parties in the Reichstag. Germans were not ruled by laws but by orders issued by the president. Italy was also struggling for control, adding to the political turmoil. Due to the world war, there was an economic crisis that led to hyperinflation in Germany. During the inter-war years, fascism appealed to Germans and Italians due to promises of improving the economy, military strength, and the government.
Furthermore, people turned to fascism because of the Great Depression which cost many jobs and promise of a brighter future. Document A tells us that their economy fell pretty badly. It led to massive unemployment rates. There was not enough support for society because many nations were financially insecure due to the war. Fascist leaders painted a brighter picture of a booming economy and jobs to these people. The fascist leaders were able to pinpoint the supposed problems of the nations that caused them to decline. In document f, Hitler says that the Weimar Republic’s policies are to blame and the ideas that were spreading. Fascist leaders used the economic decline to their advantage by including it in their platform that they will work to bring jobs to everybody. In turn, Germany turned to fascism because they thought electing a fascist
The Weimar Republic was a German Reich that reigned from 1918-1933. The downfall of the Weimar Republic started when they lost World War 1. The Weimar government failed and Germany became a fascist country because of the Treaty of Versailles, inflation in the economy, and governmental propaganda. One reason why the Weimar Republic failed and became a fascist country is because of the Treaty of Versailles. The Treaty of Versailles was a document that held Germany responsible for the casualties of World War I. Germany was blamed for not only their actions but the actions of their allies, this is proved by Article 231, in the Treaty of Versailles.
Q6. Fascism began to rise after the fallout of World War I, this new militant political movement attracted many people who had felt angry or frustrated with the war. As you can imagine, during this time millions of people were unhappy with the turnout of World War I, many countries were on the edge of their breaking points. Countries were trying to return to the previous normal they obtained before the world had fallen into a deadly and pointless war. People were full of spitefulness and anger and they wanted answers; henceforth, the popular idea of fascism was created. Fascism was a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism and militarism, the movement also relied heavily on the loyalty to the state and their one strong
During the 1930’s when Fascism was at it height, populist art fought against the domination of fascism by diverting the fashionable ideals of fascism with the ideas of populism. The US was producing popular art in its populous country to share the rest of the world as an attempt to ward off the Fascists. They decided to distract everybody from Fascism by art, film, dance, etc. that appealed to the similar but different enough ideals of populism and democracy.
Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt is about a young girl named Clara who was taken from her mother at a young age due to slavery. Clara dreamed about returning to her mother and escaping slavery. Clara lived with her “aunt”, who had gotten a sewing job for her at the so called “ big house”. She sewed quilts and other things for her mistress, Clara would sew in a room right beside the kitchen and would always hear people talking about a underground railroad. They would talk about how many black slaves tried to escape slavery .
The rise and subsequent take-over of power in Germany by Hitler and the Nazi Party in the early 1930s was the culmination and continuation not of Enlightenment thought from the 18th and 19th century but the logical conclusion of unstable and cultural conditions that pre-existed in Germany. Hitler’s Nazi Party’s clear manipulation of the weak state of the Weimar Republic through its continued failure economically and socially, plus its undermining of popular support through the signing the Treaty of Versailles all lead to the creation of a Nazi dictatorship under the cult of personality of Hitler. This clear take-over of power and subsequent destruction of any
Benito Mussolini outlines several essential characteristics of his preferred political ideology, Fascism, in what has become known as the Doctrine of Fascism. In this paper, Mussolini outlines his vision of the ideology, and explains the major issues that Fascism will address once it becomes the leading political system in Italy. Mussolini’s major points as outlined in the Doctrine included an extreme emphasis on nationalism, organization and modernization of the state, persistent focus on religion, life as a struggle, and the notion that individuals exist only for the improvement of society as a whole. Wolfgang Schieder, after reviewing the Doctrine of Fascism, explains Mussolini’s success based on it and
Fascism, the more it reflects and observes the future and the development of humanity quite apart from political concerns, it starts to believe that neither in the possibility of peace. War alone brings up to its highest tension all human beings in this world and puts the print of nobility upon the peoples who have valor to meet it. It gives and puts human beings - men into the position where they have to make the greatest decision, of life or death. (Halsall, 1997) Fascism is the complete opposite of; Marxian Socialism, the materialist conception of human civilization can be explained simply through the conflict of interests among the various social groups and by the change and development. Fascism is now and will always, be dangerous; that
There were various factors that contributed to the failure of the Weimar Republic of Germany and the ascent of Hitler’s National Socialist German Workers Party into power on January 30, 1933. Various conflicting problems were concurrent with the eventuation of the Republic that, from the outset, its first governing body the socialist party (SPD) was forced to contend with.
Even though Germany was left in a period of struggle and economic weakness after WW1, Adolf Hitler would take a stand by creating a party that would help refine the structure of the economy. This party, when abbreviated, was called Nazi, would also create harsh laws and unrelentless punishment. Due to the Nazi party’s quick growth, there was an immediate impact on lifestyle and politics for the people of Germany. The long term impact brought forth by the consequences or legacy of the Nazi party included a population decrease and an increase in deaths. To make both of these impacts, Hitler had to overcome many hard challenges.
When the word “fascism” is mentioned people usually associate the word with German Nazis’. There is more to fascism than just German Nazis.’ Fascism is an interesting topic that should be further examined and explained so it is no longer simply associated with German Nazis’. This essay will explain what fascism is (definition), how fascism groups are run, the ideology of fascism, and some past examples of how fascist governments operated.
Fascism is a 20th century form of nationalistic, militaristic, totalitarian dictatorship that seeks to create a feasible society through strict regimentation of national and individual lives. Total subordination to the service of the state and unquestioning loyalty to its leader would adjust conflicting interests. It is a modern political ideology that looks to regenerate the social, economic, and cultural life of a country by basing it on a heightened sense of national belonging of ethnic identity. Fascism rejects liberal ideas of freedom and individual rights, it often presses for the destruction of elections, legislatures and other elements of democracy. Despite fascism’s idealistic goals, attempts to build fascist
The state of Mussolini’s Fascist Italy and Hitler’s Nazi Germany, can be highly comparable in their policies and ideologies. Fascism is a political ideology, in which the country is to be racially and culturally pure. Mussolini said himself that “Fascism desires the state to be strong and organic and to always be prepared for conflict”. Fascism includes things such as nationalism, hostility to democracy, racism, the love of symbols such as uniforms, parades and army discipline. It is a totalitarian philosophy which worships the state and nation. Fascism is an extreme right-wing that celebrates the nation or race as a pure community which exceeds all other loyalties and expectations (Downing, 2001). Most of the time it celebrates masculinity and male supremacy, rarely it will promote female solidarity (De Grand, 1995). Fascist aims are to prepare for conflict and violence and to prepare and educate the youth. Both were able to gain support from military associations,
This research examines the development of fascism and ultranationalism in contemporary Croatia, Hungary, and Serbia. Fascism and ultranationalism are not one and the same thing. While a fascist likely will be an ultranationalist (and will certainly be nationalistic), an ultranationalist need not necessarily be a fascist. As these two terms are critical to this examination, they must be defined.