
Fat Jenkins Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

The worst thing the employees at Shady Shoals had to go through were the Jenkinses. Not just because they were loud, obnoxious, and grumpy, but mainly because there were three of them. No one in Bikini Bottom seemed to know why, and it just became accepted amongst everyone. Fortunately, it was relatively easy to tell them all apart. One of the Jenkinses in particular was the most famous around town. He was green, short, fat, and sported big glasses. For an old man in a rest home, Fat Jenkins managed to find his way around. Practically every old chump around town had seen him at least once, whether he was digging for change at the Barg'n Mart or bumping into pillars at the Krusty Krab. Fatty Jenkins was nice to everyone, but at the same time

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