
Father Absence Research Paper

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Father has been viewed as presented in a variety of different images to describe the script that they have been fulfilling. They have variously been presented as, normal observer, breadwinner, sex role model, and nurturing the most severe trauma that a child can suffer. The loss of parents causes so many problems that a deprived child faces, among those problems the important problem is the effects on academic performance of children. Although father absence did not seem to have consistent effects on children's intellectual, which are “more difficult to change than non-cognitive skills and behaviors,” there is consistent evidence that father absence lowers children's educational attainment and decreases the likelihood that they will graduate from high school. Workers without high school diplomas experience very high levels of unemployment and make less money than more educated workers, so failing to finish high school places young people at a major disadvantage in life.

Mental Health …show more content…

The authors write that “recent research shows that social-emotional skills play an important role in adult outcomes” such as educational attainment, family formation, and labor market success, so the effect of father absence on mental health and social skills has implications even beyond children's personal happiness. The loss of physical contact with the father may reduce within-home intellectual contact between father and child. The father may have unique knowledge not otherwise available within their home. The stress associated with a father's leaving the home may inhibit a child's intellectual

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