
Father Gabriel's Motivation For The Mission

Decent Essays

The captivated film “The Mission”, takes place in the early modern world of the European expansion around 1750 in South America. It mainly illustrates the consequences of European encounter and exchange with indigenous peoples in America, allowing us see how the Treaty of Tordesillas had divided the western world into two parts – Spain and Portugal. Under this treaty, Spain was awarded half of the world and the other half belonged to Portugal. This connects to the fact of how the movie depicted the two great colonial forces, one that were the imperialist Spain and Portugal whom was interested in the wealth that was found in establishing a trade in slaves. In contrast were the missionaries, mainly Jesuits that were more interested in spreading …show more content…

He wanted to create a society of peace between the Natives, Spanish, and Portuguese and to convert the Natives of San Carlos to Christians. Father Gabriel represents a faithful Christian in the changes that he made on the lives of others. This could be seen in his first approach with the Guaraní Natives who lived on the territory of the waterfall. He was able to earned the hostile Native’s trust by playing for them a solo with his oboe, using music as a way of communication. It is here that the Natives came to the mercy of God and short live the mercy of man. We could also see the changes he made on the life of Rodrigo Mendoza in the scene of the movie where Father Gabriel brought food for him in jail. During this intense scene of the conversation between the two, Father Gabriel convinces Rodrigo to repent on killing his half brother, in which he declares is the only way out. This was done by challenging Rodrigo to undertake a suitable penance and drag the heavy bundle up the mountains in the company of the Jesuits. It was when Rodrigo encounters the Natives who cut off his heavy bundle that he experience redemption. We could see how Father Gabriel played an important role in transforming the life of Rodrigo to get the opportunity to know the Lord. The highlight of an important decision that Father Gabriel made towards a crucial moment …show more content…

Rodrigo resemble similar traits as both of the characters of Cardinal Altamirano and Father Gabriel. He started out as a mercenary and slaver who make money by kidnapping Natives, selling them to the Spanish plantations. Then later on, the encounter of Father Gabriel had allowed him to experience redemption after the killing of his half brother. The Native’s act of kindness during their interaction on the mountains when they cut off Rodrigo heavy bundle was when we can began to witness his transformation. It was in this memorable scene when Rodrigo was in tears hugging the Native that we can see the repentance in his eyes. Slowly, throughout the movie, we could see how Rodrigo began to change from an antagonist to a protagonist who helped the Natives in constructing the San Carlos church. His interactions with the Natives made him became a better man along with the Bible that Father Gabriel gave him that helped guide him as a member of the Jesuits community. His transformation led him to make the choice in fighting for the Native against the Portuguese and Spanish, which represent his motivation for defending the Jesuits mission in which he believes he must do as a Christian to protect them. However, his belief in armed rebellion was not the answer and most definitely did not conform to Christianity. The result of the slaughter of Natives and Jesuits demonstrates how the approach was not

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