
Father In Huckleberry Finn

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Huckleberry (Huck) Finn, the main character in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, had lacked the important person that every young boy needs, a father. Huck’s biological father was not a prominent person in his life, he abandoned Huck so he could carelessly drink any alcohol he could get his hands on. When he finally tried to be in Huck’s life he kidnapped him, and only came back around because the word of Huck now having a great quantity of money meant he would have an endless supply of liquor. Knowing the scarcity of Huck’s father in his life, it is clear that Huck needed an individual to take him under their wing and teach him lessons about life and the world he lives in. Throughout the entire novel, Jim’s actions indicate that he was looking …show more content…

“Oh, yes, you got a gun. Dat’s good. Now kill sumfn en I’ll make up de fire” (Twain, 1302). This is a just the start of their relationship, but it is important because not only is Jim a runaway slave and Huck a white boy, so it is not acceptable for Jim to order Huck around. It is also important because Huck listens to Jim, Huck doesn’t sass back and respects Jim and what he has to say, enough to do as he is told. Another example of Jim looking out for Huck is when Huck played a prank on Jim, Jim had thought Huck died and demanded Huck told him the truth. Jim also informs Huck, “My heart wuz mos’ broke bekase you wuz los” (Twain, 1329). This is the first time Jim had ever displayed how much he cared about Huck, and Jim saying this to Huck made Huck realize how mean his tricks can be, making him stop them for good. Although Huck and Jim both came up with plans Jim would think them through and tell Huck what he thought, if it was good or bad. Jim was never afraid to tell Huck what to do or how something he did made others feel, making Huck a better …show more content…

One of the main times Jim protected Huck was when Jim didn’t allow Huck to see his father dead when they went on one of their adventures. “He ain’t a comin’ back no mo’, Huck...dat wuz him [Huck’s dad]” (Twain, 1462). Jim shielded Huck from the true identity of the dead man in a house floating down the river, because Jim knew that he was Huck's dad and Huck cared about him regardless of how he treated him. Jim does not protect Huck directly all the time, some of the times Jim protected Huck was by helping keep the other people in Huck’s life safe. One of the times Jim did this was when Tom, Huck’s friend was shot and the doctor couldn’t help Tom all by himself. “I got to have help, somehow; and the minute I says it, out crawls this nigger from somewheres, and says he’ll help” (Twain, 1458). Tom is Huck’s best friend and is like a brother to Huck. Jim knew that Huck would be devastated if Tom had died and so Jim risked his freedom to save Tom for Huck. Although it was not always obvious Jim was putting Huck’s happiness above his own and doing whatever he could to protect

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