
Father Jose Morelos Argument Essay

Decent Essays

Father Jose Maria Morelos had many arguments that he put forward to argue for Mexican independence. These arguments covered a wide range of topics from economics to religion. His main argument, much like the Declaration of Independence, was that the rights of the people were not being upheld by the government. The peninsulares had, over the centuries of Spanish rule, created a deep racial divide present in all aspects of life. This divide gave peninsula-born Spaniards almost total control over the land and people of the colonies, who they subsequently viewed and treated as inferior. It was this inequality and abuse of their natural rights that Morelos was fighting against, and he believed that the only way to insure the equality of all Mexicans, regardless of race, was to free themselves from Spanish rule.
The vision Morelos had for an independent Mexico was of a free and equal nation. According to Enrique Krause, “the doctrine espoused by Morelos granted as much import to social equality among Mexicans …show more content…

“Let there be no more ethnic distinction made among our people, but rather, we shall all be called simply americanos.” A key aspect in the removal of the racial hierarchy in Mexico would be the immediate abolition of slavery. This goal of Morelos, along with many others, was written in a document titled “The Sentiments of the Nation.” In it was written twenty-three articles which he believed would be “the basis for a future national constitution.” Many of the articles mirror parts of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States, showing that Morelos, like other revolutionary leaders, wanted to emulate American Revolutionary ideas. Article five, for example,

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