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Chronological "Early next morning I was lying in bed, when an old gentleman riding a bay horse arrived at the river. He was dressed in a faded chocolate gown flecked with roses and the end of his turban was wrapped round his face over an iron-grey beard. Across the saddle he carried a brown lamb. Behind him, on foot, came his son aged twelve, flapping along in a gown of geranium red and a white turban as big as himself, and holding a stick with which he directed the progress of a black ewe and her black lamb. "When the party had assembled at the ford, the process of crossing began. First the old man rode into the stream, with difficulty kept his horse 's head against it, and deposited the brown lamb on the other side. While he was …show more content…

Before him, on the other side of the American highway, spread fields and groves, through which meandered a river, and the Alcapancingo road. The loach, in its general aspect, has a pellucid appearance: its back is mottled with irregular collections of small black dots, not reaching much below the linea lateralis, as are the black and tail fins: a black line runs from each eye down to the nose; its belly is of a silvery white; the upper jaw projects beyond the lower, and is surrounded with six feelers, three on each side: its pectoral fins are large, its ventral much smaller; the fin behind its anus small; its dorsal fin large, containing eight spines; its tail, where it joins to the tail-fin, remarkably broad, without any taperness, so as to be characteristic of this genus: the tail-fin is broad, and square at the end. From the breadth and muscular strength of the tail it appears to be an active nimble fish. The water environment is facing many threats, waters are polluted, ecosystems destroyed andclimate change is causing more problems related to flooding and droughts. For a long time,these water problems have been addressed separately. Although there have been improvementsin how water is managed, for example through advanced wastewater treatment, in order toaddress water problems thoroughly, the use of integrated water management has been advocatedas the solution. This integration can refer to the

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