It’s not like you’re a bad witch. Actually you're the opposite of “bad” or “weak” , you’re one of the strongest witches in this century. You take pride in that title! You even went head to head with Totty for supreme! You just… Failed. and it's not your fault! It’s no one's fault! Things...just happening. Besides, totty is a great leader, even if he stumbles or trips! Or gets really drunk and fells on top of you, telling you you’re pretty or hot or both. Puting his hands all over you, as well as trying to pull up your skirt. Then pass out in the Courtyard, forcing you to, once again, drag him to bed. He’s not a bad leader, he’s just having fun. And who can blame him? You got all this power, money and fame in your hand! Not only that, he’s …show more content…
He walks up to the flower, he replied to your question “all i know is 5 girls were attacks. In the in the span of 3, 4 months? Besides that, i know nothing, i don't know who was the attacker or wha-” “We don’t know who the attacker was either, but we have a hint.” You interrupt him. His back is turn towards you, you can see his faces, so you don’t know what he’s thinking. He looks to be picking some of the blue flowers and making a small ring with them. You decide to continue and not wait for his response. “We need you Totty...please don’t go away again. These girls are so scared and i'm worried for them, we can’t even let them outside the Academy.” you're panicking now, eyes focusing on the beautiful green grass, playing with your fingers, trying to calm yourself down but, then, Someone grab your hands. He holds on to both your hands with one of his first, just rubbing his thumbs over your knuckles. Then lets go of the left and lift your right one. He reveals his other hand is holding a beautiful flower bracelet made with the blue cosmos flower. He slips it on your wrist, then lift your hand higher to his lips. He kisses your hand. ‘When did this become normal’ you thought. He always does this, showering you with little affection, whether it be kissed on the hand or cheek, hugs to the side or full blown hugs, he shows that he cares ‘or is something
The graphic novel, Fatty Legs, written by Christy Jordan – Fenton and Margaret Pokiak – Fenton and the song Took the Children Away by Archie Roach help us understanding of racial identity and thereby nurture tolerance and empathy. They use words, images and voice to give us different perspective on a similar issue happened in Australia and Higher Arctic related to racial identity and give us idea on the importance in how people treat each other in different racial.
How do you choose between the love of your best friend, and their safety? In Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes by Chris Crutcher, Eric Calhoune, a high school student, must decide how to help his best friend Sarah Byrnes, who was badly burned by her father when she was a toddler. When Sarah Byrnes stops talking to get away from her dad who was never caught for hurting her, Eric decides that he must find a way to keep Sarah’s dad permanently away from her. Eric makes hard decisions in order to help Sarah and himself such as telling his coach about her burns, telling Sarah’s father where Sarah went, and also keeping Sarah from running away to a special school in Colorado.
“Don’t worry friends; I know why you are here. You have come to ask me about the flower in the meadow.That is one special flower, just like all the ones I have up here. It’s a simple explanation, a seed off one of these just simply made its way down there.”
Over time, there have been more activists groups than one person can count. Some of these groups, however, stand out amongst the others. A group that calls themselves the "Fativists" have recently been surfacing in many mainstream outlets such as blogs, social media, and even Television. Fativists fight discrimination against those who are overweight or fat to put it simply. There is now a growing group of people who believe that "Big is Beautiful" and, despite the social stigma, that fat people are actually just as beautiful if not more beautiful than those people who are thin.
Jerry Mosher first’s starts off using actor Robert De Niro and George Wendt and their achievement of losing weight to make a film. He uses them to inform his reader the who television situates the body and how there is a physical demand to film for a performance. Television has created an illusion for its audience to believe that the people appearing are “real people.” Which is true, but again, there is a high physical manipulation and demand. This reconstructing of one’s body has created an aura, or what Mosher likes to call it, the “norm.” With such manipulation, the character the audience sees on the television minimizes their sexuality and political dimensions. To be “fat” on television, is to resister or the rebel societies exception of what is a “normal” type of body to appear on the television. Mosher uses the fat men as a great example. He states that the fat men will usually appear on comedy sitcoms, as their body is already seen as a “joke,” and being in a comedy sitcoms some how accommodates their fat body. However, the American culture has made the fat male body to be seen as an established television symbol of losing one’s masculinity, and the one who is not “soft and impotent” (169). This has now become what is known as the “crisis of masculinity,” because a fat men will feel like they are not the breadwinner of the house, or that their penis is way too small. Patriarchal power is now in danger for these men
Response 1: The main characters in Fat Kid Rules the World are Troy Billings and Curt McCae. Fat Kid Rules the World can connect to other books, songs, and tv shows that are about how people want to end their life and commit suicide. The setting in Fat Kid Rules the World is set in the city. Troy Billings is a 300 pound 17-year-old, who is considering committing suicide. Curt is a homeless boy who comes from a hard background. He is addicted to prescription medication, and nobody seems to really care. Curt McCae steps into Troy’s life to change his mind about committing suicide. I feel like Curt McCae is going to be able to help Troy Billings turn his life around and help him change his mind about suicide. Why does Troy Billings feel the need to commit suicide in the first place? Why is Curt McCae the person that helps him out of all people? The main conflict in Fat Kid Rules the World is the fact that Troy Billings want to commit suicide because he feels that nobody likes him because he’s fat. However, Troy Billings is helped over the conflict by Curt McCae.
At the hospital, everybody in town including Mayor Price was rushing in to see if Vicky was going to be alright. With everyone piled into the waiting room, fear and panic filled everybody's heart. The doctor came out of the emergency room and said, "She is going to ok." He allowed only three people to go in to see her Mayor Price, Gem, and Trini. When they walked into the room Vicky was lying in the bed with the two pieces of paper still clutched in her hand. "Open it, Vicky said." With the press standing on the outside they could see what caused all this.
My final question is- Why? Why in the world would he do it? The guy is a self-made multiBILLIONAIRE. He doesn't need the money; he doesn't need the fame. In fact, his life is about to get much worse and more difficult.
Having one severe disease can lead to have a tuff life or even more it can cost someone's life. In the earlier years before the 70’s obesity started to increase, and people were not aware of what was causing this epidemic. In these earlier years fast food restaurants started to increase so did their costumer's this caused more and more people to consume meals out of their homes. Now the big problem in this day is that many individuals don’t put a stop to this epidemic. Or many don't accept the truth behind these bad foods that can cause a big problem to the body. There are many solutions for the obesity, but it is for individuals to make a change. But many of the people depend on these types of products people love the taste
Obesity and being overweight Obesity/overweight issues need to be talked about among young women. I believe a woman can be and look beautiful at any weight. And just because someone is at a healthy weight does not necessarily mean they are healthy or just because someone is overweight, most people will automatically think it's because that person is a fatass or eat a lot, some people are overweight because of health issues or a slow metabolism. I also believe that everyone deserves respect and if a person has criticism; they can deliver it kindly. People think it's unimportant to talk about excessively overeating or binge eating.
Fed Up. Stephanie Soechtig. Perf. Michele Simon, Katie Couric, Bill Clinton, Michael Bloomberg. Atlas Films, 2014.
Fat does not equal lazy; fat does not equal bad; fat does not equal overeating; fat does not equal ugly. Fat oppression is something so prevalent in our society, yet Americans refuse to recognize it as a problem or even an issue. After hearing an amazing woman named Nomy Lamm speak this weekend, I could not longer let this issue be ignored. (Lamm is a fat oppression activist and has been published in Ms. magazine). Fat oppression exists in this society and we all must recognize the damage it does to everyone, especially fat people.
Attending the common hour, Things I Learned from Fat People on The Plane, was informative yet entertaining. I’ve been very thin majority of my life due to genetics, so this gave me a different perspective. Kimberly Dark told stories about growing up, living, traveling and how being fat effected those experiences. She made a sensitive subject, not so uptight by referencing her own stories and telling many jokes. Kimberly started common hour by addressing the word fat since society has turned it into an insult, however she uses it as just another neutral descriptive term like tall, short, blonde or brunette.
In American culture, the obese body is represented very negatively. One factor that contributes to this negative representation is the abundance of negative reactions that people display towards overweight people. It is a stigma that often taints and belittles the person, leading others to judge the individual negatively, rejecting, hating, or ridiculing him or her. That can often lead the obese person to develop sever psychological problems.
Throughout the years, fast food is becoming more and more of an outlet for many people that are short on change, in a rush but still need to grab a bite to eat, or even who are just too lazy to cook a meal. Fast food is very cheap, yet when we eat it we don’t necessarily realize the price we pay when we are starting to gain weight. Who is to blame? The person that is addicted to fast food, or the fast food restaurants? I agree fast food is cheap, yet delicious. I understand that it may get addicting, I do not believe that it is the restaurants fault for your lack of self-control. Eating fast food all the time can put you up against some major health risks. As claimed by, “Fast Food and Obesity,” Every 4 out of 10 adults in the USA will