
Fatu Vs. The Corpse Watcher

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Heroines Through the Tales
Heroines from various tales tend to be different from each other. Heroines tend to have positive and negative qualities to them. Archetypes can differ between the heroines as well. What makes a heroine isn't a set amount of qualities, its a female doing what she believes is right. Fatu from The Midwife of Dakar will be compared and contrasted with the youngest daughter from The Corpse Watchers; in both traits, archetype and their process through the hero's journey. Most of the time heroines are seen as brave, strong women, but not always. Both Fatu from The Midwife of Dakar and the daughter from The Corpse Watcher were nice and respectful, yet were very different in their own way.
The daughter and Fatu were similar in some ways, yet contrasted greatly in positive and negative ways. The youngest daughter from The Corpse Watchers displayed a caring, gentle girl, shown when she “took care to carry her mother’s blessing with her” and showed generosity as she “shared her dinner with the poor woman” (Ragan 18). Fatu from The Midwife of Dakar also displayed a kind, caring personality as she is “the woman who brings all the children into the world” (340) showing her …show more content…

Fatu from The Midwife of Dakar is more of an altruist. She helps children while they are being born, showing her caring for children. She doesn’t appear all that selfish, and in fact she is a nice, kind woman. She’s generous when it comes to helping people as displayed while helping the genie queen. The daughter in The Corpse Watchers however is more fitted as a warrior. She displays courage as she moves with the corpse to prove her courage. She’s strong willed and overcomes her fears to do as she needs to complete her test. She constantly tests her strength and ability like a real warrior. Her courage only drives further that she is a warrior. Therefore while Fatu displays herself as an altruist, the woman is more of a

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