
Faulkner Rhetorical Analysis

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Faulkner, in his sports essay, describes the actions of hockey in order to convey the excitement derived from playing the sport. He successfully achieves this portrayal of action and excitement by his deliberate use of syntax and imagery. Effectively, his deliberate use of syntax creates a structure in his essay which immerses the reader into the passage and allows his message to be conveyed. Often in the essay, he adopts compound-complex sentence structures to maximize his level of description and to fully establish the imagery he intends to create. Moreover, when he establishes depictions of action, motion, and speed, he creates considerably longer compound-complex sentences; using five or more clauses and at least one dash to thoroughly depict action, to eliminate any sense of pause, and to fully intrigue his readers. Such a usage of syntax is also parallel to when he writes that “ was filled with motion, speed.” His lack of “and” but rather the word “speed” preceding a comma further represents the elimination of a sense of pause and his use of syntax in order to create a sense of speed and intensity. In the last paragraph, he continues his extensive use of compound-complex sentences and he suddenly slows down and ends his final part on shorter complex sentences. …show more content…

The use of these types of phrases makes an image in the reader’s mind which is chaotic and confusing. By creating a confusion via the use of this imagery helps Faulkner to achieve his purpose of creating chaos and adds a considerable amount of depth. Equally, his use of imagery is what creates the action to his chaos. Having these depictions of action and confusing visualization allows him to create chaos in the reader’s mind as well, and not only in the

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