In The Fault In Our Stars by John Green, Augustus reveals that you should take control of your own life. Augustus and Hazel Grace both have cancer and throughout the book they show how they navigate through their love for each other while being terminally ill. Even though Augustus has had hard times he learned not to let that stop him from doing what he wanted. The book itself shows to take control of your own life and not to take things for granted. For example, Augustus said, “ You put the killing thing between your teeth but don’t give it the power to kill you.” (Green, pg 20). He mentioned this while putting a cigarette in his mouth but not lighting it. This quote best describes the theme of the book which is that we all have control of our lives regardless of our circumstances, which shows in the situations where Augustus made choices for himself. …show more content…
Augustus shows that when he decides to go to Amsterdam even though his cancer had returned. He goes to amsterdam with hazel to meet the author Peter Van Houton from the book “The Imperial Affliction”. He knew how much this meant for hazel and for himself because he really enjoyed the book. He never decided to tell hazel his cancer had returned because I believe he didn't want her to feel bad for him or for her to end up not going because of his circumstance. Both hazel and augustus wanted to hear the ending of the book since Peter Van Houton didn’t finish the book, and that kept them wondering. Hazel really inspired him to write a email to Peter and ask him questions and if they could meet up with him. I don't think augustus would have done that all on his own considering he liked reading books about
People try to hard to be popular in Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli. Stargirl becomes Susan to try to be popular, but it did not work. The most important lesson that we learned from Stargirl is that popularity does not matter, no matter how much you are hated.
I have chosen to read Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli. I have chosen this book based on my personal interest and interest in this specific genre, which is fiction, young adult literature, and children's literature. This book takes place at Mica Area High School in Arizona. Leo Borlock is your average eleventh grader, and he is the only one who accepts Stargirl for who she is. Sarah "Stargirl" Caraway is a unique tenth grader, and she is rejected by everybody in the school. She dances in the rain, plays the ukulele at lunch, and wears strange outfits. Stargirl had small bursts of popularity, but they've never lasted long. Soon after Leo accepts Stargirl, they began a relationship together. As the relationship
To start off, Darrel Curtis is definitely another hero in the book. Darrel has always been there for both Ponyboy and Sodapop. Although Darry could have been hurt many different times, it didn’t stop him from always being there for them. In the text this can be shown on page 142 when it says, “Then Darry said, ‘I’ll take on anyone.’ He stood there broad-shouldered, his muscles taut under his T-shirt and his eyes glittering like ice.”
Darry Curtis is one of the most heroic characters in the book The Outsiders because he gave his life away to support his family. Darry could’ve had the opportunity to go to college and have a successful life, but instead he wanted to take care of his younger brothers. A quote that shows this is, “He thought Darry worked too hard anyway. I did, too. Darry didn’t deserve to work like an old man when he was only twenty”(16).
Continuing, Dallas Winston is another heroic character in this book. Dallas may seem like he is mean, but he really cares for others. Dallas shows this when he helped Johnny and Ponyboy after Johnny killed a Soc. Johnny and Ponyboy were in deep trouble and Dallas helped them stay out of it. Dallas gave them directions for a place to hide out, he gave them money, a gun, and Ponyboy a change of clothes to stay warm.
Noe avitia Mrs Pollart Ela 8b 9 May 2024 The Outsiders Quotes. In Chapter 9 of the Outsiders, Dally and Ponyboy headed back to the hospital after a recent rumble that had taken place which led to them winning and wanting to check up on Johnny. They went to the hospital but were soon stopped by some workers, the doctor said. “I’m sorry, boys, but he’s dying.” Then Dally begins to speak after he has heard the doctor say about him dying.
To begin with, Ponyboy Curtis is another hero in the book because of how Pony was always a good friend to his buddy Johnny. He went into a burning church with Johnny putting their lives on the line to save little kids. One way this can be shown is from the book on page 121 when the text states, “ ‘You’ll be okay,’ I repeated firmly. Don’t start crying, I commanded myself, don’t start crying, you’ll scare Johnny” (Hinton). To sum up everything that the quote shows is how Pony was thinking of Johnny when he went to the hospital to visit Johnny when he was hurt.
In my book Midnight Star the protagonist known as Adelina Queen Of The Wolf and her Inquisitors goal is to take over many places in the world so they can become very powerful, but she is also searching for her sister. One quote in the novel that supports this is on page 119 that explains “Where is my sister? I demanded,” which is what she had said to three kings that could have had her beheaded right in front of them which really shows that she is desperately in need of her sister’s help to reach her goal. She also found a new goal, which is to close the hole between the mortals world and the immortals world, but to do that she needs to help her sister become unsick so they can do it with Rafaelle and everyone who has a power to do it, and
This quote is from Chapter 13, page 63. From the minute Stargirl Caraway stepped into Mica High School it was evident to everyone she was different. One of the first things people notice about Stargirl is her unusual name. It turns out, she names herself and changes her name periodically. I infer from the quote that because Stargirl is a free spirit she does not feel bound by the same social norms we do. Therefore, she feels no obligation to go by her real name. Also, I believe based on Stargirl’s actions throughout the book; she is saying that you need to stay true to yourself and not let anyone or anything decide who you are; not even your name. Further, I surmised that she feels it is okay to be different in a society that is always telling
Secondly, through the perspective of another character, Augustus has his own way of taking care of his family and loved ones in his amount of depleting time. Like Hazel, Augustus feels the need to make the important people in his life better when times are gloomy. Quote, “I’m hopeful I’ll get to attend as a ghost, but just to make sure, I thought I’d-well, not to put you on the spot, but I just this afternoon though I could arrange a prefuneral, and I figured since I’m in reasonably good spirits, there’s no time like the present.” (257). Spoken by Augustus to Hazel, this request by Augustus can be broken down to him simply understanding and accepting he does not have much time left. He wants to let everyone he cares about to know what he has left to say and for everyone to say their last words to him, saying their goodbyes, and ensuring them that he does hear what they all have left to say. He also keeps his happy mood because he knows if he can remain positive, it would
“You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.”- Thích Nhat Hanh . This quote means that it doesn't matter what others think of you it’s just matters what you think of yourself. In the novel, The Outsiders, S.E. Hinton addresses the theme of accepting yourself for who you are, and not to let others change you. It is implied by S.E. Hinton that people should learn to embrace themselves for who they are and not to change if others don’t accept you or have prejudice towards you.
In stories of all kinds, a common theme is “choices”. Choosing what to do with your life, choosing who you want to be with, choosing to defy stereotypes and doing things nobody would expect you to do. In our English course this year, we have read the story Everyone Talked Loudly in Chinatown and watched the film Into the Wild, both of which deal with important choices in life.
Evidence Expands Views Two authors believe that we control what we do in our lives. William Ernest Henley and Emily Dickinson take similar viewpoints on the subject. The poem “Invictus” by Henley concludes that you are “the master of [your] fate” (15). The other poem “Luck is Not Chance” by Dickinson concludes that your fate is deemed through hard work.
“Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” This famous line, by Abraham Lincoln, highlights the fact that everyone is of equal value. On the other end of the spectrum is the idea of discrimination. Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Café was written by Fannie Flagg, a well-known American author. This novel takes place in the Deep South and switches back and forth between the 1980s and the early 20th century, when discrimination was rampant. Discrimination has two main definitions. Firstly it is defined as “the ability to recognize the difference between things that are of good quality and those that are not” (Webster). A second definition is “the practice of unfairly treating a person or group of people differently from other people or groups of people” (Webster). The latter
The phrase “Why fit in when you’re born to stand out?” (Jerry Spinelli, Stargirl) is false in the context of how Stargirl acts. Throughout the novel, Stargirl acts differently from her classmates, which has negative effect on her classmates. During the novel Stargirl cheers for the opposing team- encouraging others to do so as well- and acts in a manner that other students see as desirable. The way that her actions affect the Mica High students is discouraging and competition and causing students to abandon their self-identity, respectively.