
Fayetteville Case Study

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One can get extremely frustrated driving from Fayetteville to Rogers these days. There is construction everywhere, causing delays, lane closures, and much havoc on our commutes to and from home, school, and work. If you take out the frustration, one can see the positives to the improvements. The road worker who has been out of work for months is now able to provide for his family, the drivers are getting an improvement to the neglected roads traveled daily, the state is making an investment in their infrastructure that will last for many years to come, and our economy is showing a sign of improvement! Investing time and money into our infrastructure benefits all of us and is a sign to our economic growth. In the short term, the investment in …show more content…

For instance, if money and time was not invested in the roads in which we drive, we would be driving on one lane country roads that would seem impassable in today’s standards. Our commutes from Fayetteville to Bentonville would take hours. This would decrease our quality of living because we would be spending most of our time during the day in our commute and missing out on opportunity to be working making money to provide for our households. The list can go on and …show more content…

When one thinks about the quality of life in China, people assume that they are thriving due to the booming markets in their big cities. However, most of China is considered rural and conditions are not like that of those in the city. Over the past decade, China has invested time and money into developing their power grids and the development of roads and highways, amongst other things. Their increase in infrastructure has increased the quality of life for everybody involved. Because they are able to hire cheap labor, they have been able to employ hundreds, if not thousands, in order to continue their growth, which makes way for quality of life improvements. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, “China spent 9% of GDP on infrastructure...” (Laurel Graefe). That is a very measurable amount of money! Although infrastructure is one of the major components to a thriving economy, you must also take into consideration technology and the productivity of the people. If technology is not improving, it’s harder to improve the quality of goods and services provided. If a person in the work field is not productive in their work or undereducated in their work, the quality of the goods and services they are creating will not benefit the buyer and therefore goods and services will not be purchased. Therefore, technology and human productivity go hand in hand with infrastructure

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