
Fbla Thesis

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Students often leave high school with the ability to recite the quadratic formula from memory or finding the velocity of a hypothetical car driving off of a cliff. However, it is rare to find a student who has the basic knowledge to allow them to function in life on their own as the heavy dependence on common core and courses with rigor prevent them from taking the classes that would benefit them beyond their life as a student. Fortunately, the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) aims to alleviate this with a vast amount of community service projects and hands-on experiences.

FBLA is a Career and Technical Student Organization sponsored by Business Education teacher, Barbra Jackson, promoting business and leadership skills. In the past month alone, the organization has participated in various donations, community service, and fundraising and have even more planned in the months to come. Currently, FBLA is taking part in the Lilburn Co-Op where members can make donations such as canned food, freezer bags, detergents, etc, as well as raising money for the March of Dimes where all the proceeds members acquire goes to research for premature infants. President Judy Liu explains, “We participate in a lot of community service projects to help others increase their experiences, not just in high school, but also to prepare for the future after high school.” …show more content…

Like any other CTSO club, FBLA also competes from a regional level all the way to the national level. Vice President Pratima Bajaj even placed eighth for Job Interview at their national competition. “It was a great feeling going up there,” Bajaj notes, “I was really proud of myself and happy for our chapter as well as Mrs. Jackson because she pushed me to do

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