
Fdr Great Depression Analysis

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By the time Frankly Delano Roosevelt became the president the Great Depression was in full swing. People lost their jobs, ran through saving, home, and above all else lost their self worth. In the 1920s there was an image of what the structure of the family should resemble, the father leaving to work and bring a paycheck (the breadwinner) and the mother at home caring for the children, cleaning, and having dinner ready for her husband (the housewife). Nevertheless, the depression shattered this image and President Hoover refusal to intervene only exacerbated the problem and when the reality of the depression was not going away, he did try to stimulate the economy by proving money to banks and public works except it was too late. Once FDR was …show more content…

The people began to lose faith on capitalism and FDR restored some of that faith with his fireside chats, telling American citizens, his plan and explain how banks work. FDR focused on the banks that closed and to reopen them. The Emergency Banking Act Mach 9, 1933 attempted to stabilize the banking system. Also, Federal Reserve Board was created to regulate banking and it also established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) which insurance the money of depositors up to 2500 and in 1935 permanent agency. Because of FDR’s charm and the use of radio was able to restore some faith in banks and banks started to open. In 1934 the Securities Exchange Act which created the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) which would regulate Wall Street prevents misuse and insider information. Also, banks began offering credit low interest rate tried to encourage businesses to borrow and invest which in turn would create jobs. The Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) provided financial support to state and local government loans went to bank, railroads, and other business to improve the economy. The RFC was implemented by President Hoover and later adopted by President Roosevelt. Roosevelt was able to restore the banking system earning him …show more content…

The National Recovery Administration (NRA) lowered prices and federal regulation were to eliminate cut throat tactics. Also, the NRA gave workers the right to organize, set minimum wage, maximum hours per week and code regulation. However, like in the 1920s there were loopholes, code regulation were between businessmen and government official, these government officials were often former businessmen themselves and perhaps for this reason many industries relatively had positive views of the NRA. Unions also made headway under the Wagner Act by section 7(collective bargaining) which gave works the right to organize, to join unions without fear of retaliation from employers and it also made employers to recognize unions. Employers did find a way around the unions by offering employee company unions, which were run by

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