
Thematic Analysis Of The Story 'Fear And Loathing In America'

Decent Essays

Unit 5 Written Assignment
Analysis of the story, ‘Fear & Loathing in America’
Analysis of this story reveals to me that the supreme targets for terror attacks certainly, is the minds and souls of the civilized people of the world, consequently, the World Trade Centre, the Pentagon, the four commercial jetliners, and all the victims of September 11, 2001, attack ordinarily, are not the discourses for terrorist ideological nihilism. Obviously, the supreme goal of this terroristic attack is to destroy the mind and consciousness of the American people. The Al Qaeda group is not in contention with buildings and aeroplanes, or innocent victims, Al Qaeda is ferociously angry about the ways Americans think, and consequently, feels that with their hallucinatory …show more content…

Psychologically, it was the worst idiosyncratic horrific terrorist iconography ever seen in the United States whose impact is still indelible in the minds of all Americans, as Kubiak (2009) writes “No one could entertain terrorist after the groaning, smoking, blood-soaked monument of the twin towers of the World Trade Centre” (p. 1). Nevertheless, let us not forget the mind of terror, the World Trade Centre, the Pentagon and the jetliners are not the object of discourses for terrorism, the true targets of terrorism is the mind and soul of all civilized people. Without overstretching my analysis, we must be conscious that terror goal is to implant fear and uncertain into our minds and soul. Terrorists want to change our belief, motives, ideas, assumptions, values and finally, implant their dauntingly vague agenda into our minds, will they succeed or not? I leave this question for you.
Kubiak, A. (2004). Spelling it out: narrative typologies of terror. Studies in the Novel, 36(3), 294+. Retrieved from
Thompson, H. S. (2009). Fear & Loathing in America, page 2 columnist, ESPN Internet Ventures. Retrieved from

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