The Crucible We all have fear. Some of us have the fear that can not fall into sleep. Some of us have the fear that does not care. What is the fear? Fear is something that does not want to experience again. Someone can use the fear to creat the superstition because the fear will become more and more afraid that someone will take it as the true thing, but the most afraid thing is the heart. Arthur Miller who wrote 《The Crucible》told us that human hearts are the most terrible fear because the human hearts are incomprehensible and are not what they were in old days so that there appears superstition and the superstition confuses the human hearts. There is not originally any fear and the superstition in the world, but there fear and superstition …show more content…
Abigail threatened other girls that did not tell others the truths because Abigail felt afraid that what they did I would lose her all reputation, so Abigail created the superstition. Abigail was afraid about her reputation in the village. She did not want others to say Abigail was a liar. She did not want to assume the responsibility that she created the witches that disordered the life in the village so that she told others the superstition. She wanted to make others believe in the superstition because she could not have any blame on it. Sarah Goody was a poor woman that she admitted that she conjured spirits because she was afraid to die, so she had to creat the superstition because she was pregnant. Sarah Goody was a person that she did not care about others, she just cared about herself. Sarah Goody admitted the superstition because she did not want to hurt herself so that she did not want to protect the responsibility of others. The superstition is horrible because it can dispute a person's thoughts so that it is believed by more and more persons. The fear and superstition can make the whole world become
Superstition is a belief based on past experiences and not facts. In the play, The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, the Puritans were living in Salem, Massachusetts but are very superstitious. Part of the reason why is because they are avid believers in two different worlds: the natural world and the invisible world. There are also strong believers in the idea that God gives signs, good or bad, to express how he feels about them during certain times. For example, a natural disaster may signify that the Puritans are doing something wrong. The Puritans were superstitious because they are paranoid people.
All throughout the play,The Crucible , Arthur Miller uses various themes to get his message across. A motif that made an enormous impact in the Puritan community would be demonization. Demonization could be described as marking an entity as evil, due to having the polar opposite beliefs as one's own. In Miller’s play demonization caused instability in the community by creating chaos, fear, and false accusations. It allowed people to create scapegoats, and it revealed repressed social conflicts in both the Salem witch trials and in the era of Mccarthyism. Demonization plays an important role on how characters in the play live, and associate with one another. Miller in the play describes the lives of the people living in the Massachusetts Bay Colony during the witch trials, that occurred during the late 1600s. Much of these characters are a representation of what was happening during Miller’s lifetime.
The book and movie Jumanji is fearful. The tone of the movie is fearful. Three reasons why the book,and the movie is fearful because a lion appears and starts growling and scares everyone,and then monkeys appear and start destroying the kitchen,and Rhinos stampede through the room and scares everyone. First,something that happened in the movie that was fearful was Allen got sucked into the gameboard.
Inside us all there is a deep dark fear this is what grabs us by the thresh hold of life. It controls the most important aspects of our lives. This is found within the deepest and darkest chasms of our souls. The very creature that wreaks havoc in our minds we cage and never confront we lock this beast away to afraid to overcome it. If the beast is not confronted it begins to contort and change who we are as a person and how we interact with others. Even the very decisions we make as a person to affect those around us and are loved ones to also suffer the consequences of our actions. Such as the crucible and how each person was warped into their own monster by greed.
If there is one thing that is impossible to escape in modern society, it is fear. Whether it be advertisers using frightful hypotheticals to sell a product, or politicians instilling panic into the citizens in order earn themselves a few extra votes, fear is found everywhere and anytime. With this in mind, it is no surprise that the use of fear seeps into the literature of the times, especially when the content of the work has a basis in real events from the past. Fear is an effective motivator as evidenced by the characters in Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible.
Abigail uses this alleged power to strike fear into the community, as well as accuse Elizabeth of witchcraft. By lying about having this ability of seeing spirits and being able to decide who is a witch to accuse innocent citizens of witchcraft Abigail becomes the most powerful person in Salem. Abigail strikes the fear of being accused of witchcraft into the community, which in turn creates hysteria. This fear creates hysteria because citizens begin accusing one
Throughout our history has become the ultimate weapon. it turns secentist into idiots, warroirs into cowards, and blinds individuals from the truth. chaos has always orginated from fear because once fear takes over, all sense of humanity and intelligence in one disappears. while checking on Betty, Mrs. Putnam says "She ails as she must- she never waked this morning, but her eyes and she walks, and hears naught, sees naught, and cannot eat. Her soul is surely taken"displaying not only her fear for her daughter but also her ingorance as well (Miller 13). She jumped to conclusions out of fear and ignorance. to nothing can explain Mrs. Putnam"s duagther's condition, so she finds one in Witchcraft subconsciously. She does this to bring hope that
Persecution may happen centuries apart, yet history always repeats itself as seen with The Crucible being an allegory for McCarthyism. Society blames this on superstition. The Crucible is a play portraying witch hunts that occurred in Salem under a theocratic government. In America, over 250 years later, McCarthyism reemerged despite what we should have learned from our mistakes. A pattern that is imprinted on the history of not only our country but of the world, persecution can be uglier than we have the ability to stand, yet it repeats many times throughout our history.
People lose their senses and blamed everything on witchcraft. For example,in the first scene when Betty got sick, she laid on the bed and could not move for days. Every now and then she would even call her dead mom. Seeing that, Putman concluded, “ She cannot bear to hear Lord’s name Mr. Hale; that’s a sure sign of witchcraft” (Miller 41). With little knowledge in illnesses during that time, many died from a common cold or fever that could be easily treated nowadays. Betty, who might have caught a cold or she might have been feeling sorrow over her dead mom. Instead of using their logic to cure the illness,people assumed Betty’s illness has something to
Fear can lead to a lot of things, but unfortunately, in humans it usually leads to something bad. Throughout history, fear has lead to some of the most violent actions by man, and some of the biggest collapses of organized society. In early American history, the people of Salem experienced this for themselves. Arthur Miller shows this in his book. The society of Salem that Miller creates in The Crucible shows how fear can slowly cause rational thought to deteriorate, leading to mass hysteria and eventually the breakdown of civilized behavior.
At times, fear motivates people to behave unscrupulously. Personal fears instigate some characters in Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible to cry witch. Reverend Parris fears losing his job, Abigail fears prosecution and losing John Proctor, and Tituba fears physical retribution. Fear induces people to defend their personal whims and use their power to harm others.
Fear and faith can drive a person to death or a divine life. The Crucible takes place in Salem during the Salem witch trials. The Crucible makes a point to include that the population’s main religion is puritan. The puritan religion has many distinct rules. People that are puritan have extremely strong faith and guidelines. Fear is another extremely strong force. The Crucible makes a point to include that the people accused of witchcraft are very fearful of death and this element drives the entire play. People get ear in their heads and start to lose their faith. The people want to live so when they are accused of dancing with the devil, they disobey their faith and lie and confess until they are set free. They all do this to save themselves
Fear is definitely not always a harmful emotion. Fear influences people to take extreme measures and act irrationally emotion. While fear is one of the main emotions people face, fear is not a always harmful emotion. In the Crucible, Arthur Miller shows us how fear and suspicion can destroy a community. As the play develops, Miller shows us how fear and suspicion increase and destroy the community. Throughout the play it becomes apparent that the community gets more and more divided as time goes on. In the beginning there were arguments about ownership of land between some of the villagers. As the story progresses people fear for their own safety and begin accusing their neighbours of witchcraft in order to escape being hanged. Salem became overrun by the hysteria of witchcraft. Mere suspicion itself was accepted as evidence. As a Satan-fearing community, they could not think of denying the evidence, because to deny the existence of evil was to deny the existence of goodness; which was God. In the 17th century a group of Puritans migrated from England to America - the land of dreams - to escape persecution for their religious beliefs. As Arthur Miller tells us in the introduction to Act 1 'no one can really know what their lives were like.' We would never be able to imagine a life with 'no novelists' and 'their creed forbade anything resembling a theatre or vain entertainment.' 'They didn't celebrate Christmas, and a holiday from work meant only that they must concentrate
In The Crucible, Arthur Miller wrote about the puritans and their superstitions. The puritans were scared of everything. They believed that the devil lived in the forest, so they were forbidden to go there. They believed that if something could not be explained then the devil caused it. The Crucible had many superstitions take place but I'm identifying the use of charms, the number of seven, and a rabbit's foot.
In the story ¨The Crucible¨ there are many examples of fear leading to superstition then leading to loss of logic. Some examples of superstition in the story are people getting accused of witchcraft for reading, being in possession of poppets (dolls), or just not confessing. People in the story are wrongfully accused and killed because people had lost their logic from being so afraid of witchcraft. They looked for any possible way to accuse anybody, and would believe anyone who would blame somebody. Even if the accusation doesn´t make sense, there was so much fear and hysteria leading people to believe anything. The first example in the story about superstition is when Giles Corey is having a conversation