Beginning college is much like any life altering change; at first can be frightening. Students doubt their ability to adjust, fit in with classmates, and balance responsibilities' in order to excel. As you see yourself succeeding and enjoying the very things that you were afraid of. Usually this proves to be liberating and empowering, that is how fears of failure and incompetence are quickly replaced with confidence and success.
Going off to college is probably one of the best things a person can do to further their education. The promise of a degree from a university seems achievable but is shadowed with the many challenges that come with a higher edification. Often many college students find themselves bothered by these obstacles which can determine whether the college student succeeds or not. There are many endeavors in college but it depends on how the student reacts to these situations.
The book The Prince of Los Cocuyos can relate to my transition into college. The first time Richard Blanco came to America and felt out of place. College is all about experinces and getting to know yourself and learning who you really are. It is hard leaving high school and having to transition to college. Being used to teachers reminding you about assingments to now going online and having to remind yourself. As I begin to start my college experience I thought college would be easier no one telling you what you can and cant do, but its really not easier it might honestly be harder. Having to do so many assignments all at once. I feel like college is all about self motivation and being able to push yourself to work hard. Which I actually am
Gary Colombo, Robert Cullen, and Bonnie Lisle in their book “Rereading America” feel that commencing college is a very disturbing experience. So many things we have to deal while starting college, but the major challenges are expanded difficulty levels and higher expectation which we are not familiar over the years of high school. In order to solve this issue, we have to remodel ourselves by taking up the challenge and rethink about our strength and flaws. To succeed in college we need to be mentally strong and dedicated towards our goal.
Colombo explains that “Beginning college can be disconcerting experience” (Colombo, p.1). That there will be more peer pressure from your peers and an increase expectations that you have never faced during your high
Starting college as a Freshman is exciting; it is also unnerving. The comfort of everything I know is going to disappear and it will be time to grow up and face reality. However, reality isn’t doomed to be negative if I prepare for my future and
Unlike high school, people don’t normally get one try to get it right the first time! College, for most is a critical development into adulthood. College teaches beyond the classroom and sheds light on certain attainable humanly characteristics. Such as: perseverance, hard work, integrity, love, admiration, and respect which allows one to find oneself using knowledge.
I remember all the meetings I had during my senior year. They were all suppose to help us prepare for college. All my friends knew what careers they wanted and what they wanted to be in life. Then there was me, I had no clue what career I wanted or what interested me. Knowing that, I was scared to even apply to a college. I was able to overcome the fear of attending college by talking to my 12th grade english teacher and forcing myself to apply to college.
I worry a lot. I worry about you and me. I’m worried because I want to go to a very good college but, school is hard. I put so much work into my academic studies and I feel like I get nothing out of it. I want to be very successful in life but, I’m worried that I would be able to get the chance to do the career I want to do. I also worry too much about sports. I want to play sports in college but I’m worried that I’m not good enough or won’t reach the college’s standards. I also worry about getting hurt. I’ve gotten hurt in gymnastics many time which makes me afraid to go for new skills. I’m just worried about getting another injury. Sometimes I want to quit because I worry too much which affects my performance. When I walk through the hallway
Have you ever wonder how it is on the first day of college? Looking confused and anxious? "In the Student Fear Factor," by Rebecca D Cox. She describes how students feared when entering college and how their experience was. Cox discusses how students fear about having essay after an essay and say how students feel unprepared for the college experiences. Having fear isn't going to help them achieve their goals it's just going to make them fail. Majority of the students' stress about how the homework can be and the professors are. In the fear factors the students learned to managed their fears after talking about their pass and how it was to live that bad experience of college.
My worries about college are more in how well I will do in higher level classes and if I’ll be able to help my Family during my time in College. As a First Generation college student, I feel like my family has so much trust and high expectations for me to do well in College and graduate. I don’t feel pressured even if my family does expect a lot from me. I worry about many things like money, time, family, friends, school, and etc. I don’t worry about fitting in because I can get by with only focusing on myself and not caring about what other people think like whether they accept me or not for who I am and who I’m not. I have never had the feeling of not belonging because I’ve gone to schools where the students are not so different from me so we would all understand each other and didn’t care if someone was poor or rich, we respected and treated each other fairly. Up until High School I worry that the transition to college will be a bit challenging but nothing that I can’t handle.
Going to college allows for many opportunities to open up in life. Society is changing at a very rapid rate. College is a very difficult time for nearly everyone, as Charles Murray who published an article on should the Obama Generation Drop out also states that “A large majority of young people do not have the intellectual ability to do genuine college-level work” (95). Attending college is not for everyone, but It can teach you to learn how to become independent, develop discipline, evolve new life skills, and learn how to balance a social life versus student life. The experiences you obtain and gain from attending college can lead you to learn how to live your life within the college environment in a way that creates harmony with who you are. It is a time of trial and error until you find what works for you. Eventually harmony is found by choosing a major that coincides in a positive way with the person you are. Once this is found, you will be able to establish a system of studying and learning that works for how your mind works. It is natural that your life will be in disharmony when the circumstances in your life change dramatically, such as when you go to college, but your life should eventually return to being less stressful. During your college journey, you will make many friends. Many friendships that you make in college
The first year of college comes with many changes and challenges. These changes can include the food in the cafeteria, study habits, time management skills, and much more. Every student has to find their own way to handle the first year and determine what works best for them. For many the most essential change is living away from home. Campus life provides opportunities to become a part of a unique, diversified community. With these opportunities come challenges, such as having a roommate, being away from one’s parents, and determining self-limits.
The field lay silent as the game ball rested in front of me, itching to be kicked at the net. Taking a deep breath, I sped closer to the ball, my leg locking into place. Sharply exhaling, I pulled the trigger and my leg fired away.
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one student to dissolve the bonds which have held him to his high school life, he can get fairly intimidated. Making the transition from high school to college can be a tough one. I remember my experience in such a transition vividly, as it was only a short time ago.
Throughout my lifetime I have listened to people reflect back on their college experiences and explain how college is supposed to be “the best experience of your life.” The summer after my senior year I use to try and imagine what my first semester was going to be like based on what I had heard people talk about in the past. After my first semester at NC State I realized that I couldn’t fully understand what college was like until I experienced it for myself. My first couple of weeks at Ohio State was rough and really tested my strength (mental and physical). I faced challenges and obstacles that I had never heard about in those past college experience conversations. All of a sudden there was no one to get me out of