1917: February Revolution was when protesting demonstrators in Petrograd, (now St. Petersburg) Russia led a mass uprising on March 8th which led Czar Nicholas II to abdicate from Russia’s throne and brought an end to the czarist rule in Russia. This uprising was caused by shortages of food and fuel, and opposition to WWI which angered common Russian people. The czar’s army opened fire onto all the mini uprisings everywhere on March 11th. On March 12th the revolutionaries finally defeated the soldiers. The Duma formed a Provisional government that took over ruling Russia. Czar Nicholas II abdicated his throne on March 15th.
1917: October Revolution was when Bolsheviks and Soviets took over Provisional government on November 7-8th (was in October
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This marked the beginning of the twelve year long Great Depression which had a devastating affect on most of the countries. After World War I, America had a rise in wealthy people and industrialized products. There was a big overproduction of agriculture, many businesses started to slow down, and people started to build up many debts. Despite all these signs of trouble the market still seemed to keep thriving fast. America was very unprepared for the crash when it happened because its economy was crucial for the rest of the world to survive. Most of Europe and Asia depended on America’s good economy. So after America’s economy crashed the whole world went after with very little signs of recovery.
1932-1933: Holodomor was when the Soviet government organized a widespread famine in Ukraine and some parts of Russia. As many as 7 to 10 million people starved to death. There are many different theories why this famine was developed. Some are: to stop Ukraine’s independence movement or because Russia simply did not have enough resources to feed its whole population so they decided to make it smaller. People in these areas were not allowed to move, had most of their food confiscated, and were not allowed to have outside help from
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A chancellor has the power to make laws of a country and therefore is considered a powerful political position. Hitler demanded to become chancellor of Germany, but President von Hindenburg of Germany only offered him to be vice-chancellor. This did not suffice Hitler so made a deal with Franz von Papen, current chancellor, to convince von Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as chancellor. Von Hindenburg agreed as long as Papen would “babysit” Hitler through being vice-chancellor and to create a more stable government.
1933: Enabling act was passed by Hitler on March 23rd. This gave him ultimate power to make any laws without consent of anyone not even the government: Reichstag. The Nazi party lost the parliamentary election so he had the cabinet help set up the Enabling Act plan. President von Hindenburg agreed to give Hitler this power for only about four years because of Germany's current desperate state. Germany needed a strong leader that could make good decisions fast. Civil liberties such as habeas corpus were suspended by Hitler. He also used his power raid communist offices and arresting
Alongside the 20th century, another devastating genocide that occurred was the Holodomor in Soviet Ukraine from 1932 to 1933. Holodomor translates to “death by hunger.” Stalin instituted collectivization and raised Ukraine’s grain production quotas to an impossible 44%. He authoritatively mandated that no grain was to be given to the Ukrainians until the regimes quota was met, hence, this led to the starvation of the entire population in Ukraine .
1921 peasant revolts through war communism – grain hoarding – protests for it, major famine- Bolsheviks taking grain. Red
In 1917, a revolution started more specifically the Russian Revolution. Many people were impacted by this revolution. It started in 1905 when Russia was suffering military defeats in the Russo-Japanese War. Following, Russians flooded the streets protesting. About 300 people were killed and many were wounded. The two leaders during this time were Czar Nicholas II and Vladimir Lenin. Czar Nicholas II was the leader who caused the Russian Revolution because of his bad leadership.
Hitler rose to power after President Hindenburg's demise yielded him presidency in addition to the Chancellor role he already held. This made him the Fuhrer (Supreme Leader) with complete control of Germany. He took numerous political, social and economical measures to ensure his popularity amongst his people so as to prevent rebellion. He already in fact had some of these measures implemented way before Hindenburg's death in August 1934, when he was just Chancellor. These policies kept him in power until his death in 1945.
Holodomor occurred during 1932-1933, but corrupt events and poor leadership led up to the famine and starvation. Vladimir Lenin, who ruled the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1924, declared Ukraine as an independent nation. Sadly, the new country’s government was very unstable and could not withstand. So, the country became a part of the Soviet Union once again. As a result of getting a taste of independence, a new pride and patriotism rose among the Ukrainians along with a political elite group. Joseph Stalin, who rose to power in 1924, saw that this wave of nationalism in Ukraine as a threat. So Stalin set up a new form of economic production called collectivism. Collectivism is where individual farmers were
In December 1917 is when Vladimir lenin retained Bolshevik (member of the Russian communist party in December 1917) control and came to power. This is when he started to take back the territories Soviet Russia had lost due to the revolutions(Harvest of Despair). Ukraine being one of Soviet Russia's former states fought against Lenin's red army for 4 bloody years until 1921 when Soviet Russia took over its capital Kiev and the major parts of the country. After Ukraine was retaken by the Soviet Russians (Harvest of Despair) 7:06 - 7:40 ) they still had resistance from the population, so Lenin order a new economic policy that stopped grain requisition and allowed the farmers to trade openly on the market. This drastically stopped the resistance as 80% of Ukraine's population is farmers.
When World War I ended the United States was in a recession and millions of veterans were looking for jobs and it was weighted on the war contracts. There was also a shortage in food and products that were not being produced which caused high prices and inflation. The cost of living also doubled and that caused major stress for all Americans. The Americans had little patience for what was happening with the economy. They just wanted to forget about the war and start over. The majority of the American believed that the business sector was going help the recession. The Americans were afraid that the communists might be able to succeed and come into America.
The revolution of 1917 was the culmination of a number of factors coming together and causing the volatile mix of reasons to come together and boil over. The people of Russia where fed up with the horrible conditions they had to put up with and decided to do something about it. Some factor I will discuss include the industrialization,
The Russian Revolution was a series of two revolutions that consisted of the February Revolution and the October Revolution. The February Revolution of March 8th, 1917 was a revolution targeted and successfully removed Czar Nicholas II from power. The February Revolution first began to take place when strikes and public protests between 1916 and early 1917 started occurring. These strikes were created to protest against and to blame Czar Nicholas II for Russia’s poor performance in WWI and severe food shortages that the country facing. Soon, violence between protesters and authorities began to escalate, and on February 24th, 1917 in the city of Petrograd, hundreds of thousands of male and female workers flooded the streets. They all had the same purpose which was to protest against the “Great War” and the monarchy. The protests began to escalate and the vastly outnumbered police were unable to control the crowds. When news of the unrest reached the czar, he ordered the military to put an end to the riots by the next day, and on February 26th, 1917, several troops of a local guard regiment fired upon the crowds, but however many soldiers felt pity and empathy for the protesters than the czar, and on the next day, more than 80,000 soldiers join the protest even directly fighting the police.
The Russian Revolution of 1905 marked the end of the autocracy. The Russian Revolution of 1905 began in St. Petersburg on January 22, 1905, also known as Bloody Sunday. Father Georgii Gapon led steel workers on a strike to St. Petersburg, for better
Holodomor, or the Ukrainian genocide famine, was the forced starvation instituted against the Ukrainian people by Joseph Stalin and his followers between 1932 and 1933. The word Holodomor comes from two Ukrainian words, “holod” and “moryty.” “Holod” means famine and “moryty” means to inflict death. ( faminegenocide) The beginnings of the Ukraine started with the city of Kyiv which eventually grew to become the empire of Kyivan Rus. Over the next several hundred years control of Ukraine shifted between multiple groups including Poland and Lithuania. Eventually, the Russians came to control one part of the Ukraine and the Polish controlled the other, which eventually came to be controlled by the Austrians. Under Russian rule, the Ukraine people
During the 1900’s the Russian Government made it extremely hard for the Bolsheviks to progress which made them revolt against the government making this a prime matter for the start of the Revolution. The Czarist government was ostracized by the common people of Russia so Tsar Nicholas II was overthrown by the Provisional Government, whom later on were overthrown by Lenin and shortly after the Bolsheviks took control over Russia. Russia was hard to develop because of the major leaders who had control; Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky. Almost overnight an entire society was destroyed and replaced with one of the most radical social experiments ever seen. Poverty, crime, privileged and class-divisions were to be eliminated, a new era of socialism
The February Revolution of 1917 was first of the two revolutions in Russia in 1917, the revolution which began the transformation of the country. As an immediate result of this revolution, Tsar Nicholas II decided to abdicate, which lead to the end of the Romanov dynasty. The Tsar was immediately replaced by the provisional government and at the same time the
Russia, 1917, they have Nicholas II as their Tsar, Russian are losing hope in their leader, and they want change. Russia’s economic system was bad, their government was corrupting and the Duma, their parliament, was slowing going away. The main cause of their revolution was their involvement in WWI, Russia came nowhere close to the industrialized Germany, so they had an extremely weak military compared to them, leaving them with a great loss of men. WWI had them in an economic crisis with the cost of war efforts. It starts with the February Revolution, in St. Petersburg, workers were throwing strikes in the street, destroying police stations and going against the policies requests to leave, so they take open fire at the crowd killing them.
Known as the October Revolution or the Bolshevik Revolution, it was led by a group of revolutionary socialists called Bolsheviks. It brushed aside the Provisional Government. The Bolsheviks hoped that their revolution would result in more fundamental changes to carry out socialist revolutions. The Provisional Government was made up of liberal leaders, and as well as some moderate socialists.