A federation, also known as a federal state, is a political union of small self-governing states or regions under a central government. A federal system government in which power is shared between the national and state governments. When our Forefathers establish the constitution they stated that the States should govern themselves. When the Constitution started to settled up the individual states had more power, than the feds.The states lost all the power after the civil war. People believe that the civil war started because of the feds , in the end of the war society believed it was a good idea to give more powers to the federal government. The Federal Government was to have limited powers. Federalism allows both states and feds to …show more content…
States knows the pros and cons if they get more power. An example imagine if all farmers had to grow avocados, this would work better in California than in Iowa. Each state is different in politics the federal government won’t benefit everyone. Back then when the states had more power, fact the union was stronger, and pretend if one state economy suffered, other states wouldn’t know. Now a days of state government every state feels pains on other states. If State gets more power it would make the government more stable and states can create custom ideas due to demographics and economy. I believe that state government would represent us the people , better than a politician in washington. The state government represents the citizens self interests, a policy in california would differ greatly than from Alabama, whether the topic is gun control, gay marriage, or abortion. The states can readily supply the requests of the people, how can congress truly represent the interests of the people when the senate inaccurately represents the country, as big states like New York and Pennsylvania have as much say as Iowa or …show more content…
The United States in itself is a collaboration of united states, states with the ability to govern themselves as they have before in the past. Commerce Clause Article I, Section 8 , Clause 3 known as the Commerce Clause. Commerce Clause says “The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States” .Commerce Clause state that congress has authority to manage activities between the states and with nations and Indian tribes. The Commerce clause is also referred to as “ Foreign Commerce Clause” and “ Interstate Commerce Clause.” The Commerce Clause was when Congress wanted a new era of more federal regulation of commerce powers. The reasons why congress made the Commerce clause was for political problems and help balance of federal government and state governments. The Commerce clause was first used in 1824 because of the Gibbons v.Ogden to regulate power to interstate. Also Commerce Clause was used in “Interstate Commerce Act” in 1887 and “Sherman Antitrust Act” in 1980. The Commerce Clause in 1905 was used justify laws and help supreme courts to
One reason I believe the states should have the power to do what they think is best for their states right now was because these official are in this state and know what the people want and what they need in the state. See these political offical hear what the people want unlike right now the government tries to do what is best for all the people but some of it affects other states. If the states had the power to decide then all the states would be better and more prosperous. There have been case where the federal government has bullied the states into changing their mind to what they want. Such as in Louisiana they officials wanted to change the legal; drinking age to 18 years old because it
Federalism is a concept designed with the U.S. Constitution in mind. When the United States were formed, they endeavored to create a formal government power that didn't take complete control and power from the states. It is still widely debated on the exact roles and responsibilities of state versus federal power. E Pluribus Unum means “ Out of many states, one union.” This signifies that even though each state might have different rules and regulations, they still support the overall power of the federal government. Within the ideals of federalism are the three different types known as dual, cooperative, and new federalism. Each classification has a different designation of power such as a strong federal government, a strong state power, or
Commerce Clause The commerce clause is located in Article 1, Section 8 and clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution. According to the commerce clause, the Federal government has the right to regulate commerce among the U.S. and foreign nations and some states. The commerce clause has led to great controversy for many years. The commerce clause gives congress authority to legislate in many areas or address a broad range of issues.
Federalism is a type of government that divides the power with the central government, states and local governments. A federal government is different than a confederation in the way that the states and local government have more power than the main government. There are also different kinds of federalism such as; dual and cooperative federalism. In dual federalism, they believe that states and other local government should have as equal power as the central government. In cooperative government, they believe that states and other local government should have an equal power as the central government.
Federalism is a system of government in where the power of the country is divided amongst the national and state governments. Each of these governments has both its advantages and disadvantages that I will be discussing in this forum. I will as well state my opinion on what I believe the American federal system gives the citizens of the nation.
Federalism is one of the most important and innovative concepts in the United States Constitution. Federalism in a whole is the sharing powers of the federal and state governments. The purpose of federalism by the founding fathers was to avoid tyranny, to allow more participation in politics, and to use the states as ways to obtain new ideas and programs.
Federalism was the first guard against tyranny. The central government and states both had their own powers but also shared a few. They had trading, conducting foreign relations, declaring war, making immigration laws etc. Local state governments got elections, establishing schools, passing marriage and divorce laws, and regulating in-state business. “The different governments will control each other and at the same time it will be controlled by itself,” said James Madison in the federalist paper #51.
Although discovering America, formed the American as we know it today and fighting for America and our freedom are all-important events, making a document to protect our basic American rights is the most important event in history. The document we created in the United States is called the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights states our basic human rights and freedoms in the states in ten amendments. Some people were opposed the writing of the Bill of Rights whereas others for strongly for it. In the time period of writing the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, people who were for both the Constitution and Bill of Rights were called Federalists and people who were against it were called the Anti-Federalists. The Federalists were the ones who
The commerce clause can be located in Article 1, Section 8, Part 3 of the U.S. Constitution this clause allows the legislation the power monitor and regulate trade with foreign nations as well as among the states (Jennings, 2015). This clause is able to regulate interstate matters however all other remaining regulatory authority is left in the hands of the state (Jennings, 2015). There is a lot of debate over what exactly was meant by the word commerce and how much authority the federal government actually has. Others believe that it is a restriction on a state’s power to regulate that is being referred and others believe it simply means trade or exchange ("Commerce," 2015).
Today, the United States of America operate under the system of federalism. Having a federal government means that the power is divided, in the case of the U.S., between a central national government and the 50 individual state governments. The fundamental principle of the federal system is that both, the national government, as well as the state governments derive all of their authority and power from the people, the citizens of the United States. The nation’s Constitution specifies which powers are guaranteed to whom. The powers granted to the national government are called enumerated powers whereas the state powers are called reserved powers. Powers shared by both the national and the state governments are summarized as concurrent powers.
In the Unites States of America Federalism is the basic structure of the American government; it is the distribution and balance of powers between the National government and the States government. In order to obtain a compromise between those who wanted stronger state government and those who preferred a stronger national government the founding fathers arranged and settled for a federal system rather than the alternatives of a unitary or confederal system. While both National and State governments each have specific powers and authority, they also share certain powers and must be able to cooperate effectively with each other.
Federalism is a form of government in which the power to make laws and other specific responsibilities are divided across the national, state, and local governments. How that power is divided has been a constant source of conflict as each level has some degree of autonomy. That is, each level has the capacity to carry out some policies without interference from the others. The national government is responsible for things of national common interest such as, national defense and foreign policy, as well as, responsibilities through implied powers that are inferred in the Constitution. The national government also has the power to declare war, coin money, control interstate commerce, borrow money, manage the postal service, and anything else
The debate over the role of federalism has gone on for years. It is debated whether federalism has become too vast and controlling over the United States and its people. Its role is ever changing as the roles of state, local, and federal governments can become entangled together in their duties. I believe some aspects of the federal government has moved too far from its intended purpose. Federal government has become to interfere with the roles of the state and local governments. Though there are some things that the federal government needs to regulate like environmental protection programs and immigration. But I also think that it’s the right of the states to expand on these programs already set by the federal government. The states should
Federalism is a type of government where the power is divided between local governments and federal governments. The U.S., India, Australia, Russia and Brazil are some examples of federalist countries. While this type of practice has its upsides, it has downsides as well as alternatives.
When it comes to the government it’s important to know its purpose and its responsibilities. The government is an organization that's responsibilities include creating rules, providing many needed services to its citizens, and ensuring the protection of individual rights by maintaining, by some means, law and order. In addition to that, one system of government is Federalism and Federalism is “A form of government in which some powers are assigned to the national government, some to lower levels of government, and some, such as the power to tax, are exercised concurrently” (Jillson 40). This system of government power is divided between a national government and a government that operates in small regions governments. However, in the U.S,