Internal Environment Analysis
Company Profile * History Founded by Frederick W. Smith, FedEx Express was established in 1973 and it has grown rapidly. Smith had the idea of creating a company that would deliver mail all over the United States over night. His idea was to fly mail from one location to another at night because the traffic is better and packages could be sorted, distributed and out of its original location faster. Delivering to over 220 countries and territories, FedEx today is a big global industry with a vast network worldwide. The company that started as a laid out in an economics class today is one of the biggest mail distribution corporations known by all customers as the company that “send shipment overnight”
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Company current strategy * Generic Strategy
One of the things FedEx does to cut cost is hire college students as part time employees and because of the high turnover they don’t need to unionize. FedEx also differentiate from offering home service to customers. For a small fee they can come to your house to pick up the package for you. All the work customers have to do is to get the package ready. This creates convince for customers without leaving their homes. * Corporate Strategy
FedEx implemented a customer service-driven strategy to ensure and outstanding customer experience. The implementation of this strategy complements the core value of the organization which is to create a positive customer experience. The strategy has three main components to it. First is putting the customer at the heart of everything they do, second is having outside organizations measure consumer, peer, and industry satisfaction and third is to deliver a positive experience to customers, employees, and communities.
Company’s current financial performance * Ratio Analysis
In 2012 FedEx had a total current asset of $9,056,000 and a total current liability of 5,347,000. Those numbers led FedEx to a 1.7:1 liquidity ratio (Yahoo Finance). Since 2010 according to yahoo finance we can see that FedEx has more current assets that current liabilities. Currently FedEx holds a profit
From the beginning UPS and FedEx both had very different strategies in the delivery industry. UPS was focused on ground transportation, as more of a substitute for United States Postal Service. UPS has over 100,000 ground transportation vehicles compared to only 20,000 ground vehicles in service at FedEx. The focus of FedEx has always been to be an air delivery company that is trying to pursue a strategy of being able to deliver a parcel the next day. FedEx proves this focus with nearly 700 jets in service compared to only 300 at rival UPS. FedEx and UPS both say the market of overnight delivery as the direction to pursue. UPS was able to accept this and move forward allowing its ground department to absorb the expense, while FedEx suffered a great deal and we hit with higher cost do to them having to hire independent contractors. Over the years, these two companies have changed their overall positioning strategy in the domestic delivery industry. As
By capitalizing on this strategy, FedEx was able to boost its average delivery volume in 1976 to 20,726 packages per day via its three services, Priority-One, Standard Air, and Courier Pack, compared with an average of 10,521 delivered daily the prior year. Clearly the company’s calculated use of strategically-located hubs, nighttime flight routes, and limited package size allowed the company to carve out a niche by reliably delivering packages on an immediate, overnight basis.
FedEx Services was created in 2000 as a vehicle to merge Sales, Marketing, and Technology support for FedEx Express and FedEx Ground. This "manage collaboratively" effort was a well-devised method of creating efficiency and customer focus into the FedEx brand, while maintaining independent operating companies. Today, Services coordinates these functions and ecommerce activities for FedEx Freight as well.
Mark Twain once said, “The man with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds”. This phrase could be applied to Fred Smith and Federal Express. From their beginnings in Little Rock, Arkansas in the early 70’s delivering 186 packages overnight to 25 U.S. cities, to three decades later parlaying it’s $20 billion dollar corporation into no less than five major operation companies. FedEx has become the world’s leader in global express transportation, providing fast delivery of documents, packages and freight shipments worldwide. As a result, the name “Fed Ex” is used in much the same manner as name “Band Aid” has today. Many use this term generically
The purpose of this paper is review the current market trends and conditions for FedEx. There are numerous ways that a company can become a success or become a failure. The market trends and conditions are just of those reasons. Team A has analyzed the market trends and conditions by reviewing FedEx's operating structure, competitors, the impact of government regulations, price elasticity of demand, along with a supply and demand analysis.
FedEx is a highly centralized organization, with decision-making for the firm centralized at the Memphis headquarters. While national branches of the company have some autonomy in hiring, head office controls hiring policy. Decision-making on large capital projects is also centralized, because the network structure of the company's distribution means that such decisions have global implications. As a result, FedEx has a heavily-centralized structure where very little power is delegated to local managers. Instead local managers are charged with operating the company's strategy efficiently and effectively.
These are their daily volumes for those services. FedEx has many service areas. They service over 220 countries, territories and every single address in the U.S. FedEx tends to make more than 6 million package tracking requests daily. This is an outstanding number for a company dealing with packaging and locator with tracking numbers. Their express facility has 1,057 stations, and 10 air hubs. While their ground services has 32 hubs and over 500 pickup/delivery terminals. Freight has approximately 355 service centers and nearly 2,000 office locations. Despite all their services FedEx has a mission. Their mission is to produce outstanding financial returns for their shareowners. However, all customer requirements will be met while providing high value logistics, transportation and related business through operating companies. According to FedEx website, “FedEx will strive to develop mutually rewarding relationships with its employees, partners and suppliers” (About FedEx). Safety is their number one concerns and first considerations in all operations. However, all their corporate activities will be conducted according to the highest ethical and professional standards. FedEx values their people, service, innovation, integrity, responsibility, and most of all loyalty. This company strategy consists of three levels; compete collectively, operate independently, and manage collectively. These strategies will help the company accomplish their goals. Standing, as
The main station is located in Memphis, Tennessee in the United States. The company started off by delivering couriers to some American cities, which was the first time for parcel delivery to take place at that time. As stated before, the industry’s goal is to fulfill the needs of customers, developing relations with different companies, and ensure a high investment for its shareholders. This is made possible through their six shared principles: people, service, innovation, integrity, responsibility and loyalty (FedEx). In order to satisfy its clients, FedEx has3 branches which provide customers with different services regulated on different demands; this include FedEx Corporation, FedEx Express, FedEx Kinko’s, FedEx Ground, FedEx Freight, and FedEx Services. It delivers more than 10.5 million shipments daily, covering more than 220 countries. Monthly, it has over 50 million visitors. In order to… it has 1250 express stations, 33 ground hubs, 370 freight service centers, and more than 1800 offices. The company also possessed 656 aircrafts and more than 100,000 motorized vehicles for express, ground, freight and expedited delivery service (FedEx). Through these aspects and values, Smith achieves to develop a company with a productive way in controlling time, space, and
FedEx has two major customers who consist of businesses and individual customers. These business customers have accounts with FedEx to arrive at their location to pick up packages daily or weekly. Two-thirds of FedEx’s business comes from these customers so FedEx curves their operations to satisfy this clientele. Since FedEx’s competition is trying to acquire some of this clientele they have begun to operate and market to this clientele more effectively. Individual customers are also in FedEx’s internal environment. These customers represent one-third of their business. With increased competition from competitors FedEx has marketed to this market substantially. They have created boxes that are prepaid for shipment as long as the contents fit into the box. This has effectively increased business amongst individual customers for FedEx.
FedEx Corporation, situated in US, is one of the leading supply chain management solution providers in the world. With annual revenues as high as USD33 billion, the company offers incorporated business
FedEx is a logistical service company specialized in transportation, e-commerce and business services. The success of FedEx lies on an efficient information system. The business process is as follows:
Fedex is considered to be one of the most employee friendly companies of the world. It follows best practices in recruitment, selection and training of the
When it comes to strategy, FedEx has done a great job of staying on top in the market place after all these years. FedEx has built a very powerful empire over the last decade, insuring customers with different global delivery services. Different companies have different strategies that work with their company to reach a specific goal, at FedEx the main strategy for success would be customer service. Customer service would have to be the number one strategy FedEx is mostly concerned with and constantly researching new ways to make it easier and more convenient for customers to deliver packages across the world. To help accommodate customers, FedEx has established online databases to ensure customers of package delivery; customers are able to track packages from the convenience of their homes or offices. Something else that FedEx has established are flights, and freights for those international customers, they have also improved services to and from all over Europe as well as Asia, in
In addition to that, FedEx came up with new services such as Saturday deliveries, delivery by 10:30 A.M., customer interfaces (drop boxes, drive through stations and express delivery stores) and same day pickup of order. This is to distinguish its services. More on that, FedEx's philosophy of "People-Service-Profit" was successful in insuring a union free workforce devoted to customer focus. In 1978, deregulation in transportation helped FedEx to acquire larger planes therefore achieve lower cost. Trade deregulation in Asia-Pacific enabled FedEx to expand further. The acquisition of Gelco express, Tiger International, and establishment of Airport Hub in Brussels expanded FedEx internationally. Inflation and rising global competitiveness generated the need for "just-in-time" supply model, which was the advantage supported by FedEx advanced technologies.
FedEx is an American global courier delivery services company. The company has expanded from its original focus on ground and air-based services to include home delivery options and a retail division. They have 5 choices when shipping around the world. In case of above 68kg packages, customers can choose 2 choices,