Feedback. Policy documents Indiana’s RISE principal effectiveness rubric provides insight into what the state deems important in the work of the principal: increasing student growth and achievement through “their leadership skills and ability to manage teacher effectiveness in their buildings” (p. 4). A key way the state believes principals can grow student achievement is through teacher feedback; the rubric states effective principals provide “prompt and actionable feedback to teachers aimed at improving student outcomes based on observations and student performance data” (p. 8). A highly effective principal will continuously monitor the results of this feedback (RISE, 2012, p. 8). Talk about the purpose and power of policy documents…. Feeling successful. Compared with the other influencing variables, it may seem at first glance that school leaders would be unable to control a teacher’s feeling of success. Whether a teacher feels successful seems dependent on personal qualities such as teacher resilience or commitment to teaching. Teacher preparation programs would also likely seem to contribute to the likelihood a …show more content…
“Mentoring and induction programs will only produce these benefits if they are well designed and well supported” (Darling-Hammond, 2003, p. 4). Me: Describe what a well designed and supported mentoring program entails. Such mentoring programs benefit both veteran teachers and the novice teachers they serve; Villar & Strong (2007) pointed out that veteran teachers acquire new skills and leadership training through mentoring. In addition to an 8% cost-savings return on investment, a cost-benefit analysis of California’s Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment program revealed the strongest outcome of this highly-structured mentorship program was to increase first year teachers’ impact on student achievement as measured by student interest in school, attendance and drop-out rates, and AP and college course enrollment (Villar & Strong,
Woullard, R., & Coats, L.T. (2004). The community college role in preparing future teaches: The impact of mentoring program for preservice teachers. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 28, 609-624.
Bill Payne, as a new administrator had come inherited a school environment, complete with a faculty every administrator would dream of. Experience and innovations were known aspects of the campus. Mr. Payne expected these veteran teachers to be fully accepting of mentoring an training of new teachers. However, what he found, was a group of veteran teachers who were reluctant to share their craft.
In addressing the key concerns of teacher recruitment and retention, the GYO programs focus on the recruitment of community residents with roots in the local area, and focus on intensive mentoring of the program participants. Mentoring was found to be a key component of the programs with college level mentors helping program students achieve certification, and mentors in the schools helping them adjust to their new positions. By recruiting locally and focusing the teacher preparation programs on rural education, the evaluation concluded the GYO programs were highly supportive of key issues of recruitment and retention. Strong partnerships between the GYO programs and local school districts are also credited with helping both recruitment and mentoring of program students.
Love, N., Stiles, K., Mundry, S., & DiRanna, K. (2008). The data coach’s guide to improving
Herbert bravely sets his sights upon the sacred cow of the educational system, teacher quality. By boldly holding teachers accountable for the outcomes of their students, Herbert describes the road map needed for improvement. Describing how high performing teachers had astonishing results with under-performing students provided the reader with a concrete example of the changes that he believes are needed. Providing the reader with current practices of school districts, these being a focus on credentials of the teacher’s, rather than on their quality inside the classroom. Job performance must be assessed within a classroom in order to prepare the students for the future. “Studies have clearly shown that the good teachers and the not-so-good ones can actually be identified, if they are carefully observed in
Teachers' success is measured by the success of their students, and how the students perform on the standardized test. Students are also measured and promoted on their ability to successfully
The Sparrow School District introduced a new induction/ mentoring program last year; in which the Director of Curriculum is in charge, and one teacher holds a stipend position to meet with the group of mentors and mentees throughout the school year. When a new teacher is hired, they are assigned a mentor that they try to match up with common prep time and grade level/department assignments. New teachers are introduced to the district policy at a three full day orientation provided by the Director of Curriculum; and once the teachers complete their orientation process, they are assigned a mentor teacher. The mentor and mentee are introduced to one another through an email with a monthly checklist to guide the conversations between them. It
My individual preference is to receive feedback on all aspects of my work performance for the duration of field placement. Hattie & Timperley (2007) indicates the purpose of feedback is to reduce discrepancies between current understanding, performance and a goal. I would not consider myself to be overly sensitive about receiving feedback. Feedback is a necessary part of growing and developing as a professional. According to Hattie, & Timperley (2007), feedback is most effective when there is little impact of threat towards that individual self-esteem. This is also an indication that the delivery of feedback is important and influences how the individual receives the feedback.
According to the authors of this article (Donaldson, Marnik, Mackenzie, & Ackerman, 2009), principals need to concentrate on the development of skills and behaviors in order to be successful in motivating, leading, and changing the direction of a school. The successful principal understands that there exists a fine balance of caring for others and the need to accomplish specific tasks (Donaldson, Marnik, Mackenzie, & Ackerman, 2009).
Once it is decided that improvement is needed, the principal along with the school principal will collaborate and devise a Teacher Improvement Plan (TIP), which will spell out specific strategies and a timeframe in which improvements will be implemented. The TIP primary purpose is to assist the teacher in professional growth and understand and adhere to the school’s administrative policies and procedures (, 2013). For a TIP to be a successful intervention tool, it is suggested the teacher and principal keep an open line of communication, collaborate about strategies and other pertinent information related to the TIP, and provide and accept feedback to ensure that all resources and support is readily available (, 2013). Additionally, for a TIP to be considered effective, the teacher should display self-efficacy to achieve a positive outcome. The TIP involves a three-step process: the identification of teachers who no longer meet performance expectations, development of a TIP and the evaluation of the effectiveness (Re,
Being at Indiana University, I understand that there are over 45,000 students on campus. For me to be supported on campus, I would like for my supervisor to offer me constructive feedback that are good and bad. Receiving constructive feedback will allow me to understand that things that I am doing right and the things that I need to improve on. I would like to receive constructive feedback in person. I meet with Paul every week for my one on one, so during this time will be good for constructive feedback. I want Paul to feel free to communicate with me at any time about anything. Communication is an essential part in higher education and when people do not communicate with each other, it can affect the workplace (Fry and Marshall, 2008). If
These teachers often have a relevant background in what they are teaching and the schools send them trough transition programs. Some schools have gone to the extreme to solve their problem and have started hiring people without so much as a high school education, but this is what must happen to solve for the shortage. To help better prepare these new teachers mentor programs and introduction training programs have been put in place. CITATION notes that mentor programs bring teacher retion rates up. Mentors and solid introduction programs help the teacher feel secure in their first year of teaching. Because they are assigned a mentor in their same field, if they are feeling overwhelmed or they do not know how to do something they can talk to their mentor for help and reassurance. Along with bringing in unqualified teachers and having mentors some schools have started, “Reducing licensing renewal requirement for retired teachers…” This helps keep teachers who are thinking of leaving the field. They are qualified and making their reentry easier it helps keep
While the product of a bandwagon, it is a fact that the CCDA was introduced during a period of stasis, or a non-crisis time. While the bill had a strong coalition and message behind it, and there was a stronger need for child care due to more women entering the workforce, there was no immediately dire need evident. Even while women entering the workplace has doubled even since that time, our country still hasn’t seen a need to expand child care despite astronomical costs to working parents and the flat lining of salaries. In fact, the status quo has stayed the same, in that the Head Start program still exists as it did then, albeit with a few more services being offered, but it has yet to be expanded despite an even greater need today than the needs of that time. Even our recent Recession didn’t bring up the issue or
It is generally believed that a quantity of agricultural products again if the process takes a little stop within the company and those involved with the natural factors. Products have been developed or the island depends a lot on the nature of the organization and results of the company 's products.
The focus of Mentoring Teachers Towards Excellence, our project is to lead through instructional improvement. We want to concentrate on the development of high-quality instruction for beginning teachers. I have learned a lot through the development and ongoing process of the project.