
Feedback Research Paper

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Feedback. Policy documents Indiana’s RISE principal effectiveness rubric provides insight into what the state deems important in the work of the principal: increasing student growth and achievement through “their leadership skills and ability to manage teacher effectiveness in their buildings” (p. 4). A key way the state believes principals can grow student achievement is through teacher feedback; the rubric states effective principals provide “prompt and actionable feedback to teachers aimed at improving student outcomes based on observations and student performance data” (p. 8). A highly effective principal will continuously monitor the results of this feedback (RISE, 2012, p. 8). Talk about the purpose and power of policy documents…. Feeling successful. Compared with the other influencing variables, it may seem at first glance that school leaders would be unable to control a teacher’s feeling of success. Whether a teacher feels successful seems dependent on personal qualities such as teacher resilience or commitment to teaching. Teacher preparation programs would also likely seem to contribute to the likelihood a …show more content…

“Mentoring and induction programs will only produce these benefits if they are well designed and well supported” (Darling-Hammond, 2003, p. 4). Me: Describe what a well designed and supported mentoring program entails. Such mentoring programs benefit both veteran teachers and the novice teachers they serve; Villar & Strong (2007) pointed out that veteran teachers acquire new skills and leadership training through mentoring. In addition to an 8% cost-savings return on investment, a cost-benefit analysis of California’s Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment program revealed the strongest outcome of this highly-structured mentorship program was to increase first year teachers’ impact on student achievement as measured by student interest in school, attendance and drop-out rates, and AP and college course enrollment (Villar & Strong,

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