Lovino stared at the ceiling, praying that what he was hearing wasn’t what he was actually hearing. The other possibilities flashed through his head; the cat, the other cat, maybe Grandpa was playing the drums, maybe the house was settling.
“Oh my god,” Lovino breathed.
Maybe one of the water pipes was banging rhythmically against the wall. Maybe, maybe, it wasn’t Feliciano’s bed bumping against the wall. Maybe the cat had learned how to speak, and she was the person moaning Feliciano’s name.
“Oh my god,” Lovino said, angrier, yet softer.
What were they thinking? It didn’t even matter what they were thinking, why would they put him through this? Feliciano knew Lovino took forever to fall asleep. And yet, if the thin, thin walls had anything
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Ludwig, of course, was over, watching a movie with Feliciano. The two of them hardly looked up when Lovino led Antonio upstairs.
Antonio looked around Lovino’s room, smiling. “Wow, I didn’t think that your brother and Ludwig would be friends! Pretty strange, the two of them. So, anyways, the homework, I don’t—“
“I want you to fuck me.”
The grin remained on Antonio’s face, if a little dumbly. “What?”
Lovino ripped off his shirt, ignoring the blush he felt appearing on his cheeks. “You heard me. I don’t have all day. I don’t know how long it’ll be until Grandpa gets back.”
Had Antonio been anything other than a teenaged boy, he might have reconsidered the suddenness of the proposition and the situation surrounding it. As it was, he hurriedly unbuttoned his own shirt, watching Lovino kick off his jeans and stand by the bed.
This was not the first time this Antonio had asked for help on Calculus. This was not the first time Lovino had demanded sex. It was the first time Lovino didn’t cover his moans with his hand.
“Christ, Lovino,” Antonio panted underneath him, that wild grin still on his face.
“Shut up. Oh,
In my opinion, the ending wasn’t satisfying. It wasn’t satisfying because I was expecting a little bit more. For example, when the whole entire band shaved their hair I was surprised. But, I was wondering as to why the girls didn’t do it as well, I was hoping that they’d shave their hair as well. Also, when Jeffery got sick and Steven couldn’t perform, but in the end he received an award for his drums. But, he didn’t even perform and he got the award, I thought that it was unfair for the other people that played the instruments. Also, when Steven went to Sam and she died I was heartbroken. So, I would’ve kept her alive, I would have let her meet her sister. I would let them have a reunion, then later on she would give some more advice to
“Well,” Mrs. Johnson interrupted, “how about we settled down and talk about our plans for the morning?” Everyone agreed and sat in a circle discussing their ideas. Next, they decided they should head to bed due to the early times they would have to wake in the morning. As they woke up, they put on their layers of clothes, grabbed their bags, and headed for the Johnsons’ business. They would be staying in an attic, which luckily had a bathroom, but would have to sleep all in one room. They set up their belongings and set rules which they would have to follow to stay safe.
Antonio and Ultima become fast friends, as he spends a lot of his time in the llano gathering herbs and learning about the flora with her. Being the youngest son and the only one of his brothers not drafted into the war, he has a youthful innocence that is eventually broken throughout the story. His innocence is first threatened when he witnesses the death of Lupito, a returned World War II soldier who is suffering from post-traumatic delirium. In his crazed state, Lupito murders the town sheriff, and an angry mob, instead of helping the shaken-up man, chases him down and shoots him. Antonio worries about Lupito and whether he will be going to heaven or hell.
Ultima helps Antonio with his anxiety and uncertainties throughout the book. After ultima goes to live with the marez family is when Antonio becomes able to be independent and move away from the responsibilities he has in his family. Ultima shows him that he has to think for himself and make his own decisions and conclusions. In the book Ultima tells Antonio “You are growing, and growth is change. Accept the change, make it part of your strength.” This quote from the book shows the relationship between Ultima and Antonio, it also shows her helping Antonio with his uncertainties and telling him to be and stay strong while he is
Anaya uses plot devices to illustrate the protagonist’s loss of innocence by using the deaths of Lupito and Florence. After Lupito’s death, Antonio asks himself “Did God listen? Would he hear? Had he seen
Antonio overhears his brothers making plans to leave home when he realizes that “all their lives they had lived with the dreams of their father and mother haunting them, like they haunted [him].” Being the youngest son, Antonio has become his parents’ “last hope” for continuing the ways of their people. His parents’ drastically different views makes the pressure even more unbearable because he is just a boy that is being forced to grow up too fast. Antonio decides towards the end of the novel that he can be both a Márez and Luna, allowing him to focus on what interests him and what he wants to be when he gets older. Ultima had a large part in helping Antonio resolve the issues his parents have been fighting about for years regarding their sons. This shows that Antonio’s separate struggles all included Ultima and her
At the beginning of the book Antonio sees what no child should ever see, the death of Lupito. He is only six at the time and is extremely shocked by the event. His curiosity made him follow his dad to the river. He said
I heard him shout out. “He never had a chance”” (pg 19). After getting drunk and rowdy, Lupito shoots the officer out of anger and Antonio is there to witness it. As a seven year old, watching someone die is definitely out of the normal and not something to should happen often since
“It was warm in my attic, as I lay listening to the sounds of the house falling asleep and repeating a Hail Mary over and over in my thoughts, I drifted into the time of dreams.” (pg4) In Antonio’s dreams his conscience often screens the thoughts and words that he cannot bare to address. Antonio’s first dream is quite perspicuously affected by the talk of Ultima’s coming, although it is unannounced. “My soul wandered…... I recognized Las Pasturas and my heart grew happy.” (pg5) That night it was not the llano or adobe huts that kept young Antonio Márez asleep, it was the idea of such an embodiment
His experiences with Ultima and lifting curses, taking God in at communion with no result, Florence’s death, and other drastic disappointments. As Antonio matures, he works to cultivate his own beliefs, foraging his own identity. His final breakthrough to freedom occurs on the road to El Puerto, where his dad reminisces on the days of freedom on the llano. Antonio takes inspiration from his dad, understanding that he could be both Luna and Marez. Only in letting go of the expectations of people around him is Antonio finally able to reach a point of fulfillment and strength.
Antonio is attempting his best to make acknowledgment with the contentions by attempting to show signs of improvement comprehension of things furthermore he realizes that he needs to end up more develop. From my perspective it would seem that Antonio likes to pick the world & perspective his mom and her siblings including ultima. I assume that he gets a kick out of the chance to perspective his mom & her siblings on the grounds that he realizes that his mom taught him everything truly. His mother's sibling's for the most part the Uncle Pedro simply because he identifies with him. I then affirm that he would lean toward Ultima's perspective in light of the fact that she's generally been there when he required backing. He realizes that his mom will dependably arrive for him and he feels more sheltered with her not any other individual. Antonio respects
Gabriel Marez, Antonio’s father was raised by vaquero’s and worked on the plains. Antonio’s dad does not push or force Antonio to join him ,though, he lets and wants Antonio to make his own choice. For instance, Antonio’s dad does not force Antonio to join him and makes it clear when he says, “as man grows he sees life and death, he is happy and sad,he works, plays, meets people- sometimes it takes a lifetime to acquire understanding …”. (Anaya 248) Showing how he will not make his choice he lets Antonio decide for himself who he wants to be. He will just influence him by telling him how life is instead and not sugar code the meaning of life. With the small life lessons Antonio’s father teaches him , his father gives him the independence to decide whether or not to become a priest or a vaquero like the men in his family on his own. In conclusion, Antonio is unclear what do with his life and wants to make his parents’ proud and not fail
As the novel proceeds, Antonio begins to spend most of his time with Ultima and his friends and less time shielded by the protection and comfort his parents and home have to offer. This time away from home serves as the catalyst to Antonio’s development into a man. The road to adulthood/becoming a man is filled with potholes, broken traffic lights and has no speed limit. In other words, it is everything but easy. On this road you hear things you don't want too , you see things you wish you hadn't, and you experience things you never have before. It must have been the coldest days of the summer
It all started on the bridge one Saturday night, Antonio’s father and other townsmen were searching for Lupito the man who killed the sheriff. Terrifying experiences during war caused Lupito to have post traumatic stress disorder, it made him act without sense. Antonio was curious, he followed his father and the others but it all went downhill. Several men wanted Lupito dead for what he had done. Lupito fired his gun to draw their fire but he wasn't aiming directly at them. Then the men fired at Lupito and Antonio saw it all. Through all the blood, Lupito muttered to Antonio, “ Bless Me”. The bridge where it all occurred signifies the beginning of the road of the loss of Antonio’s innocence. Antonio was only six years old when he witnessed Lupito’s death. The mind of a six year old shouldn't be consumed with the tragedy of death. Lupito took the situation has an
In the end, Arturo realizes he enjoyed being in his grandfather company. And most likely, he had forgotten about his schoolwork while he was being entertained by his grandfather.