
Feline Herpes Research Paper

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Feline Herpes Virus 1 is a highly contagious virus among cats, also known as Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis. It is one of the most common causes of upper respiratory infections and colds in cats. All cats are prone to the virus, but kittens and cats with a weakened immune system are at a higher risk of contracting it. The virus is most commonly contracted through cat-to-cat transmission, such as a cat coming into contact with an infected cat’s eye, mouth or nose discharge, sharing litter boxes, sharing food and water dishes, and through mutual grooming. A mother cat may pass it on to her kitten in the womb if she is infected. It can also be found in shelters and multi-cat households. Symptoms of FHV-1 include sudden onset bouts of sneezing, …show more content…

The only treatments of the virus include antibiotics for secondary infections and ophthalmic medications for eye damages. The cat should be isolated from other cats to prevent spreading the virus. To help reduce flare-ups, the cat should have a relatively low-stress environment. Separating the litter boxes and feeding dishes for the cats will help prevent the spreading of the virus. It is also recommended that a cat should have a soft but nutritious diet during flare-ups. When the cat has an infection, cleaning the eyes of discharge will help keep the cat comfortable. It is also recommended that using a humidifier can help reduce congestion of the nasal passages and airways of the cat. Another prevention method for FHV-1 is vaccination. As soon as a new cat is received, they should be properly vaccinated. With proper vaccination, the risks of the cat contracting Feline Herpes virus is very …show more content…

Although, it doesn’t infect Tomacco (Simpsons Reference). It was the first plant virus ever discovered, as it was found over a century ago. Great research accomplishments with the virus and how it affects agriculture have gone on to win Nobel Prizes. While it has accomplished great things, it is still a very determined and gritty virus. The symptoms of TMV in tobacco include mosaic patterns on the plant leaves, mottling of the leaves, necrosis, stunting, leaf curling, and yellowing of plant tissue. The symptoms of the plant can vary, depending on environmental aspects, the virus strain and makeup, and the genetic background of the plant. When TMV infects tomatoes, the symptoms include poor yields, distorted fruit, delayed fruit ripening, and non-uniform colors on the tomatoes. The yield loss of TMV resistant seeds is very low. It is estimated that the yield loss is only 1%. Varieties of crops that are not resistant can lose up to 20% of the yield. The virus is transmitted through a number of different ways. It can be transmitted by the leaf of an infected plant rubs the leaf of a healthy plant, contaminated tools being used on healthy plants, and, although rare, can be transmitted from farm worker’s hands after smoking cigarettes. The virus can also contaminate the seed coats. When the contaminated seed is planted, the plant will have the virus. TMV can survive in plant debris over winter, making it even

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