
Feline Leukemia Research Paper

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Feline Leukemia (FeLV) was first discovered in the 1960’s. FeLV, is a virus transmitted by RNA, that only felines can get. It is not transmittable to humans, dogs, or any other animals. FeLV is actually the leading cause of death in cats, killing 85% of those infected within 3 years of diagnosis. With that being said, it’s very important for cat owners to regularly take their cats to the veterinarian for check-ups, as well as keeping them on a proper and healthy diet, which in turn will help prevent them from being exposed to FeLV, and many other viruses.
Feline Leukemia is extremely common; it’s spread through saliva, blood, nasal secretions and at times urine and feces. Once infected within 2-4 weeks an acute stage of the infection begins. It weakens the immune system, allowing all other viruses and diseases to be transmitted much easier including, kidney disease, lymph sarcoma, and even anemia. Once infected the cat becomes more susceptible to bacterial infections like FIP. Feline Leukemia is able to spread easily; because of this being groomed after an infected cat, fighting an infected cat, or any contact with a cat carrying the FeLV virus, may transmit the virus. …show more content…

Keep your cat indoors; the majority of infected cats are outdoor cats, or indoor/outdoor cats. Have your cat tested annually, you may not know it but your cat could be spreading the virus to other cats. Knowing if your cat is infected isn’t just for your cat’s health, but for all other cats that they may come in contact with. “On average, testing 1,000 feral cats will result in the identification of 60 cats who test positive for either FIV or FeLV; that would mean $12,000 needs to be spent to identify 60 positive cats. That same $12,000, at an average spay/neuter cost of $50, could be put instead towards neutering 240 feral cats (neighborhoodcats

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