
Female Victims Of Gendered Violence

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After reading this chapter, I am shocked over how much violence towards women goes underreported. I knew beforehand that victims of gendered violence do not report their situation to the police for various reasons, ranging from fear to shame. However, I did not know that reporting of gendered violence is especially rare in communities with women of color. Realizing how minority communities expect the female members “ maintain silence about sexual assault, to protect ‘family honor and community integrity’” (p.265) was both frustrating and heartbreaking. The fact that the community the woman is a member of, during the time she needs them the most, expects her to continue suffering with her current situation was depressing to read. I can understand how the minority community, and the minority victim of abuse, may want to keep the police out of their situation because of reports about police brutality. However, their denial of receiving help due to stigma against police, who are the most capable for ending the victim’s abuse, was tragic to learn about. …show more content…

The authors name three psychological syndromes that female victims of violence may suffer from after their experiences: battered woman, rape trauma, and false memory syndrome. However, these syndromes blame the victim as “[t]hey pathologize women who experience acts of violence as helpless victims” (p.267). This is because the syndromes all frame the woman as if they did not do enough to prevent those situations from occurring. By continuing to victim blame, these syndromes may help the woman win the court case, but will not discourage potential

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