
Feminine Mystique and Black boy Comparison Essay

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Feminine Mystique and Black boy Comparison Fighting for survival and status within the world has been in affect since the Stone Age. It starts with man against beast battling for survival. As time goes on, so does the type of battle, from beast to man against man. When conquerors from Europe come over to North America they push the Indians west because they, the Indians, do not fit into the society the white man creates and there are differences that are noticeable. Later on there becomes discrimination against blacks with the Jim Crow Laws and the silencing of women. Throughout history there are more examples where people do not fit into the “norm” of society. Betty Friedan and Richard Wright in their novels …show more content…

Which in one word is femininity. Now, the dream is of an American woman behind the stove, not behind a desk. The women stuck at home “all shared the same problem, the problem that has no name” (Friedan 19). Friedan gives these women a vocabulary for their dissatisfaction, the feminine mystique. There is no other way for a woman to be a woman of admirable exploits unless she is a housewife. Friedan paints the feminine woman of this time as having feelings of emptiness, non-existence and nothingness. She illustrates these problems that women face by telling the reader that the experts blame their feelings on the higher education they have received before becoming a housewife. All women are searching for is a human identity, a place where they belong without feeling empty. But the women before this generation fought for all the rights they have in the present, but they are not using them. But how can one change this dehumanizing aspect of the culture? Friedan portrays the idea of helping women with the feminine mystique that has gone on for more than twenty years. This is not a small problem, but a national one that has effected the majority of the women in the United States. Friedan’s ideas range from helping women get back into college and re-educate themselves, getting out into the workforce. Therefore freeing themselves from the

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