
Feminism : A New Form Of Rage From Modern Women 's Right Activists

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No “Slut” for Feminism
Recent massive transnational protests named “Slutwalk” have marked a new form of rage from modern women’s right activists, stirring varied societal objections from both men and women towards feminists. From a defiant display of a thousand women dressing in underwear and fishnets storming down the streets of Toronto, to public declarations from well-known feminists stating they will never fight for the right to be called sluts, the re-appropriation of the word “slut” cannot succeed due to its inseparable negative connotations, and has reinforced the misunderstood image of feminism as a solely sexually aggressive absurd circus, alienating feminists from their political allies and hindering the progresses of other female rights agendas.
What does “reclaim” mean? “Slut” originally refers to promiscuous women, who casually sleep with anyone. Feminists are earning back “slut” by adding extra levels of meaning into the term, such as women who are sexually active and autonomous. Merely promulgating an alternative interpretation of “slut” does not immediately substitute the ingrained understanding. Feminists believe that encouraging people to use “slut” more when it only has the positive connotations, will eventually erase people’s memory of how to call a woman “slut” in demeaning ways.
The word “Slut” is so saturated with resentment and aggression that feminists can never fully own the word. From what has been discussed above, the feminists who endorse

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