Feminism according to Hooks, “movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression.” Hooks likes her stated definition of feminism, because “it doesn’t imply that men were the enemy. by naming sexism as the problem it went directly to the heart of the matter”. If you have sexist thinking you have a problem both women and men can be sexist. According to Hooks many people believe feminism to be; anti-men, women seeking to be equal to men, equal pay for equal work, white and privileged. These people often learn about feminism through mass media and do not believe feminism to be a sexist problem, but to understand feminism “it implies one has to necessarily understand sexism” (Hooks,37) a majority of people do not understand what sexism …show more content…
When he said NO! I could not believe it. I said, “do you realize it is 2015 and women work harder than most men.”He said back to me, “Alana, there are things in my job that you can not do and there are things in your job that I am not allowed to do legally. So, if we can not do equal work then why should we get equal pay? I said "your black do you feel that a black man should get paid what a white man gets paid?" He said, "yes"! I then said to him " well then my friend women and men should be paid equally because just like you feel white and black men are equal so are men and women". Our conversation went on and on for hours. I was so mad when he left my house. I could not believe that this man I have know for 5 years really felt this way. I felt like no matter what I said to try and convince him that women are equal and that men would not be living beings if it wasn’t for a women that we should get equal pay. I realized that he is not the only man that feels this way. He is the first man that I have talked to about this and has felt that way. My friend is not a bad man, I just feel his view on equal rights is just
That all social interaction is gendered and guided by status, positions, and roles. I have also learned that when the status and role of male and female become stereotyped it could result in sexism or discrimination. In order to prevent such, feminism is a worldwide movement to end sexism by empowering women. They include: liberal feminism, cultural feminism, socialist feminism, radical feminism, etc.
Hooks’ monograph was written to inform people how feminism was not just for women, but also for men. For she illustrated her thesis in the introduction when she said, “Come closer and you will see: feminism is for everybody,” meaning that men and women should
Feminism is for everyone explains the emotional encounters of the struggles and challenges faced by the feminist movement. The experiences of the feminist movement helped shaped a strong case that the inclusion of men is required within the movement. One main goal of the feminist movement is to end all forms of sexism, sexist exploitations, and oppression (Hook). The key argument that Hook makes throughout her novel is that feminism is about creating a world free of sexism. The only way to make this possible is by having both males and females fight to end sexist causes.
“If my generation was too naïve, the generations that have followed may be too practical. We knew too little, and now girls know too much.” (Sandberg. Pg. 646) In the past, the call for women’s rights was heated as much as it was alive; many women today believe that they no longer need feminism in their lives. The misconception that feminist ideals are outdated has lead modern women to fall short in their desire to accomplish more. Sheryl Sandberg refuels feminist goals in the article “Lean In: What Would You Do If You Weren’t Afraid.” She addresses lack of females in the work force, as well as, the way society prompts boys compared to girls. Bell Hook, in contrast, provides a deeper understanding of feminist ideals, along with, an in depth analysis of Sandberg’s work. The articles written by Bell Hook and Sheryl Sandberg express each woman’s perspective on modern feminism; although they both call for action, Sandberg focuses on the inequality between the sexes, while Hook broadens the overall argument to include topics such as race, sexuality and class equality.
I am not a feminist simply because I was raised in a feminist household. I am not a feminist because I am an independent, educated woman. I am not a feminist because I am a bitter female, nor because I am a “woman scorned.” I am not a feminist because I hate men, nor because I am a lesbian nor because I like to listen to the Indigo Girls. To the contrary I love men and I am not a lesbian. While I agree with hooks that “feminism is a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression” (viii), I believe that her definition of “feminism” states the goals of the movement rather than actually defining the term itself. In my mind, feminism is a synonym for equality. I am a feminist
After reading the book “Feminism for everybody” by Bell Hooks, I found out that the name feminism itself is a big problem because it makes men to think that women were blaming and insulting their gender instead of fight for their equal rights. Therefore, they are raising issues like violence, patriarchy and domination to proof that men’s were monsters, so men should don’t deserve more rights than them. So the way of women protests get equalities is not right because it hurts men’s and force them to think that women were trying to say that their gender is better they should get more priorities than men’s instead of being both gender equal. By looking all these problems, I also think name feminism itself, not a good name for this movement because
In the Feminist Theory, bell hooks provide vivid examples and assertions on how mainstream feminism exclude the issues of women of color. Mainstream feminism in America pertains to the ideals of “white, middle-class privileged woman” as they “reinforce white supremacy by negating the issue of race and class amongst woman of color” (hooks, 2000, pg. ). Due to not fulfilling the attempt to gain equality, as they may claim to do, it also can be an organization that displays “narcissism, insensitivity, sentimentality, and self-indulgence” (hooks, 2000, pg. 3). As mainstream feminism shuns the needs and interests of African-American women, it allows current social issues and inequalities to persist.
In the article "Understanding Patriarchy” by Bell Hooks, the ideology of patriarchy is presented to her audience while she explains some of the basics of feminism and how they relate to current challenges to gender roles. Hook begins the article by establishing her relevance to the topic by giving specific examples of her childhood living in a patriarchal home. She explains in detail some of the occurrences growing up in an isolated area in a home with patriarchal views and how they affected her. Hook then transitions into her professional life as a feminist and shows her views on patriarchy, gender roles, and gives a possible solutions to the societal issues brought about by patriarchy. The relevance of patriarchy is brought to the forefront in this article addressing the cultural denial of patriarchy by society. Hook explains how children growing up even in single parent families or non-patriarchal families still get patriarchal ideologies from the world around them. Approaching the end of the article Hook begins to go into detail on the impacts of patriarchal views on both men and women. Hook references patriarchy’s impact on gender roles. She pleads for the acknowledgment of patriarchy and its harmful effects on society and focuses on its effects on males. Hook concludes by giving a solution to the ill effects of patriarchy, stating it must be taken seriously, and addressed by men and women alike.
What is feminism? According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary the standard definition defines feminism as “the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes.” I believe the word feminism means a woman who is capable of doing the exact things a man can do. Both men and women are equal regardless the gender. There are many misconceptions when it comes to the word feminism such as, women having hatred towards men, women thinking they're above men, or only women can be feminist, and the gender stereotype. On the other hand, feminism is gender equality, acknowledging that any kind of violence is unacceptable regardless the gender, and realizing that women and men are not the same and recognizing that gender and sex are
bell hook is a famous feminist author who wrote the book “Feminism Is For Everybody” hooks attempt to create a quick, simple start on feminist history, theory, and politics to the masses who receive a misinformation, misunderstood, and maligned version of the feminist movement. Hooks says “To understand feminism it implies one has to necessarily understand sexism”.We define feminism as the advocacy of women 's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.Where she simply define and shows that being feminism does not mean women have to become mean or they are better than men,she simply saying that men and women need to be equal like the civil right movements. The book begins with a brief statement of feminist political positions, then discusses some history of the movement.She discusses the change in the movement from personal to groups where women have close relationships with one another and began to feel personally empowered by their participation in the establishment of large, and how some women feel like they are working for the high middle-class women.Every single time it doesn’t matter you a women or men, you will always have someone in the higher level than you.hooks feel like it will very exciting for the women who have the power to work with other so they could build each other up..Hooks views the formation of large women’s organizations as the beginning of a stage where the movement took on the role of
What is feminism? The definition is often argued over by feminists and anti-feminists. Feminists believe that the expectations for women are far too high to be attainable for most—they are expected to be the perfect weight, the perfect height, the perfect everything in the eyes of society in order to be seen as worth anything. Feminists believe that women are seen by society as less powerful, less smart, simply less than men. Feminists also believe that feminism promotes gender equality, not misandry. They aim to fix this. Anti-feminists, on the other hand believe that feminism is women being obnoxious and putting themselves above men. They think feminism in 2015 in unnecessary. Women already have the right to vote, what more could they possibly want? This oppression is just one reason why feminism exists and—in my opinion—is extremely important in today’s world.
It's mostly about gender imbalances… But feminism is also concerned with racism, homophobia, etc. It's really about being observant about injustices and being committed to correcting them, not just tolerating or excusing them.” I am aware that these responses are about seven or eight years old but I believe they are still relevant to feminism
In chapter 2 of Feminism is for Everybody, Hooks main point of focus is the idea or concept that “feminist are made, not born” (Hooks 7). I fully agree with Hooks quote that says “feminist are made, not born.” Without learning what a feminist truly is we cannot become a feminist because we lack the knowledge of the concept. Nobody is born knowing, therefore we cannot be born feminist. We are all born without knowledge and power. This only changes through time as we experience and learn from others. As we go through life in a world ruled by patriarchy we learn that men are the strong leaders of the world. Women are sweet and fragile creatures that need men in order to be safe from the world. We are all labeled to be what the world believes we are. Feminism in the same way is learned. Just as we are taught to learn who we are, we can learn what feminism is and decide if that is a lifestyle we want in order to change the ideas that we are often taught while growing up.
Feminism is the movement that promotes equality for men and women in political, economic and social issues. Feminists believe that women are oppressed due to their sex based on the dominant ideology of patriarchy. Going against social norms of patriarchy will result in liberation for women, men, minorities, and gays. There are many different types of Feminism, which includes Liberal, Radical, and Social Feminism. Liberal feminism is reformist who believes in the viability of the present system, which includes education and employment. These types of feminists believe that oppression exists because of the way in which men and women are socialized, which supports patriarchy and keeps men in power
The definition of feminism is very elusive. Maybe because of its ever-changing historical meaning, it’s not for certain whether there is any coherence to the term feminism or if there is a definition that will live up to the movement’s variety of adherents and ideas. In the book “No Turning Back,” author Estelle Freedman gives an accurate four-part definition of the very active movement: “Feminism is a belief that women and men are inherently part of equal worth. Because most societies privilege men as a group, social movements are necessary to achieve equality between women and men, with the understanding that gender always intersects with other social hierarchies” (Freedman 7).