
Feminism Double Standards

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I hate the word ‘feminist’. It just spits out noxious fumes, choking my lungs one word at a time. Sitting in assembly, not long ago, I recall her majesty, the prefect spill her guts about her “life changing feminism journey” and how “all men are patriarch pigs”. My brain explodes. It’s infuriating; the urge to throw a million daggers, killing those idiotic theories is overwhelming. What right does she have to choose who should be preferred for a job between two equally skilled individuals? Instances like these make me realise that the whole feminism movement had gone a bridge to far. No longer is it about gaining equality between the sexes, but rather a fight to prove women should rule the world, stamping out every man who dares crossing paths. …show more content…

It provides a forum to bash previous generation’s treatment of women. Yet what they fail to see is that they themselves are catalysing a revolution which is a perfect mirror sequence to the events that have previously occurred. Instead of males having superior rights compared to women, it’s now feminists “male-hating”. The extent of these double standards is purely disgusting. Propaganda has created a false banner of equality, used as a powerful weapon to silence anyone who dares questions the merits. What they can’t seem to realise is that two wrongs don’t make it right and an eye for an eye makes the whole world …show more content…

The four-letter word shouted at rugby games, and recently a new word which rarely fails to inspire vast hatred, ‘feminism’. Now let’s get things straight, I don’t think whatsoever that men oppose equality – not at all. But rather, because of the portrayal of feminism by these radical Nazi-like feminists of today, the word often goes hand-in-hand with toxic anti-men sentiments, “I believe women have a capacity for understanding and compassion which man structurally do not have, and cannot have ever” – Barbara Jordon. For this reason alone the brand and image advocated has become an easily attainable easy punch bag, the face of the enemy to easily target anger

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