Feminism, when people hear the word, they may want to scamper as quickly and far as they possibly can. First, feminism is defined as "The belief that women are and should be treated as potential intellectual equals and social uniform to men." When I bring the word Feminism up in a discussion with my classmates, many of them want to get away from the conversation. Why is it wrong to want equal rights for all people? Feminist are not against men, feminist want the best for everyone. Saying anything else would make you misogynistic (prejudice against women.) or a misandrist (someone who is prejudice against men.) Second of all, Feminism, by its nature, embraces the belief that all people are entitled to freedom and liberty within reason, including
4.) The term feminism means the support of women rights to have equality of both male and females and the social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men. I agree that women should have equal opportunities to men. I think equality is a positive thing for society. We should all be respected and treated equal regardless if you're male of female. Feminism is a positive thing in my opinion.
Feminism -” is the belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes.” It's a belief that man and woman have the same equal rights. I believe some people in a religious group againt feminist because they don't believe that a woman is over to a man. Like in a church don't allow woman to preach in a service. But in some degree, both man and woman are one when it comes to marriage relationship in raising kids or getting a job. Both have the equality to provide the needs of the family. This generation a woman almost can do the work of a man. For example: Truck driver, Nurses, Doctors, Business person,
Most people don’t understand the basics of the idea, and the practice of feminism. Feminism is historically a multicultural cause. Today's feminist activists are women and men of all walks of life who seek to combat racism, sexism, classism, etc. Feminism doesn't just liberate women; it also liberates men by breaking down the standards which society has put in place for both women and men. Women are very much still behind men in multiple ways. Furthermore, Feminists not only believe in equality between men and women, but also in equality between every gender, class, race, and sexual
Feminism can be defined as “the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.” It is something that is debated all throughout society today. However, the problem of whether or not women should be equal to men has been around for much longer than any of us.
Feminism is the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. There are many movements that are trying to express this belief to others. Feminism is an empowering movement to women and men. Women are willing to stand up and fight for their rights. Not only does feminism express the belief of equality for both genders, it also is showing the new generations that is okay to stand up for what you believe in. Feminism shows courage and acceptance of yourself. It demonstrates boldness and bravery to people around the world.
Feminism is the radical notion that women are human beings. It’s a quote that has been attributed to dozens of women throughout history, but no matter who whispered those wise words, they still hold a significant impact in the modern social body. Much like with the civil rights movement for African Americans, women have won their suffrage and have been granted equal rights; however, also much like the African American people, oppression is still very real for women in the modern social body. The growing disparity between the wages of males and females is frightening, the presence of a rape culture is devastating, and the failures to recognize the right of a woman to choose are cataclysmic. So, if the feminist
Feminism. The word, depending on the person, could leave a sweet or sour taste. It means, simply, “The advocacy of women 's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men”(oxforddictionaries.com). But the connotation varies, from the aggressive to the convincing. When the eight-letter word pops into someone 's brain, they might picture powerful modern and inspiring figures, like Malala Yousafzai, the youngest person, male or female, to receive a nobel peace prize, or Emma Watson, an actress in Hollywood protesting wage gaps. But the negative connotation is much more widely known. According to theyoungpost.com, “in a recent poll in the UK carried out by YouGov, only 19% of the public were willing to identify themselves as feminists, but 81% believe women should be treated equally to men”. Those are the same thing right? No, not in the public’s eyes. “A lot of people confuse the core of feminism with the values of being ‘male haters’ and female superiority”, said an article in the Mancunion, Britain’s largest student newspaper. How did it ever fall so far? Feminism didn’t have this rough of a public meaning back when the word was used for the first time. According to The Oxford dictionary, the word feminist came from the french word féministe, and came about in the 19th century. America’s powerful fight for today’s women 's rights began in the late 1840’s. Lead by none other than strong, independant
What is feminism? According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary the standard definition defines feminism as “the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes.” I believe the word feminism means a woman who is capable of doing the exact things a man can do. Both men and women are equal regardless the gender. There are many misconceptions when it comes to the word feminism such as, women having hatred towards men, women thinking they're above men, or only women can be feminist, and the gender stereotype. On the other hand, feminism is gender equality, acknowledging that any kind of violence is unacceptable regardless the gender, and realizing that women and men are not the same and recognizing that gender and sex are
Men and women are supposed to be equals. Women are supposed to share equal rights and opportunities with males, but sometimes women experience discrimination and face inequality. (It’s not only women; people of different genders/sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, and etc. face discrimination still to this day). Some look at this world as if it is a man’s world, and women were put on this Earth to help their husband, have kids, and raise their children. Well, women can do more than that! Not only men, women can be leaders and hold high positions too. Women can go into male dominated professions, and be successful. When feminism comes to mind the first thing I think of is the women suffrage movement. Then I think of the 19 amendment and how it gave women the right to vote (a right we should have had in the first place). Susan B. Anthony is a well-known feminist who believed that slavery should be and would be ended, and not only that she pushed for women to have the right to vote (the right they had been denied at the time). I also think of the early 20th century in America, and several things that happened. There was Margaret Sanger, who in the early 1900’s pushed for people to be educated about sex (sex education). Also, she pushed on the topic of contraceptives which at the beginning many people didn’t like the idea of at first. I also think of women like Coretta Scott King who not involved in the Civil Rights Movement, she was also a feminist. She also had a part in the
What 's the first thing you think of when you hear the word, "feminism?" A hateful, misandrist ideology? A word that is inherently sexist in its spelling? Special treatment for women? Something that only women can believe in? Something that only "man-hating, bra-burning, unshaven, witchcraft-practicing, ugly, lesbians" believe in? Something to believe in when you "can 't get a boyfriend?" Unnecessary because sexism and inequality no longer exist? When it comes to feminism, I 've heard it all-- every misconception, misinterpretation, and myth imaginable.
Feminism is a living word. There can never truly be a one set definition for the word as the term has often shifted meanings to correspond to the time period. Feminists fight for the rights that men have under the United States Constitution and to have the right to not be discriminated against. Any action against any woman, intentional or not, goes against the principles that many women and men stand for.
Feminism is defined as the belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes. Although Feminism is fighting to give women rights, women have taken too far because they are saying that women are superior to men and saying we don't have the same rights as men even though we do. Women say that they are just trying to get the same rights as men even though they already do according to the Equal Rights Amendment written and signed in 1972. Even though that was 45 years ago we are still fighting the same fight
Some people do not understand what feminism is. Or they just don’t know the importance of feminism. Sadly there are women/men that don’t understand what the true meaning of feminism is and they are the people that go all out and say feminism is women over men. They have granted themselves with the internet name as a “feminazi”. There are some people that spread the message of women over men and say that they don’t support feminism, they can also be classified as sexist because women (or men but it’s mostly women) that are titled with this internet name, often mistreat men and blame everything on men. Feminism is equal rights for men and women. Feminists can be men but are often times women, and they are the people that want women to be treated equal like men. Some people as I have witnessed take that to another level and have included things such as violence to be equal for women as it is with men. We strive to have a better future for generations of women, and that includes equal pay for the same amount and quality of work that a man does, the allowance of breast feeding a child in public no longer being something that is labeled as gross because it is a natural thing, and one more thing that can change in school is pads and tampons being free at schools.
Many people are often misinformed or given bad first impressions of feminism. However, feminism is equal rights for all people of different race, sex, gender, and sexuality. Many of the people that give feminism a bad name, include a self-proclaimed feminist that is running for presidency, and meninists who are satirical equal rights activists. In reality, feminism is pro-gender equality and opportunities for all types of people.
To admit or to label oneself as a feminist is to accept a whirlwind of judgment from those around you. It is without a doubt that the word “Feminism” or “Feminist” turns heads, and not necessarily for the right reasons. Many have resorted to mocking, disagreeing, and/or hating Feminism without even having a good grasp of what it is. The stigmas that feminists face are that they are radical, extremist, liberal, lesbians who hate men, refuse to shave and enjoy burning bras (Lee).Conversely, feminists are principally advocates for social justice and equality as well as aim for the establishment of equally divided power between the sexes. It is obvious that many are unaware of and uneducated on the misogynistic injustices plaguing our world and the toxic environment we all live in- both women and men. Feminism is a positive concept that works to eliminate injustices between both sexes and to establish the value of women, thus should be treated as such a concept instead of being a forbidden idea.