
Feminism in the Story of an Hour

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Feminism in the story of an hour

Feminism is an ideology dealing with women 's struggles for the same rights as men. It proposed that all women should be politically, economically, and socially equal to men. The idea arose in the 19th century and is synonymous with the Women 's Rights Movement of the 1900s. Women were discriminated against by males and treated like second class citizens. They did not have the right to vote and married women did not have the right to own their on land. When a woman got married, all of her property went to her husband. Feminism can be traced in “The Story of an Hour” which is about an hour in the life of the main character Mrs. Mallard . . In this story, a woman named Mrs. Mallard …show more content…

This can show the reader that a woman at this time might not even be aware of just how much of herself she has to hold back when married. It seems like Mrs. Mallard didn’t allow herself the thoughts of being completely free from him and what she will be able to do when he’s no longer around, until he was actually dead. The window in the story can symbolize an escape from the traditional gender roles according to the feminist theory. The big comfortable chair is located right in front of it, comfortable possibly meaning that she shouldn’t fear being uncomfortable escaping the typical gender role and becoming an independent woman. Once she sits in the chair she notices all the beautiful things going on outside, “the trees that were all aquiver with the new spring life” is referring to her new life as a woman breaking free from traditional gender roles and experiencing woman’s rights.

When her husband who is actually never really dead in the first place came inside, Mrs. Mallard died right there because when she sees her husband, all her feminine freedom is crashing down around her and now that she has seen the freedom she could have as free woman she could never go back to being under the control of a man and ever be happy again. “When the doctors came they said she had died of heart disease—of the joy that kills” means that when a man has control over a woman, it’s like a disease on

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