
Feminist Research Article Summary

Decent Essays

The article consisted of criticising 20th century western societal pedagogy in respect to the female reproductive system and its role in scientific studies. In retrospect for the reader, the article's purpose was to find the negative implications within scientific discoveries and societal views of gender roles. The article surprised me by illustrating how the scientific community had a misogynistic perspective on describing the female reproductive system and how it furthered skewed information. By the same token, the article was somewhat objective in noting the degrading terms found in those articles, yet gave off a subjective form of criticism that seemed to stem of a personal agenda. The article shared relevant and accurate information that …show more content…

Although, every person is influenced by their culture, morals, beliefs, and socioeconomic status affecting behaviors and views of that individual. In this case, those behaviors or views can be projected onto their research/scientific reports in forms of metaphors, similes, or analogies. As the author of the article mentioned reading various research articles having demeaning connotations of the female reproductive system, many of us have read biased research articles, including myself, that misconstrue information to better serve the proposed views and/or ideas. In the Health Promotion field, the use of comparable statistics sometimes aides professionals in simplifying communication and understanding to a respective audience. One example would be the use of stating statistics to bring awareness and consciousness to a population. One prime example would be the use of an emotional-engaging statement such as; “Every 9.5 minutes, someone in the U.S. becomes infected with HIV,” (this quote was retrieved from Moreover, this statement engages a specific audience, in this case people residing in the U.S. Essentially, it constructs a reality for the U.S. population without further taking into account why or how someone would be able to contract the viral disease of

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